From the moment we wake up until the moment we fall asleep, we all work with our hands, as they are our anatomical tools with which we perform the day-to-day tasks of living; the simple as well as the complex. Some of us use our hands to a greater extent than others in which case they may become painful, tense and stiff. And since the hands are connected to the arms, chances are that the same hard work which applies to the hands also applies to the arms. As a consequence, the arms may suffer similar pains, tenseness and stiffness. A mere five to ten minute Hand and Arm massage can literally work miracles in relieving all these unpleasant indications. However, a good Hand and Arm massage also brings with it a whole battery of other health benefits.

As a matter of fact, our hands and arms have scores of acupressure and reflexology points which are correlated and linked to a number of vital internal organs (appendix, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, stomach, brain, spleen, heart, bladder, colon, intestines, lungs) and to other remote parts of the body (sinuses, thyroid and parathyroid, hips, ovaries, testes, uterus, penis, prostate, spine, solar plexus, thymus, shoulders, knees, neck). A Hand and Arm massage, therefore, does not only result in healing the hands and arms but it also provides curative effects for such cases as poor blood circulation, arthritis, headaches, neck and shoulder pains, backache, digestive and reproductive problems, and so on and on.

Hand and Arm massages are one of the easiest massages to perform on oneself and on others, and they can be safely applied anywhere and to persons of all ages and genders; infants, young children, teens, adults and senior citizens. Furthermore, Hand and Arm massages are harmless to people who are dealing with most health issues, whether they are slight, moderate or severe. Hand and Arm massages provide instant relief from stress, anxiety and nervousness as it relaxes the entire body. However, Hand and Arm massages should never be performed on hands or arms that are affected by any kind of skin disease, infection, inflammation, swelling, bruises, cuts or recently broken bones, torn ligaments, ripped tendons or surgeries. If and when oils or lotions are to be used during the Hand and Arm massage therapy, an earnest verification regarding allergies should be made and any pressure applied must be tailored to the clients tolerance level to pain or discomfort.

A full Hand and Arm massage should ideally begin with the biceps, the muscles in front of the upper arms and those should be pressed and stroked upwards along the biceps from the elbows toward the shoulders and then back and forth across the tendons. When the biceps have had their thorough workout the triceps, the muscles in the back of the upper arms, should be approached with similarly gentle pressing and stroking movement but this time moving downwards from the armpits down to the elbows. Moving on down the arms by kneading the flesh, pressing the muscles and stroke the tendons; the massage therapist should slowly make his or her way toward the hand that is awaiting its turn for a therapeutic workout. The hand portion of the Hand and Arm massage treatment should begin by gently pulling each finger and thumb away from the palm it attach to, while applying firm pressure to any painful or aching areas and then soothing them with moderate rubbing and rolling. The four fingers and the thumb should then be pushed upwards as far as they will go without causing undue discomfort. The thumbs should be used to massage the palms of the hands by applying firm circular motions through the entire palm while intermittently stopping in various areas, particularly those which are sore, to apply steady and direct pressure for a number of seconds. For a soothing effect on the palms and in closing of the Hand and Arm massage therapy session, the thumbs should stroke the surface of the palms in an up and down movements.

A therapeutic Hand and Arm massage can display love, appreciation and devotion more explicitly than any other free gift that anyone can think of. Just ask anyone who has ever been on the receiving or giving end of one.


(Word Count 718)

You Can Help Eliminate Arthritis

You Can Help Eliminate Arthritis
Roger Carr

Are you aware that today over 66 million people have arthritis
or chronic joint pain? On average, that is approximately one in
three people that are suffering from arthritis at this moment.
That is almost as large as the population of Virginia…times 10!

Do you think the chronic joint pain caused by arthritis is
reserved for the elderly? It isn’t limited to those that are
older. Arthritis affects all ages. There are nearly 300,000
children in America with some form of arthritis or rheumatic

If you happen to be one of the fortunate who is not currently
suffering from arthritis, don’t think it is not affecting you.
Arthritis costs the U.S. economy $86.2 billion annually. That is
not a mistake. The cost to our country is in the billions of
dollars each year.

I know several people whose lives are impacted by arthritis and
related diseases. My wife is one of those. Kim continually
experiences joint pain due to arthritis and lupus. She takes
medications daily and frequently visits doctors and physical
therapists to cope with the hurting. Surgeries have also taken
place in the past.

Do you know someone with arthritis? You might be surprised at
what he or she has to go through to deal with the hurting. You
might also be surprised at the limits it places on daily living.

I decided to make a difference. I became a volunteer for the
Arthritis Foundation. They are the only national not-for-profit
organization that supports the more than 100 types of arthritis
and related conditions with advocacy, programs, services and
research. They partner with organizations to offer exercise
programs and courses specifically for those affected by
arthritis. They offer these programs in my own hometown of
Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Each year the Arthritis Foundation holds walks across the
country to raise funds and awareness. My team, the Pain Killers,
participated in the Fredericksburg Arthritis Walk this past May.
We helped raise more than $33,000.00 in Fredericksburg for the
Arthritis Foundation. I now have the honor of being selected as
the chairperson for the 2006 Fredericksburg Arthritis Walk.

I encourage you to honor that person you know with arthritis by
helping with the Arthritis Walk in your area. Get your friends
and coworkers involved as well. There are many ways to get
involved. You will make new friends and have fun while working
to eliminate the #1 cause of disability.

About the author:
To learn more about arthritis and to find an Arthritis Walk in
your area go to or call 404-872-7100.
To join or donate to Team Pain Killers go to
50101&g=1161782. Roger Carr is the founder of Everyday Giving
( and a volunteer with the
Arthritis Foundation, Virginia Chapter.

The Care of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Care of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Leroy Gastering

There are different forms of arthritis each painful and possibly debilitating. Often attributed to those of advanced age, arthritis can afflict anyone and can develop for a number of reasons, depending upon the type. Since this particular disease affects the joints, the agility and mobility of the patient can be significantly impacted as it progresses sometimes to the extent of physical deformity.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of the immune system which often targets the hands of the patient. In addition to great pain and inflammation of the joints, those who suffer from this form of arthritis will often experience a deformity of the hands and fingers. The disease typically affects both hands simultaneously and can cause exquisite pain, swelling and loss of normal function, in addition to severe deformity.
In broad terms, arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints. Where rheumatoid arthritis is concerned, the actual linings of the joints is what becomes inflamed. This causes the cartilage in the joints to grow and swell, which over long term erodes the joints. This is what causes the very characteristic crippling deformities that occur in the fingers and hands of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.
People diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis comprise only 1% of the population. (Vast numbers of people who suffer from other types of arthritis.) This disease affects women much more frequently than men. So far, there is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, the only recognized treatment at this point, is to manage the pain. Doctors prescribe various remedies which depend upon the patient’s medical history, overall profile and other related factors.
Of the many types of pain control, oral medications are often used to control the swelling and pain thats associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Other options include braces and splints which gird weakened joints and remove excessive pressure from them and surgery, in more critical cases. The latter option not only aids in reducing pain, but also provides greater mobility and improves the appearance of the hands. These surgeries may consist of a synovectomy, osteomoty or joint replacement.
When diagnosed early enough, there are many steps that can be used to reduce pain and the other consequences of this type of arthritis. So, even though theres no known cure, if one experiences pain, swelling, or diminished use of the hands, one should contact a doctor immediately. A plan can be outlined to reduce pain, and prepare for future surgery.
No-one should have to live with pain of arthritis, now that so much progress has been made in the field of pain management. The first steps in managing the pain may be as simple as common aspirin or other medications. If they do not work, a doctor will then prescribe medication that specifically targets arthritis pain. But before that can happen,there has to be open communication between the doctor and the patient regarding the pain early in the treatment. So, it is not advisable to suffer quietly in this case.

About The Author

Leroy Gastering is the owner of Arthritis Biz, inc. which is a complete resource center for anything and everything related to Arthritis. For more details please visit