Getting to Know Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

The following article includes pertinent information that may cause you to reconsider what you thought you understood. The most important thing is to study with an open mind and be willing to revise your understanding if necessary.

Whenever someone in the down home or a familiar person suddenly acts strange and the behavior can be associated with some kind of mental disorder, it is important that symptoms must be seen and accurately determined to equal able to know the kinds of treatment since the disease.

Before claiming that someone really suffers from bipolar disorder, it is key chief to identify the symptoms to strengthen the amiable guess.

A sudden gush of excitement cant be categorized as being bipolar. People have the right to be angry, happy, sad and exhaustive those behaviors. Although, when one experiences the disease, it will be vastly unlikely that the person will show a condition that had become tragically habitual. Typically, there are four episodes that a person will engage into if he or she suffers from the disorder. These episodes are:

1. Major Depressive Episode

Someone who is experiencing a uppermost depressive episode in his or her life expresses symptoms like:

persistent emotional feelings of anxiety, anger, sadness, guilt, isolation and hopelessness indifference, apathy or self – loathing appetite and sleep disturbances fatigue and extreme restlessness unable to become interested in usually enjoyable activities depersonalization and extreme loneliness lack of interest in having sexual activities social anxiety and shyness chronic pain that usually triggers irritability suicidal tendencies or morbid thinking

In worst case scenarios, most especially if the person suffering from the disorder never had the opportunity to go into psychological help, he can become rabid which is also known as a severe condition of the disease.

2. Manic Episode

Major characteristics of people who experiences manic episodes are those that have a distinct condition of expansive, irritable or elevated mood state. Someone who suffers manic episodes experience a common insurmountable amount of energy but lacks the capability to carry proper sleep.

Furthermore, the speech of the person is pressured in a way that even thoughts are racing. Attention span is decreased and can be easily distracted. Impairment of judgment onus also be experienced whereas the sufferer consign undergo sprees and abnormal behavior that is quite unusual on his or her part.

Indulging in substance abuse can also be possible. Substances may include depressant drugs, stimulants, and even sleeping pills. Behavior may range from being intrusive or aggressive. Grandiose and delusional ideas may become prominent. During extremes, a person may exhibit psychosis which is a cause that perceives fantasy more than reality.

3. Hypomanic Case

This is the junior part of mania episode. Extremes are less prominent. Symptoms and attitudes are also decreased. When a person experiences a hypomanic episode, he would feel sudden uncontrollable behavior like up out loud even with no specific reason behind it or there might be a reason but it would be shallow.

Duration of the episode occurs only for a short period of time. Oftentimes, this is associated with the artistic mind of the person involved owing to sharp thinking, jog of ideas, and an abnormal increase in energy obligatoriness be seen.

4. Mixed Episode

Mixed episodes usually refer to the combined state of depressive episodes and manic episodes that may occur simultaneously. Some of which are experiencing impulsiveness, racing thoughts, rage, agitation, paranoia, aggressiveness, etc.

It is better that unequaled understands the different episodes a bipolar disorder expresses in order to diagnose the disease earlier and treatment culpability equate performed.
Don’t limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about bipolar. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what’s important.

Understanding Suicidal Tendencies through Bipolar Disorder

Have you ever wondered if what you know about bipolar is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on bipolar.

Before going into the rough details, well have a rerouting of ideas to know the main reasons why people who have bipolar disorder results in suicide.

First, there are generally two types of bipolar disorder which are: Bipolar I and Bipolar II. These two subtypes can be regarded due to symptoms which are appropriate basis for diagnosing the disease.

Bipolar Type I

In this occurrence, the person may at least have one or two manic episodes equivalent forfeit episodes of previous depression.

Bipolar Type II

The person requirement at least have an episode of depression and a hypomanic episode. Hypomanic episodes usually refer to a lesser and much briefer condition compared to a manic episode that lasts only for a few days and not at integral severe.

Hypomania episodes would be associated with elevated moods like fury and changes in everyday functioning that doesnt require hospitalization. Here, depression is much more longer than hypomania.


This is somewhat included in the type but is considered as the milder bipolar form. Compared to the extremes bipolar people are exhibiting, cyclothmia mood swings are moderate.


This is the time when bipolar becomes severe. The person undergoes episodes of delusions and hallucinations that detaches them from reality. Some goes into trust that they are someone or they see and hear things that, in reality, arent there.

With unabbreviated the things related to the disorder, it all goes down to one thing suicide. Because the person can no longer understand what is happening to him, his behavior is taking over his entire contour and is overwhelming his thoughts and feelings. And whereas the person believes that he is incapable of doing anything good, he commits suicide.

Suicide is a sin. But then again, it has become one of the most effective solutions to outrun every inconsistent problem that occurs in someones life. If someone in your family has already been diagnosed of the disorder, it is proper that the members of the family see to it that the person is taken care of.

Any thoughts of committing suicide must have immediate attention to rule out the idealism. It is advisable that the person seeks medical health. The risk for committing suicide will appear within the earlier constitutional of the illness.

To be able to diagnose if a person has suicidal tendencies, apart must observe signs and symptoms such as:

Inutile and helpless feelings

Thoughts about wanting to die or talking about the afterlife

Feels that he or nymph is just a burden for her family and friends

Abuses drugs and alcohol

Writing random good – bye notes

Organizing affairs like preparing for near death

Suicide is possible especially if you know someone who is suffering from an early stage of bipolar disorder. If you or anyone you knows who are feeling suicidal, bipolar or not, always find ways to rid of it like calling a doctor for advice and support, never leaving suicidal common people alone, and making sure that any access of harm that the person can use against himself is no where to be found.

It is important that one understands the different causes of the disorder in order to totally prevent the risk of suicidal attempts. Life is the most important everything to be taken care of. Its a pity to see it wasted.
Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what’s important about bipolar.