Gout Home Remedies

Gout is one of those diseases around which there has grown myths and half-truths and it is no wonder then that gout home remedies have themselves too become the stuff of misinformation.

Once considered the disease of aristocrats and rich old men, gout has since thrown off that guise and is now recognized as an arthritic disease of the joints that can affect anyone regardless of social background.

Basically gout is caused by a build up of uric acid in the tissues around the joints. Uric acid is the waste product from the purines found in some foods and this acid goes on to form crystals that are deposited around the tissues and joints. It is these crystals that cause the intense pain, typically in the big toe, that the gout sufferer endures.

Most of the gout home remedies then are centered around minimizing the effects of a gout attack and then controlling the frequency of attacks.

Keeping a close eye on the diet is a great foundation on which to base all gout home remedies. A low fat, low cholesterol diet is key and should be introduced once gout has been diagnosed. That means avoiding sugary foods and processed foods. But above all eradicating from the diet those foods rich in purines is a great way forward. These kinds of foods are typically, but not exclusively: red meats, seafoods, yeast based foods and liver and kidney meats.

Alcohol, particularly yeasty beers should also be reduced or even cut out of a gout sufferers diet. This is because beer encourages the body to produce uric acid which for anyone looking to manage and reduce their attacks of gout, is not something that should be encouraged.

Cherries are pretty much seen as the champion fighters of gout and many a gout sufferer is urged to include cherries into their regular diets because they so effectively reduce the levels of uric acid that causes the painful crystals to form underneath the affected joints.

Applying an ice pack to the inflamed joint is also one of the gout home remedies that has been proven to work and give ease to the gout sufferer. The ice pack will help to reduce the swelling and can even be wrapped in a towel around the affected joint for prolonged relief. In the same way, the affected joint can be held under a running cold tap for a couple of minutes as this has been shown to give some ease.

Overall what has been proven to be a winning home remedy for gout is to keep the body weight down to a healthy level, cut out those foods listed, keep well hydrated and take as much regular exercise as is at all possible.

Proven Diet Techniques to Prevent and Treat Yeast Infections

What Role Does Food Play In My Yeast Infection?

You may be puzzled by the connection between yeast infections and food. Simply put, what goes into your body must come out. If you eat a lot of sugary foods, the excess sugar will exit through the urine. Yeast, a normally beneficent fungus, can explode when fed a lot of sugar. Although everyone has some yeast, it must be kept in check. Once the yeast fungus is allowed to grow unhindered, it will most likely cause a yeast infection.

What Foods Should I Avoid?

Any foods that feed the yeast should be cut out of your diet. This means you should not eat any sweets; avoid the sweeteners used in most prepackaged foods as well as fruit. All grains are off-limits if you are following a strict version of this idea, even the whole grains we usually consider healthy. White bread, pies, pastas, tortillas, and sourdough are only some of the bread items you may have to do without. Do not eat anything with yeast in it. Mushrooms carry yeast, so avoid them.

Do not indulge in foods based on dairy. Cheese, milk, and flavored yogurt should be on your dont eat list. It is best to drink only water; you should definitely avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee, fruit juices (for the sugar content), and carbonated drinks. You should not eat sauerkraut because of its high amounts of vinegar, and all tomato sauces are best avoided. Do not eat anything that is high in vinegar. Avoid legumes, such as beans, and potatoes; these starchy foods turn into more sugar, which will only feed the yeast infection.

Is There Anything Left to Eat?

Now that the restrictions are out of the way, lets look at some of the foods that can help your yeast infection go away for good. Most dark green vegetables are good for you and can be eaten as you fight the yeast infection. Green beans, spinach, arugula, and brussel sprouts can all be enjoyed safely.

Garlic actually fights back against the yeast infection. You can eat it raw, incorporate it into a recipe, or even use it as a suppository. If it is placed in the vagina, it can act as a natural yeast-killer. Seaweed also keeps the yeast population from expanding. While seaweed can be eaten (and enjoyed) raw, you may prefer to use it as an ingredient is a recipe, such as soup. Most raw nuts are allowed, although peanuts are not a good choice. You may want to drink herbal teas or freshly squeezed lemonade to add a bit of variety to your mealtime.

If you want to dress up a salad, you can toss it with olive oil or an apple cider vinegar that remains unpasteurized. You should definitely eat plenty of yogurt; it contains acidophilus, a good bacteria that will help kill off the excess yeast.

By eating the right foods, your yeast infection can be eradicated.