Manage the Pain of Osteoarthritis

Manage the Pain of Osteoarthritis
Kamau Austin

Manage the Pain of Osteoarthritis

The Mayo Clinic refers to osteoarthritis as a “wear and tear”
condition that effects people as they age. It is a degenerative
disease and is the most common form of arthritis. It is one of
the most common causes of disability among adults. More than 20
million people in the United States have the disease.
Researchers project that in the next 25 years over 20% of
Americans-beyond the age of 65 will be at risk for

Today, more than half of the population age 65 or older would
show x-ray evidence of osteoarthritis in at least one joint.
Both men and women have the disease with more men getting the
disease before age 45, and more women getting the disease after
that point.

Osteoarthritis may affect any joint in the body and it is
characterized by a breakdown in the cartilage between the
joints. The most common joints affected are the hips, knees,
lower back, fingers and feet.

Osteoarthritis often develops slowly and quite often there are
no symptoms. A person affected with the disease may not know
that they have it until it is revealed during a routine x-ray.

People with osteoarthritis may have one or more of the following

– Pain in a joint during or after use; or after a period of
inactivity, such as after a night’s sleep. – Pain in a joint
during a change in weather. – Swelling or pain in a joint, after
use. – Bony lumps on the end or middle joints of the hands –
Loss of flexibility

Interestingly, the first year of onset of the disease may bring
acute pain, that then fades within a year or so of its
appearance. This is especially true of osteoarthritis of the

The exact cause of osteoarthritis is not known but some
researchers believe that we are more susceptible to
osteoarthritis as we age. It may be caused by a combination of
factors, including being overweight,aging, a previous joint
injury, heredity and muscle weakness.

The pain of osteoarthritis can range from that of a minor
inconvenience for some sufferers, to chronic and debilitating
for others. In cases where pain is severe, joint replacement
surgery may be considered.

There is no cure for osteoarthritis, and treatment is geared
towards reducing pain and increasing joint. Treatment may
include medication, physical therapy, occupational therapy and

Pharmaceutical medication is used to treat the pain and may
include, over the counter topical pain relievers that are rubbed
into the skin at the effective joint, NSAIDs and acetaminophen
taken internally to help with pain.

Prescription medications may include COX-2 inhibitors such as
Celebrex may be considered for relieving pain, But both Celebrex
and the recently removed from the market durg, Vioxx, are now
linked with some rather serious side effects including, high
blood pressure, and an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.

For some people, a side effect of living with chronic pain is
depression. Since disturbances in sleep may accompany
osteoarthritis, anti depressants may be prescribed because they
can reduce chronic pain a well as help to alleviate sleep

From time to time a doctor may suggest that an osteoarthritis
patient receive injections of corticosteroid, which when
injected into the joint space can offer some relief from pain
and inflammation.

Surgical procedures can provide pain relief and relieve
disability that may result from the deterioration of the joints.
These procedures may include joint replacement; repositioning
bones and fusing bones.

The surgical procedures and prescription medications may be
overkill in the case where the osteoarthritis sufferer has only
mild pain and inflammation. There is much that the mild or
occasional sufferer can do to alleviate their pain ontheir own.

Life-style changes can help the condition so dramatically that
it is sometimes the only treatment the occasional suffered will

Some things that you can do to help with the pain and stiffness
are: – Exercise regularly – Control your weight – Eat a healthy
diet – Apply heat to alleviate pain – Choose appropriate
footwear to help support your back and hip joints. – Apply cold
for occasional flare-ups – Practice relaxation techniques

In all cases osteoarthritis sufferers can benefit from making
some changes in how they approach everyday activities. – Arm
yourself with information and a “can do” attitude: Work with
your health care professional to take control of your treatment
and actively manage your arthritis. – Make use of a brace or
cane if needed. A brace can greatly help to support a painful
knee. And walking with a cane can help support an ailing hip.

– Keep activity within your limits. Osteoarthritis can make you
prone to fatigue and muscle weakness. Take a short nap or rest
when you fell tired. – Avoid straining your finger joints. Use a
kitchen tool or hot water to help with opening jars and bottles.
Kitchen centers and hardware stores are beginning to carry a
supply of kitchen aids to help with simple tasks that may be
difficult for osteoarthritis sufferers.

– Take breaks. Periodically relax and stretch. – Maintain good
posture. Good posture more evenly distributes your body weight
making it easier to support.

Regardless of the approaches that people take to dealing with
their osteoarthritis almost everyone can benefit from the use of
natural supplements. Glucosamine. is a naturally occurring
substance that has been shown to be extremely effective in
treating osteoarthritis.

Phosoplex is a natural supplement takes glucosamine one step
better by combining it with Bio Cell Collagen II, a
concentration of many elements including glucosamine.

The makers of Phosoplex have a valid point when they tell us
“…If we consume only single elements involved in the complex
process of keeping our joints and other connective tissue
healthy we could only expect partial effectiveness.” Phosoplex
with its full spectrum of essential elements provides broader
nutritional support aiding the overall health of individuals

More information about Phosoplex can be found at

About the author:
Kamau Austin is a health and fitness enthusiast and advocate. He
is also the publisher of … .
He writes on a regular basis on timeless health and fitness tips
at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful health and fitness
news and tips at…

How To Prevent Strokes

When blood circulation in the brain fails, the result is a stroke. Also known as a brain attack, brain cells die from decreased blood flow and lack of oxygen. The two main categories of a stroke are those where a blockage of blood flow to the brain and those caused by bleeding in or of the brain. Not usually life threatening, the blockage of a blood vessel in the neck or brain a causes roughly 80 percent of all strokes. Bleeding into the brain or surrounding areas of the brain causes the second kind of strokes or a hemorrhagic stroke. Sudden numbness, confusion, speech slurring, dizziness or loss of balance and headaches without cause are the symptoms that some suffering from a stroke may experience. Prevention is the key to managing your risk and prevents you from having to go through the damaging effects of a stroke. Simple lifestyle changes can greatly reduce your risk for strokes and increase your overall health simultaneously.

Many factors contribute to a persons risk for stroke, age is one of them. Anyone can have a stroke at any age but a persons risk increased double after the age of 55. African Americans unfortunately have a higher risk for strokes than other races. If you have suffered a stroke in the past or have experienced a mini stroke, this increases your chances of having another in the future. Alcohol use and smoking both are contributing factors of persons who have suffered a stroke and being overweight. Persons with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and irregular heat rhythm can cause a person to have a stroke. The ways to reduce your chances of having a stroke are many and very manageable and will produce some beneficial life changes. First and foremost, stop smoking. If you smoke, stop as soon as you can. Smoking is the major cause of numerous illnesses. Drink less alcohol and loss weight if you are overweight.

Try your best to control any other illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure and change your eating habits. You have the power to prevent strokes by incorporating any or all of these very minor lifestyle changes. One of the most effective methods is to eat healthier foods. Almonds, apples, cinnamon, fish and oatmeal all contain ingredients that lower cholesterol and heart diseases as well as the possibility of having a stroke. Dark chocolates, tea, and strawberries are other foods that contain nutrients that benefit the body and help to maintain good immune systems. If you have suffered from a stroke in the past there are things that you have control over to prevent the reoccurrence of strokes. Prevention of a reoccurrence of a stroke and maintaining good health include medications and getting regular exercise to control heartbeat and breathing. Reducing your intake of harmful agents like caffeine, animal fats, and sugars and limiting your intake of processed foods. The most important thing is to rearrange your lifestyle to a healthier way of living, taking care of your body in whole to prevent diseases of all kinds to improve your quality of life for the long term.

No matter if you are above the age of 55 or if you still have decades to go, you definitely need to consider the prevention of strokes. You may have had a horrible diet and awful exercise habits in the past, but changing can help you see positive effects right away. On top of the mental clarity that comes from physical health, you can prevent things like strokes from happening. So tomorrow instead of wasting time in front of the TV or reading the paper, you should get your tennis shoes on and go for a run or a brisk walk. If that doesnt sound like your cup of tea, you can also benefit from stretching, swimming, playing tennis, or any other physical activity that you enjoy.

How To Get Moving, Stay Fit, And Stay Motivated

When it comes to staying or getting into good shape, motivation may be hard to come by. As the seasons change so do our motivation to stay in shape. Holiday schedules, cold winter days, and all those convient gadgets that keep us from drudging up the motivation to get in shape or maintain a daily routine of exercise are definite culprits. But we should be totally aware of the effects that inactivity has on the body.

Heart disease, stroke or diabetes is just some of the unhealthy affects of inactivity in the body. The good news is that studies show without discrepancy that these affects can be prevented or reversed; meaning that switching from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one can be extremely beneficial over time. Exercise alone, without change in diet, can greatly reduce the risks for these diseases even in small amounts. Doing what ever you can to increase your motivation to exercise is the first step to overcoming the lack of motivation to actually do it. Any of the arrays of methods to motivate you will be of great importance. Listening to music while running, simply finding out the exercises that you truly enjoy, setting particular times when exercise is the main focus of the day, all help you to stay motivated to stay in motion. Developing a habit or pattern for exercising is the best way to stay motivated; your body will become accustomed to working out heavy at a certain time each and every time. Your mind posses the ability to create positive ideas that leads to positive actions allowing you to live a strong and healthy life. Positive self talk can do wonders for motivation as well as just viewing the results of previous attempts (i.e. thinner waistline, six pack, etc). Self encouragement is the ultimate motivation. Youll have no one to thank but yourself.

Fitness motivation is the essential part of changing your body, so creating a fitness motivation plan maybe the answer for you. For men, setting goals and providing adequate challenges work best. Changing scenery from indoors to outdoors may be the answer. If you just dont feel like exercising or giving up on an established routine, constantly reminding yourself that the pay off is great will help. Psychological benefits like increased confidence, self-esteem, and relief from anxiety, stress and depression and better sexual performance can be all the motivation thats needed. Remaining realistic about your goals will also aid in the fight to stay motivated to exercise. Setting a goal that is extremely difficult to obtain is depleting and counterproductive. Achieving a challenging appropriate goal boosts pride, satisfaction and will create more motivation.
Making the exercise routine fun by adding variety in routines, exercises, or persons that you exercise with is a likely way to stick to any exercise routine.

If you are not particularly knowledgeable when it comes to fitness issues, you should consider hiring a professional trainer to help you out with your routine. This can take a lot of the mystery out of getting fit, as your trainer will custom tailor exercises and routines for your bodily needs, so as to maximize the results that you see. This is a slightly costly thing to do, so you should be sure about your commitment to exercising before you spend money to hire a personal trainer. You can also use the amazing technology of the internet to tap the brains of professionals. There are many different blogs that are updated daily with exercise routines that anyone can do.

So setting attainable goals, adding things to increase enjoyment of the exercise routine, challenges, and the addition of a buddy to assist are all great ways to stay motivated, stay fit, and most importantly stay moving. You will benefit in the short term, and in the long run as well with physical and mental benefits in almost every way.

Help With Quitting Smoking

Enhancing the quality and length of your life by quitting smoking is a worthwhile effort. It is definitely not an easy task, but it can be accomplished with time and patience. To quit smoking successfully, finding out what your options are. Knowing where to go for help is a wise first step. Quitting smoking is the best move that you can make for your health and the health of all of those around you. Just about everyone knows by now that smoking causes diseases that shorten your life or those that may even end it. Diseases such as lung cancer, throat, esophagus, bladder, and kidney, and pancreas cancers are some horrible things caused by smoking for a start. Not to mention some leukemia, stomach, and cervix cancers, and newly added by the Surgeon General is pneumonia. People who smoke are more than three times as likely to die due to heart attack as non smokers. Smoking is a major risk factor for a disease that narrow the blood vessels that transport blood to the limbs and muscles called peripheral vascular disease as well as the disease that causes some strokes.

If thats not enough to convince you to stop smoking, lets look at your appearance. Premature wrinkling of skin, chronic bad breath, discolored fingernails and hair, and an increase risk of macular degeneration a leading cause of blindness in the elderly. Smoking over the age of thirty-five if you are a woman can put you in a high risk group for stroke, heart attack, and blood clots of the legs, low birth weight of babies and miscarriages. But the hopeful portion of this message is that if you decide to quite regardless of how long youve smoked or how much, quitting will help you to live longer. In as little as twenty minutes after quitting smoking the heart rate and blood pressure drops and in one to nine months following quitting smoking, circulation in your hands extremities and lung function increases. Shortness of breath decreases and your lungs begin to function properly, cleaning the lungs and removing mucus that causes infection. Fifteen years of non smoking and your risk of heart disease is that of non smoking persons. These benefits can be obtained from quitting smoking even if you are suffering from a smoking related illness already. Smoking is less socially accepted now more than ever. Smoking bans have been placed in just about every workplace in the nation along with airports, public buildings. Even friends may insist that you not smoke in their houses or cars. Some people may even find dating more difficult because of a bad smoking habit. So the social impacts of not smoking will probably change your life for the better if you quit.

If you have a family, that is another great motivation to quit smoking. The main reason is that the secondhand smoke could pose serious health problems for others who do not deserve such things. You should also consider what kind of role model you are being to any small children that you live with, whether they are your own kids, siblings, nieces and nephews, or any other relation. You may be living with kids who look up to you as an authority figure, and if you teach them that smoking is alright you will feel very guilty later in life.

Some of the many new products used to help an individual to stop smoking are really very effective. Counseling services, reading materials, medicines, and patches are all widely available and have produced some amazing results. Educational materials alone may be the best beginning start to an attempt to quit because once you know what kind of damage you are doing to your body the prudent and reasonable person will definitely see that it is the very best thing to do. However, it has been documented and researched that the highest success rates occur when a combination of methods are used simultaneously. Take the time and do it for yourself and your loved ones, quit for life.