The Unknown Cause Of IBS

Not many people know about irritable bowel syndrome. Perhaps because not much is known about it despite the fact that it affects a lot of people. In fact, statistics in the United States have shown that one out of five people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. That is roughly about 20 percent of the population. That is pretty prevalent for a disease that is not so known.

In fact, most doctors believe that the numbers should be even higher. The lack of information has contributed to a lot of misdiagnosis and under diagnosis. Patients, it seems, do not even know that they have irritable bowel syndrome until after a few years when the symptoms are already getting out of hand.

With irritable bowel syndrome, the symptoms are often mild. In fact, among patients suffering from the disorder, about 70 percent of them only have mild symptoms at the onset. This is the reason why the problem is not detected early on.

Irritable bowel syndrome does not have a specific cause. Up until now, doctors cannot still pinpoint what causes the problem in the first place. Although much research has already been done about, there is still no clear cut answer as to what exactly starts off the problem. One existing theory in the medical profession is that people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome have very sensitive large intestines or colon. Because of this increased sensitiveness, minor changes in the chemicals and substances that enter the chamber sets off a series of reactions that affect the movement of bowel in the body. Another possibility is the role of stress in the problem.

This happens when stress brings on changes with how the body responds and work internally. Although stress is not the cause, many still believe that easing stress can significantly improve the condition. This is true. In fact, some doctors also recommend undergoing some psychotherapy to help the patient deal with some of the stressors in his life. Another triggering factor that are being researched upon are milk and other milk products that are said to often trigger irritable bowel syndrome.

Because irritable bowel syndrome has no specific cause, diagnosis often relies on the account of symptoms that come from the patient was well as the medical history. There is no specific test that can detect the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome. The most that doctors do is to make sure that other problems are not causing the symptoms. Hence, they will give you a number of tests designed to test other diseases and not irritable bowel syndrome.

Depression Anxiety Treatment Options

Most doctors will prescribe antidepressant medications to help treat depression and anxiety. They are not a cure though. These medications can treat some of the symptoms of depression and anxiety; however they have no effect on the underlying stressors contributing to your depression and anxiety. Therapy is necessary when lifestyle changes are in order.

There is research that proves that therapy can be just as effective at treating anxiety and depression as some medications. In fact, therapy can often help where medication cannot. Antidepressants only work as long as you are taking them. Once you have weaned yourself off of them, if no changes have been made to your lifestyle, then the stressors and other contributors remain.

This can actually cause a relapse. Therapy offers coping mechanisms, emotional insights, and the skills required to change your lifestyle and get rid of the contributing stressors. Sometimes medication is necessary in severe cases of depression and anxiety. This will help boost your mood so you can gain the energy to seek out and focus on effective therapy.

Therapy and medications are not the only forms of treatment available. Other effective routes include support groups, meditation, exercise, stress management, techniques for relaxation, and taking steps towards self-help. These types of treatment involve more effort than others, but their advantages usually outweigh any of the negatives. They can boost mood and energy levels just as effectively as medications in milder cases of depression and anxiety.

Recovery from depression and anxiety starts with making positive choices in your daily lives. Eating healthy and exercising can have a huge effect. Research indicates that exercise helps people feel more in control, increases self-esteem, offers a distraction, improves overall health, helps cope with stress, and decreases the chance of sleeplessness. It is hard to get motivated to start exercising when you are depressed or anxious. However that is exactly what you need to do. Exercise can offer a more immediate relief to how you feel than any antidepressant medication.

Depression often makes you feel like you have no energy to even get out of bed, let alone do exercise. By taking easy steps it is possible to add activity to your daily routine. Remember to keep it simple. Set your first goal of the day to get out of bed, get outside, and walk around the block. You would be surprised what a little sunshine can do for your mood. Then add a little more each day. Also, take it easy. Your body may not be used to physical activity and the last thing you want to do is overexert yourself and cause injury.

Feel good about what you have accomplished, no matter how little. The best way to add some activity is by doing what you enjoy. If you like to do yoga, then do yoga. Do not force yourself to go to the gym if that is not enjoyable. This would defeat the whole purpose of exercising to feel better. Sometimes, exercising with a friend makes it easier. Just make sure it is someone who is supportive and encouraging, and someone whom you can talk to.

The best treatment is found by working in conjunction with your doctor. S/he will be able to help you monitor your depression and anxiety and make necessary recommendations. They can also help you to work out the positive lifestyle changes needed to regain control over these illnesses.

Anxiety And Depression Treatment Are Available On The Internet

Recently, research has been done to prove that, in some cases, internet based therapies can be just as successful as face to face therapies for battling depression and anxiety. It is a known fact that sufferers of depression and anxiety do not get adequate treatment. Cost and time are often why people are now seeking out treatment via the internet rather than with their doctors or healthcare professional.

Seeking treatment via the internet is cheaper, saves time, and is more immediate than calling to make an appointment at a later date with your doctor which will result in healthcare costs and usually time spent away from work. Although this appears to be a trend, it is not recommended for individuals with moderate to severe forms of depression and anxiety.

One of the reasons this form of treatment may be so successful is that it is convenient and it self-motivating. The patients are forced to rely on themselves for motivation to post their results online. This allows them to be responsible for their own thoughts and treatment. It allows them to be more in control of their lives.

Computers do not get distracted so each person can focus on their progress individually. It appears that people are almost more motivated to beat their depression and anxiety via this form of treatment than others. Some people are able to open up more because of the anonymity of the internet.

You can divulge your fears, stressors, frustrations, and aggravations all the while remaining anonymous to the masses. People are more prone to breaking down their barriers and revealing their true selves when they can still hide behind the curtain of the internet. The computer can be turned off but people cannot. It is easier to walk away from the computer than a face to face interaction.

Research has also found that psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists will not be out of a job any time soon. Many patients still seek and crave the one on one interaction therapy can offer. Even group therapy is still needed for those that need the social interactions. What is being suggested is that internet treatments can be used in conjunction with the tried and true methods of therapy and medications to enhance their effectiveness.

One of the downfalls to treatment via internet is the isolation factor. Research has shown that internet use has drastically increased in recent years and, for some individuals, has turned into an addiction. Many longitudinal studies have shown that increased internet use has led to decreased social interaction with their own family.

This means that they are isolating themselves from the very people who may be able to help them the most. This decreased social interaction led to increased thoughts of loneliness, despair, and sadness. Due to these findings, it is imperative that more research be done on the effects of internet use and depression.

Regardless of what methods of treatment you decide to pursue, you should always consult with your doctor to make sure these treatments are right for you.

Teen Anxiety Attacks: Signs, Symptoms and Remedies

All teens, just like any adult, feel anxious from time to time as a normal reaction to stressors. Going on a date, speaking in public, meeting new people, competing in sports, performing on stage, and taking exams are some of the things that make us feel apprehensive. However, some teens experience severe anxiety than others. Some even feel severe anxiety by just thinking about the situation that has yet to happen. And when someone experiences episodes of panics or develops irrational fear over certain events or problems, it is known as anxiety attack.

When is too much anxiety too much?

Excess anxiety is when you feel worry, anxious and afraid for no apparent reason at all. Under normal circumstances, teens worry because of specific things (like what was mentioned above). But there is an obvious difference between healthy anxiety and irrational anxiousness. Teens during an anxiety attack tend to react disproportionately over simple things or events that seem not to cause any excessive anxious reaction to others. In other words, too much anxiety is an unusual reaction over simple or trivial things.

What are the signs and symptoms of anxiety attacks?

Different people react to situations differently. Hence, there are really no uniform symptoms of anxiety attack that are present to all. Nonetheless, teens may show some or all of the following signs: shortness of breath, chest pain, heart burn, smothering sensation, sweating, shivering, chilling or shaking, numbness in the head and face, neck and shoulder pain, palpitation, derealisation or depersonalization, hyperactivity, dry mouth, fear of going crazy, headaches, stomach pain, and other body pains.

Take note that some of the mentioned signs and symptoms can be caused by other medical, psychological, and physical conditionals. They can also be the effects of current medical treatment, side effects of certain medications or the body’s natural reaction to stimuli.

What are the available remedies for anxiety attacks?

Severe cases of anxiety attacks may require prescription drugs to control or reduce its symptoms. Prescription drugs may be antidepressants and benzodiazepines. Antidepressants may take some weeks to take effect so it is important to continuously take medications and not just during an attack. Benzodiazepines, on the other hand, have quick relief effects, usually within 30 minutes, but they are highly addictive, thus it should be used with caution. Remember that medication should not be the first treatment option as there are other effective ways to combat the effects of anxiety.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective ways to treat anxiety attacks or any anxiety disorder for that matter. CBT focuses on the thinking pattern of the patients and replaces negative thoughts with positive ones.

Exposure therapy exposes the person to the physical sensations of panic in a safe and controlled environment. Through repeated exposure, patients gain greater self control and more confidence in facing fearful situation.

Natural Remedies
Proper diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep bring balance to the body, which help reduce the episodes of anxiety attacks.

Massage, aromatherapy, relaxation and breathing techniques promote wellness, relax muscles and ease muscle tension.

Herbal treatments naturally relieve stress and restlessness associated with anxiety, thus solving anxiety problem.

Thinking positively and talking to a supportive person help stop the occurrence of anxiety attacks.