What If You Dont Like Your Chiropractor

Chiropractic care has many benefits. A chiropractor can do more than just alleviate the pain and discomfort of a joint or muscle. Chiropractic care can treat and manage allergies, arthritis, sleep difficulties, earaches, scoliosis, and more. Essentially, if anything is causing you pain or stress, chiropractic care can help. For that reason, you may be one of the millions of individuals who seek treatment. But, what if you get a chiropractor you dont like?

First, examine your reasons for not liking him or her. Be sure you have a good reason. As previously stated, chiropractic care has many benefits. It is usually less intimating than traditional medical care, but some still find it overwhelming. Dont let your fear of seeking treatment mistakenly translate into dislike for your care provider.

As stated above, you should have a legitimate reason for not liking your chiropractor. Two good examples include blame and not listening. Do you need to constantly discuss your pain with your chiropractor? Are they not listening to your explanation of trigger factors or answering your questions? You should not need to constantly repeat yourself. Yes, chiropractors do see many patients, but your medical history is recorded or at least it should be.

As for blame, this is common with parents. Has your child been suffering from lower back pain for years? Poor posture or a heavy backpack may be to blame. At first, you may have written off your childs pain and discomfort as normal growing pains. As the pains continued to get worse or increased in frequency, you may have visited a local chiropractor. You thought you were doing good, but the chiropractor criticized you for waiting so long. This should not happen. In terms of chiropractic care, early is best, but better late than never.

So, what should you do if you truly do not like your chiropractor?

Voice your concerns. A problem cannot be corrected if it isnt first addressed. Unfortunately, this can be difficult for some. Most chiropractors run their own businesses, meaning they are the boss. You have to voice your concerns directly to the individual who irritates you or makes you uncomfortable. Do it. Most chiropractors have great people skills, but not all do. If yours unintentionally offended you, he or she will try to rectify the problem and prevent it from happening again.

Find a new chiropractor. If you fear discussing your concerns with your chiropractor or do and do not see any changes, it may be time to find a new doctor. If covered by health insurance, contact your insurance provider to get a list of chiropractic care centers in your area. Research your options and read reviews online. Ask those that you know for suggestions. You will have to start again and redo all paperwork, undergo new evaluations, and decide on a new course of treatment, but you should get a new doctor that you feel more comfortable with.

Now that you know what to do if you dont like your chiropractor, what should you not do?

Dont stop seeking care. Not all chiropractors are the same. One may blame you for not seeking care immediately, but most will not mention a word. In fact, some will comment that it is better late then never. Some chiropractors will remember every word you say and others will seem like they could care less. Just because you may get one bad apple, dont give up on this beneficial care.

Do not stop showing up for your appointments. For continued care, appointments are scheduled in advance. You may already have two or three appointments scheduled. If you want to change providers, do it. Cancel all appointments first. If you dont, you may be charged for them anyways.

In conclusion, not all chiropractors are the same. A healthy relationship with yours is important to successful treatment. If you are dissatisfied with the treatment received, voice your concerns or find a new provider. If at any point you feel in danger or harassed by your provider, contact the authorities or the American Chiropractic Association (ASA).


Word Count 679

3 Tips On How To Avoid Gray Hair

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here’s your opportunity.

If you want to know when you will turn gray, unrivaled thing you can do is look at your parents. How introductory in your life you’ll gray will depend quite a reaction on genetic factors. Graying is a natural part of aging and happens when the cells in the hair shaft stop making pigment. That lack of pigment will make the hair lose most of it’s color and turn gray. But the good news is that while you may not be able to stop from getting gray you can slow down the process and learn how to avoid gray hair for a while.

Here are some tips you can take that can slow down the mention of your gray hair:

1. I don’t want to sound like a nag, but if you don’t want gray hair early in life, give up the cigarettes. It has been scientifically proven that smoking will maturate your complete body, inside and out, and that aging includes making your hair go gray. If you are serious about preventing gray hair for as long as humanly possible, the first thing you have to do is stop smoking, you’ll look younger everywhere not just your hair.

2. Another thing that has been proven to age you, everywhere, is aggravation. We do live in a especial stressful society, we’re told that every time we turn on the t. v. But what you’re not told is that there are a lot of things you can do to relax. It really depends on the person, some people will find reading a excellent book relaxing while others find it more enjoyable to go on a nice long run. Whatever enterprise for you try to fit in some relaxing activity at least routine, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

Many people leave think they are just too busy to fit in something relaxing, but for midpoint everyone that’s just not true. No matter how busy you are you can probably find a few minutes to de – stress. It’s really just a matter of priorities. Instead of getting stressed out reading the paper or watching the nightly news, why not relax by doing some activity you actually drink in? Pretend like your life depends on it.

3. Are you getting enough metal in your diet? The breakdown that causes gray hair can be found when your body isn’t getting enough copper. The good news is that there are many things you can do to get more copper into your diet. You can take a supplement, or you can eat foods that have a lot of copper according to thanks to lima beans, spinach, yams, and meat.

Away we don’t have to just go with the flow when it comes to getting older. As a matter of fact many of us obtain found that instead of aging gracefully we’d rather just age slowly! There is a new attitude of youth and health in our society. We no longer think of ourselves as old as soon as we cross the 40 year old threshold, as a matter of fact, many don’t think of themselves at old at 50 and over! So if you’re young at heart and want to look your age, you will be happy to learn how to avoid gray hair. These simple lifestyle changes can pay dividends in many aspects of your life, so enjoy!

Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what’s important about beauty.

Proper Ways to Apply Essential Oils

Although essential oils are a mild, natural way to help fight off mental fatigue, stress, sore muscles, and other physical conditions, they are also very potent and need to be applied properly. After you have purchased the perfect essential oils for your condition, it is important to know how to apply them. If used without proper direction, they can have a negative effect which can frustrate you. They may even cause harm if not applied properly.

First, using undiluted essential oils directly on your skin can harm rather than help your condition. Used directly on the skin, essential oils can sometimes leave a rash or a burn. The essential oils are powerful solutions to many issues, but used improperly they can cause painful sores when directly applied to the skin. Diluting the essential oils in cream, or non-greasy oil will keep it from strongly affecting your skin.

Like many creams or lotions, spreading essential oils directly on the skin can cause an overdose. Essential oils are absorbed by your skin quickly. If the oil that you are applying isnt diluted, it can lead to an overdose that will cause a rash, irritation, or skin breakout. It is also important not to have overexposure to sun especially if youve accidentally applied too much. Essential oils and sun exposure can lead to adverse effects.

Even though essential oils are naturally occurring extracts from plants and trees, they are also powerful therapeutic agents. It is important to keep them out of the reach of children. Spreading essential oils undiluted onto a childs skin can be dangerous and leave a very painful breakout rash. If ingested, it can be lethal to a child and the caretaker should contact emergency medical personnel immediately.

When applying essential oils be sure to keep it away from your eyes, nose, or ears. The oils should never be ingested or allowed to enter the internal body. Keeping the essential oils away from openings on your body can ensure your overall health and remove the possibility of an overdose. You may even want to use latex gloves so that they are not improperly absorbed on your fingers.

Never ingest essential oils. They can be harmful or even lethal if swallowed.

Never go into a tanning booth or tan in the sun after using essential oils. Some oils are incredibly sensitive to sun exposure. Citrus oils especially fall into this category. Popular citrus oils to avoid the sun after using are bergamot oil and grapefruit oil.

Before fully using essential oils, make sure to test them on a very small part of your skin. This includes essential oils that you may use in aromatherapy. Apply a small dab to your arm and observe any reaction for twenty four hours. For essential oils that you will apply as a cream, dilute the oil into vegetable oil and apply to the skin. Observe for any reaction for twenty four hours to make sure they are safe for topical use.

Finally, overuse of essential oils can cause dizziness, headaches, or other side effects. If you believe you have accidentally overdosed on any essential oil, make sure to contact emergency response personnel immediately. Although essential oils are mostly therapeutic, using essential oils safely is important for your safety and good health.


Word Count 552

How to Make Your Own Essential Oils

Essential oils are homeopathic ways to help mental issues, fatigue, stress, or even physical conditions. Essential oils are extracts from certain plants or fruits that are distilled and placed in a container. Packaged essential oils are highly potent and very concentrated. Below are basic instructions on how to extract, distill, and cultivate your own essential oils.

Buy a Distiller

The first important item you will need to make your own essential oils is to purchase a distiller. Distillers cost a few hundred dollars, so make sure the one you choose is durable and will do the job well. Distillers have several components to consider. The heater is important to properly steam and heat the plants so that you can extract the oils. The holding tank will decide how much water you will be able to use. Smaller holding tanks will mean less steam. The condenser collects the steamed mixture. The condenser collects the steam and holds it for cooling. Finally, the separator is used to separate the water from the oil.

Decide what plant you would like to use. You can also buy the harvested plants or you can choose to grow them yourself. Some expensive essential oils are only available from other countries such as France. Africa is also a host of several essential oil plants. Make sure to research which essential oil is most useful for the illness that you need to alleviate.

When you receive the plant, you need to dry the plant for the distiller. Drying the plant will dry some of the oil, but it will yield a higher extract product. Drying is a slow process and it should never be done via sunlight. Sunlight can damage the oils and render the plant useless. The distill process should be done immediately after drying is complete.

Add the water to your distiller, and pack the plant material in the container. You dont need to cut or break the plants since the distiller will extract from whole plant material. You can pack the plant matter thickly to make sure you receive enough extract.

Boil the water so that steam starts to form. Keep an eye on the distiller to make sure it does not overflow. It is also important to make sure that the water does not run out. The heat without the water can break your distiller.

You can optionally filter the solutions. By pouring the solution through a cloth fabric, you can catch some of the small imperfections and contaminates that can cause allergies. It will also remove dirt from the solution making it more pure.

Store the oil in a container. The container for essential oils should be dark glass or stainless steel. Never use clear glass or your product can spoil more quickly. The essential oils should be kept in a cool, dark place away from contaminates. Most essential oils have an approximate shelf life of 2 years.

The remaining part of the distillation process that is not the oil is the hydrosol. It contains some of the oil and fragrance material that also has therapeutic effects. You can use the water for other uses such as bath water or a light scent. For others, they prefer not to keep the hydrosol and it is thrown away.


Word Count 551