Sudden Hair Loss Is stress is the cause??

People often fail to realize how stress affects physical health as well as hair health. However, it affects the overall health of an individual. This does not mean stress is always bad. Sometimes, stress is good for making an individual focused towards an approach and deciding better.

In fact, some people perform better under stress and do much better. Stress up to a certain level is good, although there are no fixed parameters to establish up to what level it is good but sever stress leads to disease like anxiety, sudden hair loss and other physical health problems. Many of the people associate stress directly with sudden hair loss.

Telogen Effluvium is a kind of hair loss that occurs due to sever or sudden stress. Heavy stress in a person does the shedding of hair that pushes premature hair follicles into the resting phase. Sudden hair loss due to stress in a person appears within 2 to 3 months after facing of some stressful situations. Although, our hair falls daily and falling of about 100 hairs per day is considered very normal.

In stressful circumstances a person losses almost 300 400 hair per day and almost 70% of the hair scalps. Sudden hair loss is temporary in most of the cases. However, in some of the cases the sudden hair loss problem undergoes continue till the problem of stress is solved.

There is a well said quote, every problem has a solution, and so the problem of sudden hair loss too. Treating sudden hair loss naturally is one of the best way to solve the problem. Are you wandering, how?

Here are few tips to solve your hair loss problems and easing your level of stress:

Do physical exercises: Your body secrets out a hormone called adrenaline that is good for you but when body secrets this hormone in excess, this causes stress and sudden hair loss. Doing regular exercise and physical workout reduces the level of adrenaline hormone in your body. If you do physical workout on a regular basis, your body and mind will be relaxed and you will get much better sleep. Your health will also improve as a result of physical exercise.

Take enough sleep and relax: Take proper sleep and do some relaxation. You do not need special techniques to do relaxation. Only you need a peaceful place, which you have to create, be it your bedroom or office desk. Just sit in good posture, keep your body straighten, do some deep breathing and focus on good thoughts. You can use your office desk during a short tea break or lunch hour to do the same. Include relaxation in you daily routine for 20 minutes or so, daily.
You will notice the significant change in your lifestyle once you start doing this stress busting exercise. Good sleep is very important in easing stress. Sleep enough and sleep properly to ease your symptom of stress. Once your level of stress or adrenaline in your body starts dipping, the hair loss will automatically decrease.

Have good diet: Eat good diet. Take diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals in sufficient amount. Eat whole grain breads, dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, etc) and poultry products like eggs and chickens. Also include in your diet fishes and meats. Avoid added sugars. Eat a lot of leafy green vegetables and whole fruits.

Doing all above will help you in staying in good shape and reliving your stress. This ultimately will solve your sudden hair loss problems.

Stress in Teens Causes Mental Health Dysfunction

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about mental health to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from mental health experts.

People are stressed all the present. Although, a lot of those stressful situations are felt by a teenager, proper management must be done to help the teenager tester up effectively. When stress enters the system and the mind can no longer handle the effects, mental health dysfunction can occur.

It doesnt necessarily mean that the brain will stop working. However, it will not work as normal over it can be. There are a lot of stress factors that causes a person to feel discouraged and misunderstood. It might be a loss of a loved one, a massive surprising change in his vivacity, being bullied or teased all the time, at ease problems and difficulties and school problems can bring so much stress to an adolescent.

What are the causes of stress?

It is a detail that most of the stressors in a childs life are those which cant be easily recognized by the guardian or the parent. These include:

First time or new time events like shifting from primary to secondary insight, moving to a room that makes the child uneasy, meeting a unknown teacher that makes the child pees his pants, or useful to another location are some examples.

Homework that takes away playtime and requires a lot of time to do. Sometimes, teens also need attention and help with their homework but theres no one around to lend a hand.

Unrealistic expectations regarding her performance in school despite the fact that she has already done well. This will invoke fear of not being better.

A loss in the family is particular of the upper factors that a teenager needs to cope up most. Loss also refers to losing a father or mother through divorce. This can raise an emotional fear that will bind him from the truth that tangible can happen to him when he has his own family.

Low self – esteem.

Watching stressful news, reading mindboggling articles like terrorists or natural disasters.

A long – term medical problem like diabetes or something short – term like a fractured bone.

A member of the family experiencing an acute or chronic medical problem.


Financial home problems which oftentimes becomes the reason to stop schooling.

Transitions like these can affect the entire mechanism of an individual. Even though your teenager seems to be very pint-sized to be stressed, they experience it too.

Dealing with stress can be difficult because it is the byproduct of everyday life and situations. One confusing thing regarding stress is that the symptoms connected to it dont always follow promptly the cause of it. Extended trouble about stress is that some may experience it and others do given the same kind of situation.

One ideal affair to do when faced with stress is to learn to cover. You have to teach your teens on how to cope with stress. These suggestions can also be useful with adults.

1. Letting your adolescent practice a healthy lifestyle which includes eating a healthy diet, having appropriate sleep and daily exercise.

2. Provide sufficient time to gibber to your child about his or her day and how he feels about it. Communication is always the best outlet for negativity.

3. Set goals that are realistic and achievable seeing your childs capability.

4. Talk to your child about decisions and options that can make voiced changes in your familys life.

Achieving mental health for your adolescent is possible only if you do your part as a parent.
Knowing enough about mental health to make solid, informed choices cuts down on the fear factor. If you apply what you’ve just learned about mental health, you should have nothing to worry about.

Reducing Stress with Essential Oils

Reducing stress is probably one of the major afflictions that most people attempt to reduce in their daily lives. Stress is a contributing factor to illness in disease in busy people who do not take the time to relieve their bodies of the stress that accumulates throughout the day. Essential oils used in aromatherapy help reduce the stress levels and keep you healthier and happier during the day and in your overall life.

It has been said that stress is the number one killer for people under the age of 40. Even if you think you have your stress levels under control, you can always benefit by reducing stress with essential oils. The health benefits alone are worth your while to try aromatherapy. It is a non-evasive way to reduce stress and relax your mind so that you can sleep better and relax during times when emotions may get the best of you.

Essential oils are a good way to balance your stress and give your body an emotional overhaul. You can even use essential oils at work to help reduce stress as it increases throughout the day. Your work environment is probably the most stressful part of your day, so using essential oils in aromatherapy in your office can help calm and relax you during your work day. Office aromatherapy is a pivotal positive therapy for your body and mind especially during busy days.

Even if you dont go to a corporate job, a home life can also be stressful. Keeping essential oils in your home using aromatherapy can keep the stress of maintaining a clean, proper home at low levels. Essential oils are harmless to children as well, so you can keep the aroma from the essential oils burning throughout your home without harming any family members.

There are several types of aromatherapy essential oils that can be used to reduce stress. Although each of the following oils have their individual benefits, combining them bring an overall high level of therapy for your stress levels. Beneficial essential oils are Basil, Juniper Berry, and Geranium. A second combination that is equally beneficial is a mixture of Chamomile Maroc, Lavender French, and Sandalwood Agmark.


Basil can help clear your mind from stress and strengthen your body and spirit. It brings clarity to your mind that is beneficial for your daily chores. Basil is an ancient therapy used to revive personal well-being and emotional peace. Basil can make you feel strong throughout the day, and it can keep your body maintained with an overall mindful awareness of your emotions keeping them in check.

Juniper Berry

Juniper berry is a strong scent that fortifies the mind and body. It is a distilled berry from a Juniper tree that brings the pungent and effective fragrance. Juniper berry is also a well known fragrance that can eliminate and clear toxins from your bodys system and it sooths the muscles and joints.


Geranium helps stabilize your body and mind bringing a balance of emotions and stress levels. Its nurturing fragrance makes you feel as if you have removed all the bad in life and disbursed it out of your body and into your surroundings. It is especially beneficial to those who feel like their emotions are a roller coaster and out of control. It has a flowery scent and it blends with almost any of the other essential oils.

Although each of these essential oils are highly effective individually, using them in combination can greatly increase your ability to remove stress and help your body heal from the emotional drama. Although essential aroma aromatherapy is not a perfect solution, it can give your body a complete overhaul from stress and harmful emotions. Give these combinations a try and you will notice a difference within just a few days. Use them in the office and you will notice your attitude towards people and life itself will completely turn to a positive outlook.


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