Understanding Natural Stress Anxiety Relief

The natural anxiety relief method has been very effective in dealing with anxiety and stress. There are medical studies that have proven effectiveness of natural stress anxiety relief to a person having anxiety and stress. The natural anxiety relief method should be learned correctly and should be practiced regularly.

Individuals who have used and tried this method have achieved many great results. Many experts suggest that to make this method effective, you have to take it seriously. It is also advised that you practice the method on a daily basis. You can allot 10 to 20 minutes everyday to exercise this simple mental technique.

In this way, mental performance is being developed. You are required to practice this method while you are relaxing or sitting comfortably. You have to close your eyes and concentrate on what the technique instructs you to do. You are instructed to begin after you have rested and relaxed for 2 to 3 minutes. The environment should be quiet. Solemnity of the place should be observed.

The natural anxiety relief technique should not be practiced after you have eaten your meal. It is not also advisable that you exercise it before going to bed. You should at least allot 3 to 5 hours before you sleep or eat when you want to exercise the natural anxiety relief method.

You can reduce and release the anxiety and stress by applying the transcendental meditation technique. Because of its efficiency and great results to people who have tried it, its price value is quite expensive. It may cost for about $2500.00 in the market. A Japanese meditation teacher named Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the late 50s introduced it.

Since then, it was popularized all over the world through books and advertisements on the internet. Testimonies by medical doctors and scientists have proven its effectiveness to get rid of the anxiety and stress. Articles about the beneficial effects of this method were published and released by the American Journal of Physiology. Other books and magazines also followed like the Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and the Journal of Neurophysiology. These books attested its effectiveness to relieve anxiety in a more natural way.

In addition on how you can practice this natural anxiety relief method, you have to be at least 15 years old and above. You should be able to read and understand what is written in the manual. You can also avail the method on audio disks. Some prefer the disks because you can practice it at the same time while following directly the instructions and procedures.

There should be no difference regardless of your sex, profession, religion, political beliefs, race or your perspective on the natural anxiety relief method. It can prove its worth in any case as long it is done the way it should be.

The natural stress anxiety relief method is very simple to perform. There are no difficulties in learning its techniques. Remember that you should follow the instructions carefully. Make sure that you practice the natural anxiety relief technique in a proper and correct way. For great results, you may do two sessions everyday and allot 15 to 20 minutes per session. A regular exercise of your mental thinking is expected to improve. Reduce the anxiety and stress in a natural way for a better life.

Tips on How to Relieve Anxiety and Stress

It begins with alarm. The muscles, particularly in the face and neck, tighten. The stomach feels knotted. The pulse is rapid, the mouth is dry, and the palms are sweaty. Lactase, a substance released during muscle contractions, appears in the blood. Hormones that speed up the heart and constrict the blood vessels are released. Blood pressure rises.

All of these things constitute to a condition that people commonly know as stress or anxiety. Experts define it as the bodys nonspecific response to any demand made upon it.

After this initial response, the body returns to normal, but maintaining normalcy under stress and anxiety requires all the energy of mind and body. If the stress and anxiety continue long enough, normal functioning cannot be maintained, and the initial alarm responses reappear.

In fact, experts say that even a small amount of additional stress and anxiety at this stage can cause breakdown. Scientific reports show that in small animals, stress beyond the point of endurance has proven deadly.

So how do people manage stress and anxiety? What are the ways on how on how to relieve anxiety and stress? Here are some great tips you must muster to fight back stress and anxiety and live your life to the fullest.

1. Exercise

Regular exercise helps to relax a tense body and a stressed mind because it helps uplift depression and improve mood. It can also decrease the activity of the sensory receptors in the muscle, which send information to the central nervous system. Tension makes these receptors oversensitive so that they bombard the nervous system with electrical impulses.

Exercise can also cut down on the overload on the nervous system by quieting the electrical signals from the muscles. Best of all, exercise induces and enhances the ability to sleep restfully.

2. Take out a multivitamin or mineral insurance policy

Physiological and emotional stress can rob the body of important nutrients, including antioxidant vitamins. In times of stress and anxiety, free radicals, such as unstable molecules of harmful chemicals, can increase and sack the bodys health fragments for substitute electrons, parting uninhibited radicals and impaired tissues and cells in their body.

Anti-oxidants, most particularly vitamins E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C protect the bodys healthy fragments by giving up their personal electrons to counteract free-radical attackers. So to arm yourself against a stress-induced free-radical invasion, take a daily multivitamin or mineral induced supplement.

How Does Exercise Acts as Tranquilizer?

Scientists do not understand the precise how and why yet. They believe that certain brain chemicals found in relaxed states are released during exercise.

In experiments with cats, researchers found that the activity of the muscle receptors was reduced when the temperature of the receptors themselves or of the hypothalamus, a region in the brain, was raised. Vigorous exercise is one way of raising these temperatures and, perhaps, of slowing the receptors activity.

Some investigators suggest that the tightening of the muscles associated with tension causes chronic over-arousal and over-activity of the nervous system. Moving the muscles, they say, may be necessary to keep the muscle receptors transmissions to the nervous system at a normal level.

Mental health professionals have begun to study the effects of exercise on emotional disturbances. No one is suggesting that people can quite literally run away from our problems, but one psychologist did find that depressed patients improved significantly after ten weeks of jogging.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that exercise is one of the best solutions to relieve people from stress and anxiety.

Tips on How to Reduce Stress

Stress and anxiety should be managed and reduced as much as possible. Sometimes you get pressured from a lot for the work you do. Here are some tips on how you can manage and reduce stress and anxiety.

1. You can put into notes the things that you do when you are overwhelmed or satisfied. You may set a time frame for the things you need to accomplish. You may mark those things after you have accomplished the tasks. You may also divide by category the workload you need to finish. Make the work a little easier to do by dividing them into chunks and do not push yourself to be pressured in doing the work with limited time.

2. Do your tasks by allotting time for each work. Prioritize first those that have near deadlines. Concentrate in doing the work than thinking how you will finish it. You will feel relaxed and comfortable doing the next tasks after you have finished your first task.

3. Focus on one task at a time. When you are anxious about finishing the tasks that need to be done can bring you stress and anxiety. Reduce stress and anxiety by motivating yourself that you can do the work easily without even being pressured.

4. Reduce the stress and anxiety by learning how to manage your energy. You have to think wisely on how you can categorize the lesser important tasks and those very important ones. Save your energy to those workloads that may need a lot of effort and avoid using much of your energy to low-priority tasks.

5. You may seek help from friends. You could also distribute the workload and delegate the responsibility if you cannot accomplish it on time. You may hire a helper or a baby sitter for your children if you feel you are always under pressure.

6. It is important that you should reward yourself for finishing any work. This can help a lot in reducing stress and anxiety. Always acknowledge the work and the effort that you gave for a job well done. Take a little time cherishing the prize you owe yourself before you do the next tasks.

7. Do not rush yourself on the next task that awaits you. This can create a lot of anxiety and stress. Organize yourself first and prepare the things that you will need for the next tasks. Once you are ready, do the next tasks the way you have started your first. You now have the idea on how to start and how to finish a task no matter how difficult it can be.

8. It is important for you to have a break time during your works. You may take time for a cup of coffee or take a walk at the lobby to release the anxiety made by long hours of working. You may also take time to relax at your seat and make some stretching and deep breathing. This will help you in reducing anxiety and stress.

9. It is advisable that you exercise every day to keep your body active. Exercises have been proven to relieve the body and mind from tension.

10. Give yourself a short vacation after you have finished a stressful work. Assess yourself on the things that you can improve more. Ask yourself about the things that you may think would make you anxious and stressful. Sometimes things are not that serious that you become more pressured and anxious.

Life is wonderful that it should not make you stressful. Always find ways to help your body and mind relax. You do not have to look for complicated methods, even the simple things that relax can help you reduce anxiety and stress.

The Side Effects of Drugs to Relieve Anxiety Stress

When people get sick, the first thing that comes to mind is taking a couple of pills with water then everything will be alright.

Though this works in some cases, people who experience stress due to anxiety have to be careful since these medication may have certain side effects.

One example is when the person uses the drug Paxil to treat a anxiety stress disorder. According to a test done in different parts of the world, people who have depressive disorder will often experience side effects such as sweating, nausea, insomnia, tremor, ejaculatory disturbance and other genital disorders after taking this drug.

People who have obsessive compulsive behavior, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety and post traumatic stress will also experience side effects but only to a certain degree.

Doctors who prescribe Xanax to patients also experience certain side effects. These include allergies, blurred vision, diarrhea, hyperventilation, difficulty in sleeping, painful menstruation, sexual dysfunction and weight gain or loss.

These will most likely happen when the person increases the dosage which is far more than that given by the doctor or when one doesn’t need the medicine anymore. Some doctors say these are the withdrawal symptoms the individual may expereince when these no longer need to be prescribed to the patient.

Another more popular drug used to treat anxiety disorder is Buspar. Some patients have reported to experience the same side effects as those of Xanax. These also include constipation, numbness, speech difficulty, rapid heart rate, twitching, nervousness and muscle cramps.

The drugs available in the market should only be used on a short term basis. Since a lot of patients have shown to have experienced certain side effects, doctors recommend that the patient comes in first for a proper examination before being prescribed these medications.

Given the side effects of these drugs, some doctors recommend the use of natural or alternative forms of treatment. These include the use of herbs which can be inhaled or ingested which has shown to produce the same or better results without the side effects.

Two of these herbs are Kava and Valerian. The person will be able to get relief and feel relaxed similar to those when taking Valium or Xanax. This can also be mixed with other ingredients if the person doesn’t like the smell or the taste when this is being ingested.

People who don’t like natural herbs can try exercising instead. The person can either sweat this off in a gym or produce the same effects by doing some breathing exercises. The individual can go to the gym and do this or buy an instructional video which can be done at home.

Those who are too tired to drive to the facility or buy one off the shelf can also relieve stress by getting a massage. The person can go to the gym and the beauty salon which have professionals and excellent facilities to treat people who suffer from anxiety stress.

The various treatments to treat anxiety stress should be able to relieve without any other pain in return. The best the doctor can do is change the prescription when this happens or try something new. The health professional should explain the pros and cons of each to the patient so the right one can be chosen.