Dry Shampoo-Shortcuts To Everyday Tasks

I guess that it’s no surprise that our lives are busier today and we need to find shortcuts to our everyday tasks as much as possible. One of those everyday tasks is washing our hair. Sometimes it becomes necessary to take shortcuts and when that time comes you can turn to dry shampoo to help save the day.

The concept is simple, you apply a little of this powder to your hair, allow it to reach your scalp where it can soak up any excess oils, then you brush it out. Quick and simple.

There are many scenarios in life where having, and using, dry shampoo can be worthwhile. In this article I will give you some ideas of the convenience of this product as well as some pros and cons in regards to using these types of products.

1. For many of us, our days our very long. It simply isn’t practical to run home after work, but before the gym, and then again before we meet our friends out for dinner and drinks. But that doesn’t mean your look may not need to be freshened up a bit.

That is where the non water method for hair cleaning can come in so handy. The products themselves are light weight and very transportable so you can keep some in a purse, briefcase or gym bag.

Since you don’t need water, all you need to do to make the most out of this product is to duck into the nearest rest room and spend a few minutes and suddenly, your look is fresh and clean.

2. One of the biggest pros, is what has been listed in the point above: convenience. You don’t have to invest time to washing your hair. Of course, most of us (women at least) know it’s not the washing that takes the time it’s the drying and styling afterwards that is so time consuming.

So, being able to get the “just washed hair” look without the investment of time is a really nice time saver during the day. That is the biggest pro about this product.

3. The biggest con is the fact that this is only a short term fix. It just isn’t the same as actually washing your hair. It is a great stop gap until you have more time, but it won’t replace your daily or twice daily shampoo’s.

There can also be the argument that your hair isn’t really clean after a dry shampoo even though it may look and smell clean.

Some people may have a problem with this. They may prefer to invest the time and know that their hair is actually clean as opposed to just “freshened”.

One other point in the “con” column is the fact that you need to be careful about allergies to a certain product that may result in a rash or sensitive area on the scalp.

Also, this product is a case of more may not be better. If you apply too much you may just look worse. It may leave a dusty residue on your hair or scalp that may make your hair look even dirtier than it did before you started!

Using dry shampoo can be a helpful time saver between shampoos but I would recommend that you try a few brands first to see which ones you like and make sure they don’t irritate your scalp. Also, knowing how much to use is important so you may want to give it a dry run at home where you can rinse it out if you need to.

Eczema Treatment, the Natural Way

Eczema has a nasty way of drying out your skin. That means the most upfront way of eczema treatment is to bring back all the moisture it lost, is still losing. But we all know that the moisturizers we see on flashing commercial ads will not do the job. As some people who have tried them for eczema treatments said, those products do not even work skin-deep.

Those much hyped lotions have chemical ingredients that even lead to eczema outbreaks. The reason? The ingredients that supposedly work do not get absorbed by your skin, or they do the opposite of moisturizing: they accelerate skin drying and even irritate it. So much for that. The best case scenario with these commercial lotions and moisturizers is that, when you rub them on your skin, you do get some rehydration, which just as soon leaves your skin.

So what you need is not a stop-gap treatment. Something that helps your skin heal enough so that, by itself, it could retain moisture without much or with no help at all from external applications. You need a substance like Shea Butter, which brings back skin elasticity. That means your skin gets healed not in the manner of a temporary rehydration, but at the cellular level. Elasticity returned means your skin can retain the vital moisture it needs.

Shea gets absorbed quickly deep into your skin, seeping down into the skin layers, and because it has a remarkably high level of fatty acids (a component that is crucial in bringing back skin elasticity and moisture retention), it is probably the best treatment for eczema not seen on ads and posters.

Although other kinds of butter may also have some fatty acid components, the fatty acid in Shea butter is remarkably higher than, say, cocoa butter, and other vegetable butter. This makes this butter catapult to the top of your list of butters to buy as natural treatment for your eczema.

The benefits of going all natural does not end there. Shea butter even helps your skin improve the rate at which it heals burns and wounds, and even curbs instances of ugly scars. This is because Shea has vitamins A and E plus anti-inflammatory capacities. Healing and scar prevention aside, She also provides your skin with UV protection, and a natural shield against air pollutants exposure to which, over time in smoggy cities, can damage your skin.

This natural ways of treating your eczema can also come in blends with other natural products, allowing you to enjoy more benefits from more natural ingredients. When you use Shea Butter in lotions that contain them (but without the ingredients that reduce their effects), you deliver on your skin the most natural eczema treatment there is. When you combine this with some essential oils, like calendula, chamomile, and lavender, the combination heightens the moisturizing effects and prevents skin inflammation.

So do be cautious with flashy commercials pitching moisturizers that promise heavenly moisturized skin, but brings nothing much. Yes, some products might have Shea Butter amounts, but that amount along with some other ingredients, may overall negate Shea’s effectiveness against eczema. Best to go pure and natural.

More medical professionals are getting wind of the effective eczema treatments via Shea Butter. The outcome is that word of mouth coupled with established studies about Shea’s effective and no side effect treatment spreads. This is effective eczema treatment, the natural way.