Sleep Disorder – A Growing Concern in the United States

Sleep Disorder – A Growing Concern in the United States

In the United States alone, it is estimated that approximately 60 – 80 million people have some form of sleep disorder. This number continues to rise. Several of the reasons for the increasing numbers are the aging of the American population, the change in our lifestyle and the obesity epidemic. Of course there are other factors that can lead to a sleep disorder, such as, stress, shift work, illness or genetics.

There are more than 100 different types of sleep disorders. They range in severity from minor to life threatening. People of any age, from infants to the aged, can be affected by a sleep disorder at any time of their lives.

As sleep disorders increase in the United States, so do the dangers that are associated with them.
Tiredness can lead to slower mental alertness and a slower reaction time. This can be a very dangerous combination. Between 20 – 25% of all serious vehicular accidents involve a tired driver. Many of these drivers suffer from some form of sleep disorder and may not even be aware of it. A large number of accidents that occur at home or at work are also due to people with some type of sleeping problem. Sleep disorder, combined with the cost of the accidents and illnesses it causes, results in the American people and the government spending billions of dollars.

Lack of sleep is directly related to many physical ailments and conditions. People that do not get sufficient sleep generally suffer more form headaches, sore joints and stomach problems. Often a sleep disorder is an underlying cause of heart problems, lung conditions and diabetes. Sleep disorders can also affect the mental well being of people stricken with them. Mood changes, anxiety, eating disorders and depression can result.

Many people still do not think of a sleeping problem as a medical problem. Because of this, many never tell their physician that they are having a problem with sleep. Even if they see their doctor on a regular basis for an illness or condition, they never mention their difficulty sleeping.

As the American public and medical community become more educated and aware of the symptoms, effects and severity of various sleep disorders, more and more cases are being diagnosed. Sufferers are being treated with medication, oxygen, cpap machines and even surgery. There are better screening methods and diagnostic tests which find sleep disorder problems earlier. Overnight sleep centers no longer resemble a hospital room. They are now designed to look more like a hotel room, to make the patient feel more comfortable. In some cases, due to computerization and miniaturization, equipment can be so small that some testing can even be done at home.

Sleep is not an option or a luxury. It is a basic element of living and of good health. If you think you, your partner or your child may be suffering from a sleep disorder see your physician. A sleep disorder is a medical problem that can be helped.

Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety

The Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety is a trademark of one of the most effective stress management companies today. It can help individuals improve their lives and manage their assortment of fears. With a staff of excellent psychologists and other medical professionals and a website that allows you to purchase anything you need to help you get better and interact with other people having similar problems, the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety is no doubt a one-stop-place for all your stress and anxiety-related problems.

Get Better Now Assessment
You can begin your treatment by answering the online form for the Get Better Now Assessment. It will allow you to determine how you are faring at present and how youre managing stress and anxiety.

Do You Really Need Help
The Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety provides a list of traits most associated with stress burdened people and symptoms of anxiety and irrational fears to further help the individual become aware if he or she is truly in need of professional help.

Symptoms of Anxiety Nervousness, dizziness, diarrhea and other stomach problems
Irrational Fears Losing control, death, causing embarrassment to ones self, leaving the house (agoraphobia)

Personality Traits Emotionally sensitivity or tendency to overreact, obsessive thinking, having high expectations, low self-esteem and a tendency to over analyze things

The Lucinda Barrett Program
One of the stress management programs offered by the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety is the Lucinda Barrett Program. It was initially utilized to treat a woman who spent one whole decade finding an answer to her problems. She also spent a small fortune in order to find the best way to handle her burgeoning problems with stress and anxiety, not knowing that all it would take to solve her dilemma was talking with Dr. Fisher of the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety.

Now a full-fledged program thats open to anyone, it requires the patient to undergo 16 sessions that range from a complete discussion of the patients background, personal characteristics and fears to utilizing diet and exercise to get rid of negative emotions and the proper way to relax ones self.

Other Services Offered by the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety
Besides treating various types of anxiety disorders, the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety also offers its services to individuals suffering from obsessive-compulsive (OC) disorders, post-traumatic-stress disorders and provides cognitive behavior therapy.

Free Tips from the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety
Because the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety first and foremost is intent on helping people manage their stress and anxiety, they dedicated a portion of their website in providing free tips to manage negative emotions like anxiety and depression. Some of the tips are as follows:

Recognition and Acknowledgement of Negative Feelings The Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety emphasizes how essential it is for individuals to acknowledge to themselves that they are indeed suffering from stress, anxiety and depression. Then and only then can they be cured.

Identifying Causes Knowing what caused you to feel stressed or anxious will also help you solve your problems better. Knowing the cause will always lead to the solution.

Give Yourself a Pat on the Back Its also important to give yourself positive reinforcement even for the smallest of accomplishments. This will encourage you to continue on your attempts to manage your problems without resorting to depression or panic.

Drop a Line
If youre uncertain about needing professional help, visit the website of the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety and join the online forum or send the staff an email about your concerns.

The Variety Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications

The Variety Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications
Matthew Landsmann

There is a variety of prescribed arthritis medications which health professionals can give to help with rheumatoid arthritis. While these arthritis medications may not cure, they can relieve pain, alleviate symptoms, and even slow the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs can reduce pain and assist with inflammation. These drugs may be used as an arthritis medicine and may be obtained over the counter and in prescription form. (Most people are familiar with aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium.) The only negative aspect of these arthritis medications is they can lead to stomach problems, such as bleeding and indigestion. They can also raise blood pressure in a person and cause susceptibility to fluid retention.
COX-2 inhibitors are a class of Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which do not cause as much harm to the stomach. This class of arthritis medication functions by suppressing an enzyme called cyclooxygenase which is a factor in inflammation. However, fluid retention and elevated blood pressure may result as side effects of COX-2 inhibitors. Reports are also coming in that people who use this class of drug may be more liable to a stroke or heart attack.
Corticosteroids are arthritis medications which are able to reduce pain and inflammation. They can also moderate the damage to joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, numerous arthritis sufferers who take corticosteroids have stated that they feel significantly better. However, after a time the effectiveness of corticosteroids may diminish. There is also the risk of suffering severe side effects such as diabetes, weight gain, and decreased bone density, after long-time use of corticosteroids.
It is important to see a doctor at the earliest signs of rheumatoid arthritis. While modern medicine has not been able to find a cure for arthritis, they are making strides in pain relief and slowing down the progression rate of rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Immunosuppressants can be supplied as an arthritis medication to help control the immune system. Without such treatment, the immune system in rheumatoid arthritis patients is not balanced and it is out of control. TNF blockers are sometimes prescribed in combination with an immunosuppressant. TNF blockers operate by blocking the protein which inflames the joints. Those on TNF blockers report reduced pain and less stiffness.
Those diagnosed early with rheumatoid arthritis can be given arthritis medications known as disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. These drugs slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, if the arthritis is caught early, much damage to the joints can be forestalled.

About The Author

Matthew Landsmann is the proprietor of Great Arthritis Choices.
This site has easy to read articles containing excellent information about Arthritis.