Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks

Everyone worries, gets nervous and concerned, feels certain fears, and experiences apprehensions. To a certain degree, anxiousness is healthy as it enables the body to react to certain stimuli and take into action or perform better. As long as the feeling is relative to the situation or problem at hand, it is normal. However, when anxiety gets severe, chronic and irrational, you might already have an anxiety disorder and experience episodes of anxiety attacks.

Common symptoms include:

Fear of going crazy When under tremendous pressure, a person may feel that he is going crazy. This, however, is more evident during anxiety attack, but rest assured that you are not going crazy. This is because going crazy is not a conscious act; people who are suffering from mental illnesses do not even know that they have one. Again, if you are experiencing excessive fear or irrational thoughts, you are not going crazy.

Dry mouth This is a natural occurrence during anxiety attack as fluids are diverted to other parts of the body. To counter dry mouth, sip water or suck sweets to stimulate the production of saliva. In severe cases, doctors may prescribe you with liquid.

Shaking and shivering These two are necessary functions of the body as it constantly tries to keep the body temperature normal. When the body temperature drops from normal, the muscles spasmodically contract, creating friction between muscles and body tissues, thus increasing the body temperature. During anxiety attacks, shaking and shivering are normal.

Heart palpitation or the feeling that the heart is missing beats is caused by the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream during an attack. This is perfectly normal and cannot harm you in any way. However, it can cause discomfort.

Body pain such as neck, shoulder, jaw, mouth and stomach pains, as well as head headaches. When the body is under stress, parts of the body usually get tensed, which results to pain.

Chest pain is a normal body reaction to anxiety attack because of muscle tension. Sometimes, chest pain is misinterpreted as a heart attack, but it is important to identify from one another as the latter can be deadly.

Shortness of breath is the most distressing symptom of anxiety attack as it almost feels that the chest cannot expand to accommodate the necessary air that the body needs. Sometimes, it feels that someone is pushing a pillow into your face. Three important points to remember are you will not suffocate, stop breathing or pass out.

Feeling detach or unreal is a symptom of anxiety attack which alters the way you experience yourself or see reality. It makes you feel that everything around you is like a dream, foggy and unreal.

Recognizing the symptoms of anxiety attacks need not require you to understand the physiology of the human body. What is required is your awareness on each symptoms and the danger they have when ignored.

Different people manifest different behaviors when experiencing anxiety. The intensity of prevailing symptoms differs either. And since the term “anxiety disorders” is coined to refer a group of related conditions rather than a single disorder, symptoms may look different on every anxiety attack. It is important, therefore, to consult a health professional so that it will out any possible condition apart from anxiety.

Substances Involving Dual Diagnosis

This article explains a few things about diagnosis, and if you’re interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don’t know.

Substances used for medication or misused for addiction can have different effects on the person who is receiving the drug. This fact can be noted as something which can further enhance the persons vulnerability to the substance. Although, the effects may differ and reactions may vary from one matter to another. All of these will depend on the quantity and sort of the sense that were introduced to the individual. The persons gender, mood, expectations, age, weight and heartfelt state of mental health can also stir the drugs viability. Accordingly, dual diagnosis is probable.

Elicit drugs that were brought up in the streets are always mixed with different kinds of substances in order to maximize the profit that are generated. The result is, potency and appearance of drugs can vary not unless the drug was for sample testing, no one will recognize what was used.

Depressant Drugs

Depressants are usually referred to as the drug that can bring a persons behavior in a down side. When downers are used in an excessive behaviour, it can cause the mimicking of depression. This drug will create the loss of interest in the persons surroundings further lack of motivation can be manifested thatll result to elf – neglect and even harming oneself one of which is suicide.

Overdosing on depressant drugs is easy most especially if alcohol is involved. Whenever there is great or regular use of depressant drugs, the person must not instantly cutoff because this may result to recession that may engender problems as serious as cramps, tremors, stomach pains, diaphoresis or sweating excessively, deliriums can also occur and even seizures.

Examples of depressant substances are:

1. Alcohol when the components of alcohol runs through the bloodstream, effects will depend on the dose of alcohol the person made. Delay concern of important nutrients taken from food may occur. Alcohol usage is common among those who are already experiencing mental illnesses.

2. Cannabis also recognized to the public as dope, grass, weed, blow, etc., cannabis can have effects that results to hallucinations and can have the possibility to stimulate although, it is still regarded as a depressant. When in the in of cannabis, a person may feel lethargic, paranoid, and occurrences of short – title memory loss.

Stimulant Drugs

If there are drugs that can lower deserted the mood and relax an individual, there are also drugs which can regulate stimulation inside the body and make a person more active which are known as stimulants. Stimulants are drugs that have the capability to constrict a persons blood vessels, raise pressure of the blood and speed heart rate. If exposed immensely long with stimulant drugs, a person may experience depletion of energy and may result to need. Stimulants have the characteristic to mimic paranoia, mania, depression or even psychosis.

Examples of stimulants are:

1. Cocaine may cause prostration and anxiety, irritability, longer hours of anchor, besides paranoia. There is a sudden rise in the pressure of blood but with a slow beating of the heart. People use cocaine to increase confidence to face the outside world. But the effect is only for a short period of time that is why people crave for more. Cocaine is highly addictive and can cause multiple damages to the form using it.

2. Anabolic steroids these are drugs that are similar to a persons natural hormones which promote the building up of proteins that results to increase in muscle size.

Popularity of these drugs to be able to distinguish dual diagnosis is proper.
The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you’ll be glad you took the time to learn more about diagnosis.

Is There Any Way To Cure Gilbert’s Disease?

Are you one of those people who are affected by the scourge of Gilberts disease? Do you feel that you are helpless against the pain and discomfort that it brings? If you do, here are the top three sets of questions that you might want to ask and be answered. Through these, you can get direct answers to questions that hound your mind and can even help you recoveremotionallyas well.

Question number 1: What causes Gilberts disease? Do a viral infection or bacteria cause this condition or can this be passed on in some other way? Is Gilberts disease a chronic disease?

Answer: the abnormal number of the bilirubin in the blood causes Gilberts disease, it is not caused by any viral or bacterial infection. It can be passed on through the blood. Gilberts disease is known to be hereditary and it remains dormant inside the body for a long time.

Question number 2: How can you find out if you already have Gilberts disease? Are the symptoms of Gilberts disease can be associated with jaundice and other liver diseases is this true? How does one find out if his or her condition is Gilberts disease? Are there any specific symptoms?

Answer: You need to be aware of the differences between the symptoms and the signs that are associated with Gilberts disease and other liver diseases. Even though, there similarities the differences are also there. Unfortunately, Gilberts disease sharing the same symptoms with other diseases is true but if you can look into it further you can spot the minute difference.

Question number 3: Is there any new method to alleviate, or treat, the symptoms of Gilberts disease – yellow eyes, stomach pains and uneasiness? Is it due to the excessive amounts of bilirubin in the blood?

Answer: You have my understanding. This inherited condition (hereditary) affects just about two to five per cent of the population. It is considered that the situation occurs as a result of troubles in metabolizing the bilirubin. There are more than a few forms of the condition that can be distinguished on biochemical testing. As an outcome, the levels rise and clinical jaundice that you graphically depict occurs.

The condition appears to be not as good as after fasting and during a mild illness. The jaundice then fades instinctively. There is no cure. You ask particularly if there is any new way to reduce the symptoms. I feel sorry that I have been unable to find out if there are any commercial or clinical treatment for Gilberts disease.

This condition though is a fairly common sickness mostly amongst the Caucasian population. Its passed down all the way through families and not frequently considered being life menacing, but ought to still be diagnosed by a medical doctor. The syndrome compromises the bodys capacity to process bilirubin in the liver and causes jaundice. Bilirubin is the yellow substance found in bile. Although the main and most general symptom is jaundice, there are as well quite a lot of other symptoms that you and your physician should be on the lookout for if you think you could have the syndrome.

You have to be very vigilant when it comes to understanding Gilberts disease and the knowledge related to it because it changes constantly as doctors learn more about it. be aware that what can be the truth about it today can be different tomorrow.

Gilbert’s Disease And Its Signs

Many people ask about Gilberts disease and how it affects a person, a lot of people are concerned about having it because there is a little knowledge that can be found about it and there only been a handful of people that are aware that they have it.

How can Gilberts disease go on unnoticed?

One of the main characteristics of Gilberts disease is that it is asymptomatic or it carries no symptoms in most patients. This makes detection and diagnosis really difficult for the doctors and for medical experts. Being asymptomatic in nature makes Gilberts disease one of the few conditions that little are known about. Clinical studies and experimentation is always important in the curing and early detection because the baseline for the condition can be set, the proper dosage for the medication and the duration of the treatment can be directed.

Another factor for the stealth of Gilberts disease is that it has no long term or short term damaging effects to people. This means that patients can live healthy and normal lives and even live to a ripe old age with no hindrances from the condition. The only clear indication that a person has Gilberts disease is if they have experienced jaundice. With only minor stomach pains and yellowish skin and eyes, Gilberts disease causes no great concern to some people.

Other symptoms connected to the condition is uncommon

The person suffering jaundice because of Gilberts disease does not usually cause any major problems, Jaundice is the condition where a person suffers from yellowish skin and eyes and a little stomach pain. However, a number of people with Gilberts disease account other symptoms, the majority of these symptoms are: tiredness, mild weakness, mild abdominal pains and mild nausea. It is not apparent whether these symptoms are in fact connected to Gilberts disease. It is likely that they will build up from time to time due to unsupported nervousness concerning the condition. There does not appear to be any association amid these symptoms and the level of bilirubin in the blood. That is, these symptoms may develop irrelevant to whether or not the level of bilirubin is high or normal.

If the height of bilirubin goes higher than a definite level you turn out to be jaundiced. This is because bilirubin is an orangey-yellow color. A few people with Gilberts disease grow to be a little jaundiced now and then. This might appear to be upsetting, but is of little alarm if the cause is Gilberts disease. It is quite common to be jaundiced if you are a patient of Gilberts disease.

More on the process of breaking down the bilirubin

Jaundicea condition brought about by high levels of bilirubin in the blood stream. For people suffering from Gilberts disease it is caused by the inability of the liver to produce an enzyme that breaks down the bilirubin in the blood and to transfer it to the gut in the form of bilecan be caused by a lot of different diseases of the liver and blood. As a result, if you contract jaundice you are expected to call for tests to make clear the reason and to discard the chance of a serious disease. A blood test can more often than not confirms the diagnosis of Gilberts disease as it demonstrates a mildly raised level of bilirubin and confirms the non-existence of a serious disease.