Suffering from Osteoarthritis? Acupuncture to the Rescue

Suffering from Osteoarthritis? Acupuncture to the Rescue
C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Keeping in tune with our commitment to providing the latest, medical breakthroughs, I recently had the rare pleasure of speaking with Professor Jorge Vas Ruiz , (Subdirector of the Master University of Acupuncture, ACMAS Huangdi located in Sevilla, Spain) regarding acupuncture’s effectiveness on osteoarthritis of the knee. For over 8 years, Professor Ruiz and his team of elite professors have investigated the effectiveness of Acupuncture treatment. In the past two years, his work focused on a trial of 40 patients whereby acupuncture and relative therapies were applied. The discoveries were that Acupuncture Techniques relatively proceeded to exceedingly heighten internal healing organisms. Professor Ruiz writes, “The art of traditional Chinese Medicine categorized Osteoarthritis as ‘Bi Syndromes,’ Blockages in Qi energy circulation, which results in ill health. From Ancient Widsom, analgesic properties were founded through points of acupuncture. Numerous studies have demonstrated which nervous system neurotransmitters and natural antigens respond to the stimulus of Acupuncture; and how the analgesic effectiveness of acupuncture fine tunes the peptide pathways and allows natural opiote substances into the undefined gray areas. In the case of Osteoarthritis, acupuncture has effectively reduced and alleviated pain improving mobility of the joints, and finally, increasing the quality of life and overall wellbeing. Recognizing which treatment is greater for the majority as opposed to surgery, our Investigation demonstrated that acupuncture is a good treatment for arthritis of the knee. Normally, 10-12 repetitive treatments are a necessary process depending on seriousness. Normally, patients did not require treatment past 6 months. Dr. Ruiz further explained that, “…Leading trials from patients affected by chonic neck pain were completed just a month ago and should have published results shortly. Another trial centered on acupuncture’s effectiveness on shoulder pain involving 500 patients is set to begin in one month as well.” In closing, Professor Ruiz elaborated that, “Overall, the process of osteoarthritis responds well to acupuncture. Depending on one’s initial stage of arthritis, this medical treatment can effectively help with pain and inflammation.” Professor Jorge Vas Ruiz is the Subdirector for, ACMAS Huangdi a practicing and teaching university of Acupuncture and traditional Chinese Medicine. His research has been featured on several medical media journals, including the British Medical Journal.____________________________________________________________________________ To read this and other articles like this one, go to today! 12/2004 Suffering from Osteoarthritis? Acupuncture to the Rescue Report by, C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot Public Relations’ Director & Staff Writer About the Author
12/2004 Suffering from Osteoarthritis? Acupuncture to the Rescue Report by, C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot Public Relations’ Director & Staff Writer

What is Center for Anxiety and Stress Disorder?

Stress is a physical or psychological pressure that is caused by emotional, physical, or chemical reasons. On the other hand, anxiety is a condition of powerful fear, uncertainty, uneasiness, or panic brought about by expectancy of a hostile condition or event.

These things are considered one of the most common psychological problems in the society today. In the U.S., about 40 million people will undergo impairment due to stress and anxiety for this year.

For this reason, it is important that people go to center for anxiety and stress disorders to obtain proper treatment and medication regarding the disorder.

Center for anxiety and stress disorders is usually a nationally acknowledged medical research facility that focuses on providing solutions to relieve people from stress and anxiety problems.

Normally, the center for anxiety and stress disorders is comprised of anxiety and stress disorder treatment centers. It aims to perform thorough investigation on the assessment, classification, etiology, and therapy of more than a few frequent anxiety and stress-related disorders.

In center for anxiety and stress disorders, people who have undergone events such as divorce, death of a spouse, or any drastic change in work or place can be subjective for consultation and treatment.

In most cases, people who have been diagnosed for stress-related and anxiety disorders have been subject of countless research as well. This is because experts could not possibly come up with a specific cause for such disorders.

Hence, most of the medical activities happening in the center for anxiety and stress disorders take place in the research environment.

There are also some counseling center for anxiety and stress. These centers were created to provide people with reliable counseling that will enable them to realize the factors influencing stress and anxiety disorders. Counseling makes them realize the most important stimulus that will instigate stress and anxiety development.

Furthermore, since stress and anxiety treatment requires medications, it is important for people to have a common ground where they can get access to various prescriptions daily.

In fact, statistics show that more than 64% of North Americans are actually taking prescription medications every day, with more than 42% taking mood altering prescriptions on a regular basis.

Sad to say, out of the 4 million people who are suffering from anxiety and stress disorders, only 400,000 will be able to receive appropriate medication. This is because the nation still lacks suitable centers for anxiety and stress management and cure.

Nevertheless, center for stress and anxiety can definitely make a great impact on a patients life. Here are the other benefits of going to a center for stress and anxiety disorder.

1. Bridge the gap between their selves and their faith in God

With the center for stress and anxiety disorders, people will not just be able to cure their problems but they can also reconnect their trust in God and bridge the gap in between. The center will help them create a nearer connection with God.

2. Recuperate

The center for stress and anxiety disorder helps people recuperate from their stressors and problems instigating the disorders. With the available programs and medications in the center, patients are ensured with reliable strategies that will help them recuperate and get back on track.

Indeed, treating stress and anxiety disorder is not that easy. One can never tell which program will work for him if it is not from a reputable center for the said psychological disorders. Hence, it is important that you know the best center to provide you with the things that you need.

Understanding Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety is a normal, healthy feeling that is experienced by everyone. It is the body’s way of reacting to stimulus that pushes us to either “fight” or “flight” over a situation. However, when anxiety attacks are chronic, severe, and irrational, and begin to affect the health of a person (physically, psychologically and emotionally), it already becomes a problem that must be addressed immediately. There is a thick line between healthy and unhealthy anxiety attacks. Unfortunately, the demarcation line is almost ignored that normal anxiety crosses into the territory of anxiety disorders.

Types of Anxiety Disorder

There are six different types of anxiety disorder, each has its own characteristics: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic worry or fear over almost everything without even knowing why. They feel anxious from day to day activities and are troubled that bad things will happen. People with GAD show symptoms such as stomach upset, fatigue, restlessness, and insomnia.

Panic disorder is repeated, unexpected panic attacks, and fears that panic episodes will likely to happen. People with panic disorder are likely to have agoraphobia, or fear of being in places where help or escape will be difficult in case of another panic attack. People with agoraphobia are also afraid of being trapped in confined places such as an airplane or crowded areas such as a shopping mall.

Phobia is excessive, irrational, and exaggerated fear over simple things that generally present little or no danger. Common phobias are heights, snakes, spiders, dark, and flying. People with phobias tend to avoid the things they are afraid of in order to escape anxiety attacks. However, avoidance only strengthens the phobia.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that happens after a life-threatening or a traumatic event. People with PTSD show symptoms such as hyper-vigilance, avoiding situations or places that remind them about the event, nightmares and flashbacks about the things that happened, startling easily, and isolation.

Social anxiety disorder or social phobia is fear of being seen negatively by others or fear of getting humiliated in public by other people. Social anxiety is often mistaken as an ordinary extreme shyness. People with this kind of disorder usually isolate themselves from others or event and places where crowd usually gathers. Stage fright is the most common type of social anxiety.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD is a condition where a person has unwanted behavior or thoughts which appear to be impossible to control. People with OCD can have certain obsession such as worries that they might hurt someone or that they have forgotten to turn the lights off. They can also have uncontrollable compulsion. The most common is washing of hands repeatedly.

Do you experience anxiety attacks?

Are you always worried, tense, and on the edge?

Do you feel like you are in danger whenever you are in confined places?

Are you afraid of mingling with strangers, meeting new friends or even meeting relatives?

Do you feel that something bad or catastrophic will happen if certain things are not done according to plan?

Do you experience worry, fear and anxiousness that affect your relationship, work, healthy, and other responsibilities?

Do you feel irrational fear but couldn’t shake it?

Does your anxiety force you to avoid everyday situations and activities?

Dealing With Stress In Your Everyday Life

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about stress to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from stress experts.

What is Stress?

Stress is a response produced by your body when you are subjected to various types of demand, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Contrary to what most people believe, stress is not associated with the negative only since excessive positive tone can result to stress as well. When something that takes place or is about to take place in the environment is producing stress in a person’s body, it results importance the release of certain chemicals into your bloodstream.

On the positive side, these chemicals can be utilized to produce more energy or added strength. This is valuable when the cause of your stress is something physical. But when you are dealing with emotional stress, it can cause a negative effect on your body since there is no outlet for releasing that extra boost of energy and facility. Thence, stress results to various types of emotional or physical responses because each individual’s body respond differently to the stimulus.

Types and Causes of Stress

Whether you admit it or not, stress is a part of everyday life. Whether you are at school, at the craft, or just about anywhere you are forced to deal with people and the environment. Hence, the types of stress is closely associated with its cause. And because your physical frame is closely connected to your emotional and mental state, you will notice some vocation to their effects when you begin to experience stress. This is also the reason why it is important to combat the cause of stress being it affects several vital aspects of your body in order to bag.

Here are some of the most common sources of stress that must be dealt with on an everyday basis.

Internal Stress

There are times when you constantly uncertainty about certain events without having enough control to determine its outcome. Internal stress is also one of those kinds of stress that needs to be addressed quickly. Most of the source of stress is rooted in the person’s mind, which makes it difficult to manage and would entail more work to get rid of. Oftentimes, people suffering from internal stress subconsciously puts themselves in stressful situations or feel stressed out about things that aren’t stressful to begin with.

Survival Stress

This type of stress deals with the danger, mostly physical, that an diacritic is subjected to. It restraint serve as prompted by an attack unreal by either human or animal that could potentially busted up you in the process. Therefore, your body releases this burst of energy that you use to utilize to respond quickly about the situation at hand whether to confront it or escape from it.

Environmental Stress

This type of stress is your body’s way of responding to changes or activities in your environment that could produce stress, comparable because uttermost levels of noise or pressure from work. As compared to the other types of stress already mentioned uppermost, this one is a lot easier to deal with. The best way to get current combating this stress type is to determine the source. Once you have identified the source of environmental stress, find a road to avoid them.

Stress Opportune To Work and Fatigue

Augmented common type of stress and probably the most bourgeois. This one though does not befall in an instant, but rather builds up over time. When you are spending too much time working or forced to deal with excessive amount of work, then it can take its toll on your body. To alertness with work stress, you right to make sure you have enough rest and relaxation in between for your body can recover from the tremendous amount of work. There are relaxation methods that you can apply in order to find relief from stress.

Now you can be a confident expert on stress. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on stress.