Deciding Which Doctor to See

If you have more than one doctor, which many people do especially athletes then it is often confusing exactly which doctor you should see. However, if you follow some simple guidelines you should find the decision much easier. Remember, seeing a doctor is a good idea in the event of an injury, however emergencies are usually best treated in an emergency room with follow up through your normal doctor.

You should first consider why you want to go to the doctor. If you have a need rather than just simply a check up then consider exactly what is needed. If you need a simple work up or even a flu shot then seeing a standard family practitioner is usually much easier and faster. However, if you have a sports related injury then it is best to see a sports medicine doctor.

As part of your sports medicine team, you are likely to have numerous doctors all working together with a physical therapist, primary doctor and various other professionals including often a surgeon. Your first stop whenever seeing a sports medicine doctor should always be to your primary physician. After visiting with them, they can determine based off your needs exactly whom you should be referred to see next. This also often has the benefit of allowing some treatment options to get started in the meantime, rather than being forced to wait until the specialist can see you.

However, it is important to note that if you only see a sports medicine doctor and do not have a standard internal medicine or family physician that you should always see your sports medicine doctor unless they recommend you see someone else. With sports medicine doctors covering a large gamut of specialties it is possible to only use sports medicine doctors if preferred.

If you are running a fever, or else have a rash that has appeared, the best doctor to often see is your primary care physician. If however, you have been experiencing leg pain then it is best to see the sports medicine doctor. Anytime you have a problem or injury that has resulted because of sports, or can impact sports it is best to see a sports medicine doctor.

In the event that you have a pressing issue that needs immediate treatment, often the decision over which doctor to see becomes blurred. This is because many times doctors have very long waits before being able to secure an appointment. If you discover that this is your problem, you best bet is to check with both doctors and see who can fit you in sooner. If neither doctor is able to see you fast enough, you may be best to see the emergency room in your area and schedule a follow up visit. While not everyone is pleased with seeing an emergency room rather than their normal doctor it is a necessary action at times where there are serious complications or in the event of an emergency.

While emergencies may mandate the usage of the emergency room, appointments that are not emergencies should be scheduled with the appropriate doctor to ensure that you receive the best care possible. For example, if you are using a sports medicine doctor and also an internal medicine doctor you should schedule your normal yearly check ups with your internal medicine doctor, as well as your yearly flu shot. However, if you are looking into creating a new exercise program or even starting a new sport then a visit to your sports medicine doctor is most appropriate.

As the number of sports medicine doctors offering varying specialties continues to increase the decision over which doctor to choose for visits is likely to become even more confusing, however you are not alone and by carefully considering the purpose of the visit, you should be able to easily determine which doctor is the best choice for your individual needs.

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Choice Sports Medicine or Pediatrician

Many parents are concerned in their little league athletes seeing a sports medicine doctor rather than an actual pediatrician. However, many of the reasons given for the hesitation are quite unnecessary and can make things more difficult on parents. While the ultimate decision on which type of doctor to use rests firmly in the hands of the parent it is important to ensure you know the benefits as well as drawbacks of both before making a final decision.

Most pediatricians have an absolute love of children; however, this is not to say that you cannot find a pediatric sports medicine doctor who also shares this love. In fact, with sports becoming such a vital part of life for so many children the number of pediatric sports medicine providers is increasing steadily across the world.

While some parents do not feel comfortable using a sports medicine doctor as a complete replacement for a standard pediatrician others do. The options that are available range from using only a pediatrician, to using a pediatric sports medicine doctor, to using both. The benefits of using both can mean you child lacks nothing in medical care. However, as a drawback you are looking at more frequent doctors visits as well as the necessity to coordinate records amongst both offices to ensure that both doctors know what is going on.

With many sports medicine doctors also specializing in various areas of the medical field, finding a great pediatric sports medicine doctor is possible. Finding a doctor that your child is comfortable with is also possible and can be accomplished with some work and effort placed into interviewing the right doctor. If you are looking into using a pediatric sports medicine doctor, ensure that they are comfortable and do offer all pediatric services in addition to the sports medicine services. There is no point in using a doctor that is to handle all of your needs if you are still forced to see a different doctor to handle basics such as shots, and dispensing any medications that may be necessary.

Choosing a single pediatric sports medicine doctor should mean that you are only seeing a single doctor unless a specialist is necessary. However, while seeing a single doctor may be easier because of fewer doctors involved to see it can also be better to see separate pediatric and sports medicine doctors. This is especially common if a sports medicine doctor is in your area that is highly regarded whom only treats sports related issues. In addition, if you already have a great pediatrician that you and your child are both comfortable with, there is no need to switch completely.

The choice over which type of doctor to use is quite personal. People have been known to drive several hours so they can keep the same doctor even after moving to a new area. If you have this type of relationship with your pediatrician, then switching to a pediatric sports medicine doctor may not be the best option for you. Never feel as if you must choose between the two. You are free to see whichever doctor you prefer with your child.

When working with more than one doctor it is important to ensure that they both know about each other. This is vital so that records can be coordinated especially during treatment to ensure that your child receives the best care possible. Never feel as if you are betraying your childs pediatrician by finding sports medicine doctor as well. Instead, your doctor will be happy that you have taken the necessary steps to ensure that your child is well protected.

Regardless of which doctor you prefer for your child to see, the end result should be the same. A doctor whom is concerned about the genuine health and welfare of your child is best regardless of what their specialty is. Never second guess your instincts, if you have a clear preference in what you want for your childs doctor then ensure that you keep looking for the perfect doctor until you find exactly what you want.

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Appropriate Eating Habits Before Competitions

As athletes work to prepare for competitions and tournaments, it is very important that nutritional needs be met. This includes both in eating habits, what is consumed, and when it is eaten. The old saying that you should not eat before swimming is a very real concern for athletes regardless of which sport they are involved in.

In order to allow the body to fully convert the good foods that you are eating into energy it needs time. The amount of time it needs varies depending on the exact foods that you are eating but the process is certainly not instant. In order to achieve the best results it is ideal if you break up your eating habits before competitions and try to limit the amount of food that you are eating right before engaging in sports. For example, if you are going to be running track at 10a.m. you should not eat anything after 9:30a.m. unless it is an emergency. This allows your stomach time to start converting the food you consumed into energy.

While it is necessary to drink liquids during a work out it is also essential to know what foods are safe before a work out. In order to ensure that your athletic experience goes as smoothly as possible you should always consult your sports medicine doctor for specifics based upon your body type, athletic activity and any other variables that are specific to you. In the meantime, there are some general guidelines that are acceptable to use and can assist in helping you ensure that you are ready to go.

Before you exercise, you should look at eating about 4 hours before your exercise. This means a real meal with components from all of the food groups. This does not mean simply snacking on an energy bar, or even an apple. Instead, it should be a complete meal, this may require you to adjust your workout schedule to better coordinate with your eating habits, or if your schedule handles it better adjust our eating habits around your workout schedule. Either way, it is important to eat a full meal 4 hours before your work out.

Once you are finished eating it is a good idea to eat a snack or even an energy drink that is loaded with carbohydrates. This gives your body an extra burst. It is best to look into this high carbohydrate snack about 2 hours before your workout. Remember, worrying about the calories you are consuming is not as important as ensuring that you are giving your body the fuel that it needs to function. In addition, about one hour before your workout looking into a sports drink is a really good idea. Following this schedule should have your body well stocked with plenty of energy to handle the rigors of your workout.

In the time immediately before a workout or even a competition of any type it is best to stick to small foods that are healthy and offer high amounts of carbohydrates. Examples include fruits, fruit juice, vegetable juices, and even sports drinks are all healthy choices that keep your energy levels full. They are also light enough that they will not cause any problems with your stomach while you are engaged in your athletic activity.

In addition to eating the healthy foods, sports medicine doctors also recommend consuming something sugary approximately 45 minutes before any highly strenuous activities. This includes candy bars, energy bars, and even some soft drinks. Keeping your energy levels up is not always a simple task but if you focus more on your energy levels and less on the calorie intake that you are consuming your body will appreciate it once you are moving and using the stores of energy.

Remember, limiting the amount of sugar that you consume is best since it only gives you energy for the initial start to the activity. The carbohydrates that you consumed before will provide you with the long-term energy that you need to be successful. With some careful planning it is possible to work with your sports medicine doctor and coach and decide exactly what your best eating routine is to keep you in top notch shape.

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