Natural Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

To experience fatigue is a normal occurrence in one’s life. Most people experience fatigue especially after doing some strenuous activities. These instances of fatigue only happen when we overexert ourselves. The feeling of exhaustion is usually relieved after we get some much-needed rest. However, people with chronic fatigue syndrome suffer from fatigue, as well as a number of other symptoms, for a long period of time, usually over six months.

Although the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is difficult to determine, it is believed that one of the factors that trigger it is viral infection. People suffering from CFS usually exhibit symptoms that also occur in viral infections such as flu: sore throat, headache, muscle and joint aches, etc.

There is no known cure for viruses, as drugs such as antibiotics cannot cure them. Consequently, there is also no known cure yet for chronic fatigue syndrome. But people suffering from viral infections can combat these viruses by boosting their immune system. Because chronic fatigue syndrome has a strong link to viral infection, boosting the immune system by using natural remedies is one of the best ways to at least relieve some of the symptoms if not overcome the condition.

The following natural remedies are highly recommended to patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome:

1.) Include more vegetables and fruits into your diet A nutritious and balanced diet is an excellent way to maintain health and combat illnesses. By eating more green leafy vegetables, whole grains and fruits, your body is nourished with vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system.

2.) Eat more high-quality protein Food such as fish, soy products, nuts and chicken are good sources of quality protein that are low in saturated fat and help maintain a good healthy body. Chicken and fish are also good sources of omega 3, 6 and 9.

3.) Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day Our body is 70% water and drinking 8-10 glasses of water helps cleanse the body and keep it hydrated.

4.) Add more garlic and onion into your diet Onion and garlic are known for their virus-inhibiting abilities. They can be taken either raw or cooked. Supplements that contain garlic and onion can also be taken as an alternative if you don’t like the taste of these two healthful bulbs.

5.) Exercise regularly Adding exercises and other physical activities into your daily routine can do wonders for you. Having CFS doesn’t mean all you need to do is rest all day. People with CFS are usually lethargic and easily tired. To fight the lethargy, keeping the body active is important. Doing 15-30 minutes of mild exercise and another 30 minutes of vigorous physical activities such as aerobics, tennis, swimming and brisk walking can help your body function better and your heart healthier and stronger.

Stretching and other relaxation exercises can also help you manage stress, which intensifies chronic fatigue. However, before you start any exercise routine, consult your doctor and ask for his advice.

6.) Take herbal supplements to fight CFS There are several herbal medicines you can take to help you manage chronic fatigue syndrome. Echinacea root is known as an immune system booster. It is available in tablet/capsule form and as tea. Ginseng root is believed to restore vitality and increase energy.

In Asian countries, it is even known as an aphrodisiac. Licorice, pokeroot and golden seal are also helpful in combating chronic fatigue syndrome.

How Does It Feel Like To Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

How Does It Feel Like To Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has varying levels of severity. Some people only experience lack of peaceful sleep, intermittent headaches and overwhelming exhaustion while other people experience anywhere from 4 to 30 full-blown symptoms which occur simultaneously. While there are a lot of symptoms oftentimes associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, there are a few that are commonly reported by patients. Among them are the following:

Overwhelming fatigue People with this syndrome wake up like they just got hit by a truck and feel worn out all day. There are, however, periods which run from a few hours to several hours a day when they feel a bit better. What most of them try to do during these periods is to make up from the lost time they stayed rested in the bed. This backfires on them and they rebound to being exhausted. Whenever they try to do physical activities or exercises, they would get drained easily and would feel worse the next day.

Recurrent infections Among the major symptoms of CFS is infection which may manifest as sore throat, recurrent sinusitis, bladder infection, swollen glands and other respiratory infections. Some patients experience recurrent rash that may or may not go away with antibiotics. Digestive complaints such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramps and gas are also very common which are caused basically by the build-up of yeast in the bowel, or by parasitic infection or by spastic colon.

Brain Fog While overwhelming fatigue is one of the most debilitating symptoms a patient of CFS can experience, the scariest, however, is brain fog. Not a few patients complain of this symptom which may affect their short term memory, their concentration, and their ability to substitute words with another. Some of them also experience brief disorientation which may last anywhere from half a minute to one minute.

Frequent Aches and Pains Muscle pain and multiple joint pains are very common among CFS patients. These are said to be products of lack of sufficient rest or disordered sleep, yeast infections, impaired thyroid glands and lack of nutrition in the body.

Increased thirst Patients of CFS drink two to three times more water than average individuals. This is caused by hormonal problems which lead to increased urine output.

Allergies Because of yeast overgrowth and other conditions occurring in the body of a fatigue patients, allergies and food sensitivities are very common. By removing the causes, of course, the allergies can be removed. However, these patients have histories of poor response towards allergy medications.

Weight gain With or without change in diet, fatigue patients experience 20 to 50 pounds weight gain. Apart from lack of activities, the packing up of pounds is also contributed by hormonal changes.

Depression and anxiety The development of these psychological problems push healthcare providers back to the classic chicken and egg question: does fatigue cause anxiety and depression or is it a product of these psychological conditions? As of yet, no one is certain. It is proposed, however, that some factors are instrumental in aggravating these conditions including poor nutrition and general sense of illness.

Reduced libido Because of hormonal deficiencies, pain and the general feeling of being sick, people affected by CFS have decreased libido. Fortunately, this improves through medication and therapy.

You probably have recognized yourself from reading the above list. If you think you are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it would be in your best interest to consult a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable in this disorder.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between normal fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Nothing much on the first few days. Normal fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion which is usually caused by physical exertion, mental stress and sickness.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, on the other hand, is a group of symptoms or conditions that result to various other symptoms such as decreased mental acuity and flu-like illness and excessive fatigue. A type that will not afford its sufferers with enough energy to move freely. The difference between the two is demonstrated once full-blown symptoms occur and when they last for at least 6 months, that’s when it becomes chronic.

What are the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

There are various symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and in order to determine the presence of this condition, a patient must possess at least four of the following: post-exertional malaise which persists for more than 24 hours, muscle pains, joint pain, sleep difficulties or sleep that does not lend energy to the individual, frequent severe headaches, sore throat that is persistent and recurring, decreased mental clarity, poor memory and impaired concentration, and tenderness of the lymph nodes that are located in the neck and armpit.

What are the causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

While the exact causes of CFS are not yet identified, there are strong indications that cause can be divided into three types: immune system-related, viral and non-viral pathogens and stress-related. There are also indications that CFS is triggered by the combination of these causes. For some people, the onset of the condition begins after contracting an infection; for others it begins after a prolonged period of exposure to stress.

There are also some patients who had weakened immune system which made it easier for the symptoms to develop and progress to worse conditions. Current studies are trying to find out whether genetics, emotional distress and immunological conditions are related with the disorder.

Is there a cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

As of yet, cures for CFS are still being developed. Thus, treatment for the condition is basically focused on alleviating the symptoms.

What are the treatment options?

There are several types of treatment options available for patients of CFS which are roughly divided into four categories: medical treatments, alternative treatments, supportive treatments and lifestyle alterations. Under medical treatments are the medications and drugs that are prescribed to alleviate symptoms such as pains, headaches and psychological stress caused by CFS. These include pain relievers, NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Anxiolyticagents, Autonomic nervous system stimulants and antidepressants.

Natural, herbal and hormone supplements are commonly used under alternative medicine. Relaxation techniques and behavioral techniques are used in supportive treatments while lifestyle alterations basically help patients change some aspects of their lives to establish relief from debilitating symptoms.

How is diagnosis made?

Since there are no laboratory, diagnostic and medical examinations and tests that are used in the diagnosis of CFS, health care providers use the principle of exclusion in determining the presence of the condition. Through this method, all diseases, illnesses and conditions that are known to have symptoms similar with CFS are ruled out. Diagnosis is only made once the symptoms of the patients match with the case definition.

Where can I get help?

You can get help from health care providers who are knowledgeable in diagnosing and treating CFS are the best people patients could go to. Support groups for patients of CFS are also available.