Whirlpool Air Purifiers: Reviewed

If you are a homeowner, there is a good chance that you have heard of Whirlpool before. Whirlpool is a well-known and well-trusted company. They make and sell a wide variety of different products. These products include, but are not limited to, ovens, dishwashers, washers, dryers, refrigerators, and air conditioners. In addition to the previously mentioned items, Whirlpool also makes and sells air purifiers. If you are in the market for a new air purifier, whether that air purifier is for your home or for your office, you are advised to examine what Whirlpool air purifiers can do for you.

Whirlpool currently has two different types of air purifiers available for sale. These air purifiers include the Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier and the Whirlpool Air Purifier. Each of the air purifiers are great for those who are looking to clean up the air inside their home or their office. Both air purifiers are considered well performing, due to their use of HEPA filters. It has been noted that HEPA filters are the best type of filters for air purifiers.

With the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, you are not only getting a top of the line air purifier, but you are also getting an air purifier that is considered energy efficient. In fact, the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier is considered an Energy Star product. Another reason why you may love this air purifier is because it has a sleep mode, as well as a change filter indicator. It is also important to note that the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier is qualified to clean the air in rooms with up to 510 square feet.

The Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier tends to cost a little bit more than most air purifiers. Despite the cost, which typically ranges around $300, you need to remember one thing. The air purifier is designed to clean the air in rooms up to 510 square feet. Most of the low-costing air purifiers can only clean the air of rooms with 200 to 300 square feet. In addition to the original purchase price of the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, you also need to consider the cost of the replacement filters. These replacement filters cost around $100; however, replacement filters are only needed about once a year.

The other air purifier developed and sold by Whirlpool is often referred to as the traditional Whirlpool Air Purifier. Despite sometimes being referred to as traditional, this air purifier is just as effective as the one mentioned above. In reality, the only difference between the two is the amount of space that it covers. Instead of covering 510 square feet, like the above mentioned Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, this model is only effective at cleaning the air in spaces that are up to 250 square feet. That is why you will find that the cost is a little bit lower.

The cost of the Whirlpool Air Purifier, which is also considered an Energy Star product, is around $200. In addition to the originally cost of purchase, you also need to examine the cost of replacement filters. These replacement filters cost around $100 each. Replacement filters need to be replaced whenever the replacement filter light is activated, which tends to be about once every year.

In addition to all of the features mentioned above, Whirlpool air purifiers, including the Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, as well as the traditional Whirlpool Air Purifier, are known as being extremely quiet. In fact, you might even say that they are silent. Whirlpool stands behind the quietness of their air purifiers, so much that they offer a 30 day money back guarantee. That guarantee states that if their air purifier isnt as quiet as the air purifier that you are replacing, they will take the product back and return your money.

If you would like more information on the above mentioned Whirlpool air purifiers, you are urged to visit the online website of Whirlpool. That online website can be found by visiting www.whirlpool.com.

What to Expect at a Sleep Disorder Overnight Sleep Center

What to Expect at a Sleep Disorder Overnight Sleep Center

I f you think you may have a sleep disorder, your primary doctor or a doctor that specializes in sleep disorders may send you to a sleep center for diagnosis. There are a large number of sleep centers located across the United States and their numbers are increasing. Sleep centers in the United States must be accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

When a person goes to a sleep center, it is usually for an overnight stay. Costs involved for most sleep study tests range from one to three thousand dollars and many need to be repeated twice. The first visit to diagnose the sleep disorder and the second to get accurate settings for any PAP machines that may be needed. Health insurance generally pays all or most of the cost of the tests needed to diagnose a sleep disorder.

Once an appointment has been made, many sleep centers send a sleep diary to the patient. The information from the sleep diary is used by the doctors to understand general sleeping patterns.
It is also recommended that no caffeine or alcohol be consumed after 12:00 p.m. on the day of the scheduled test.

Generally the patient packs an overnight bag just as if they were going to stay at a hotel overnight. During the sleep study you wear your own nightclothes and you can use a favorite pillow from home. You can bring a book or magazine if you like to read before falling to sleep. Most sleep centers resemble a hotel room and have a television to watch if that is what the patient usually does before going to sleep at home. Once you are relaxed the sleep center technician starts preparation for the equipment needed to record your patterns of sleep.

Diagnosis from a sleep center study is made using polysomnography which records a continual record of your sleep. In order to take a specific reading slightly more than two dozen small thin electrodes are pasted to specific parts of your body. They are placed under your chin, on your scalp, near your eyes and nose, on your finger, chest and legs, and also over the rib muscles and on the abdomen. These electrodes then record various types of readings during the night. Often an audio and video tape are also made to monitor sleep noises and movement.

Once all the equipment is in place the sleep technician leaves you alone to fall asleep. Even with all the equipment it is not uncomfortable. It is easy to move or turn onto your side. Each bedroom in a sleep center also has an automatic intercom so it is easy to call the technician if needed for such things as a bathroom break. When the sleep study is completed, the technician may wake you. Most studies that are used to diagnose a sleep disorder take seven to eight hours.

The reading are collected on a computer file called a polysonagram and are monitored and analyzed by the sleep technician during the night. The results are then sent for further readings to determine if there is a sleep disorder.

Although a sleep study may not sound comfortable, it is very important to determine and treat any sleep disorder.

Sleep Disorder and Teenagers

There is a sleep disorder that affects between seven to ten percent of teenagers called Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, also known as DNS. Most teenagers outgrow this disorder by the time they reach young adulthood. Less then one percent of adults are believed to have DSP. Often people mistake this sleep disorder for insomnia.

Left on their own, people with delayed sleep phase disorder would stay up until very late, sometimes until 4 or 5 a.m. They like to get up very late in the morning or early afternoon. Often they are referred to as night owls.

Many teenagers like to stay up late and sleep late in the morning. Sometimes this is because they want to socialize at that time of the day. However, it can also be due to the natural delay in the circadian sleep / wake rhythm at their age of development.

Teenagers with this sleep disorder often have a very hard time getting up in the morning for school. Even if they go to sleep at a regular time, such as 11 p.m., they toss and turn for hours like someone with insomnia. They difference is, unlike an insomniac, people with delayed sleep phase disorder have no difficulty staying asleep. They do have a very difficult time getting up early in the morning. Teenagers with this sleep disorder are very tired during the day and may even fall asleep in the classroom. The exact cause of this sleep disorder is not known. It is known for certain that it is a circadian rhythm problem.

Treatment for this sleep disorder is available for people that need to get onto a more traditional sleep / wake schedule. The types of treatment include, bright light, chronotherapy, melatonin and over- the-counter prescribed sleeping pills.

Bright light treatment for delayed sleep phase disorder uses bright light to trick the brain’s circadian clock . Exposure to bright light shifts the circadian rhythm if it is administered within a few hours of the body’s lowest temperature at night.

Using chronotherapy as a treatment for someone with delayed sleep phase disorder requires a block of time one week long. Each day bedtime is delayed by three hours successively. For example, for someone that falls asleep at 2 a.m. but wants to fall asleep at 11. p.m., their bedtime would move to 5 a.m. on the first day. The next day it would move to 8 a.m. and continue this cycle for a week. A teenager suffering with delayed sleep phase disorder would need a week off from school in order to complete this therapy. Once the desired bed time is reached it is very important to keep a consistent wake up time.

There are several treatments involving various drugs that are used to treat delayed sleep phase disorder. Melatonin has been successful in changing the sleep cycle of people with this sleep disorder. Prescription medication such as Ramelteon, and other sleeping pills, have been successful in treating teenagers and adults with delayed sleep phase disorder.

If your teenager has trouble falling asleep and always wants to stay up late, be aware of the possibility that a sleep disorder may be present.

Sleep Disorder Affecting Shift Workers

This is a fairly common form of sleeping disorder among medical professionals, police officers, and fireman. This is attributed mostly to people who change their work schedules and sleeping times around frequently. You’ll find this often in college students when they’re changing semesters and quarters when they get new schedules and can sometimes throw sleep patterns off.

Meaning if you were used to getting up early one semester and then you get to sleep late on another it can throw your sleeping patterns off, which can make you feel disoriented and confused which is the main cause for why people get up and retire late, and are late for their jobs and classes because they’re not giving themselves enough time to adjust between schedule changes.

This is why when a job or school schedules changes it’s ideal to give yourself adequate time to make the adjustment so that it doesn’t throw you off physically, so you’re able to wake up and retire at a reasonable time so you can make it to work and school on time.

This is why it’s not always wise to constantly change your schedule whenever possible because if you do it too much you’re going to confuse yourself on whether you’re coming or going. There are some people who’s jobs switch their schedules around so much that it can throw someone completely out of synch because the hours start to get rather conflicted when they’re coming and going and not making time for other things like having a life or maintaining their priorities outside of their job and school.

This also can happen if you’re running between more than one job and school because if you’re going to a job during the day and then running to another job at night it can throw you off as well. People are advised to give themselves so much time between things in order to make the full transition into the new schedule or time frame so they’re not feeling overwhelmed and stressed out since stress can play a huge thing in work related insomnia. The stress comes from having to make so many drastic changes too fast and at one time.

This is why people get burned out quickly and dealing with the physical things like indigestion and other things because they’re pushing themselves too hard and sometimes forcing themselves to do things that isn’t even normal and is considered unhealthy.

College students who are like this tending to gain or lose weight because of the stress they’re under to switch from one thing to another and not giving themselves a chance to really adjust fully to a schedule or lifestyle change. Even people who work as nurses and doctors occasionally go through this. Because hours are rather strange, and that can throw off the pattern your body has become custom to when to rise and sleep.

If you interfere with that, it can make you feel weird which can also affect appetite and mental focus and concentration which most people deal with the disorientation of switching things around too fast.