The Basics of Acne

We see it and we obsess over it but do we know anything about it?

Acne is a skin condition brought about by a host of factors that all contribute to its development. It starts off with an excess production of oil on the skin due to the over activity of bodys skin glands. The bodys hormonal havoc may lead to the plugging and clogging of the pores. When these oils interact with the dead skin cells that line up the pores and the dirt that accumulates from the environment, outbreaks may occur especially when bacteria begins to accumulate.

Genetics play a role in acne. People whose family members have acne will most likely develop acne or have children who will develop the condition. The bodys internal hormonal system also contributes. This is the reason why teeners are more predisposed to it than adults.
Acne does not only occur on the face, although they are much visible there. Acne may crop up in different parts of the body but the most common is of course in the neck, at the back and on the shoulders.

There are five different types of acne, or one may also call them stages of acne. The first one is the most common form, acne vulgaris. This is actually the mild to moderate version of acne problem. Do not get be confused. If your only problems is some zits that you can count with your fingers then this is not your problem. Acne vulgaris involves all the works, whiteheads, blackheads, papules and pustules, which are quite visible as they often have a white or a yellow center. In severe cases of acne vulgaris, the person may also experience the development of nodules and even cysts that are filled with pus. These are the forms of acne that when not treated carefully may lead to scarring.

Another form of acne is the Acne Rosacea, which may appear as the red rash that covers the spaces in between pimples and other blemishes. The condition occurs more often in women than in men and may require specialized treatment and care compared to Acne Vulgaris.

Acne Conglobata, on the other hand, is more severe as it occurs as an interconnected leasions that are dotted with pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. Because of the severity of the condition, this often leads to scarring.

The fourth one is the Acne Fulminans, which is actually similar to Acne Conglobata except that it occurs suddenly. The acne oozes out and the body is even affected, frequently resulting in aching muscles and joints. Males are more affected by this than women. To treat the condition, doctors often recommend the use of Accutane, which is very effective in completely stopping the breakouts altogether. This however is not often prescribed and only as a last resort because of the side effects that it can cause in the body especially for women who have just gotten pregnant.

The last type of acne is the Pyroderma Faciale, which can be often seen in women, 20 to 40 yeatrs old. This is actually quite severe as it often involves the presence of nodules, sores and some pustules, which will no doubt all lead to scarring in the future. Still, if treated well, the condition will rarely continue or last for longer than a year. The important is to have it treated as soon as it crops up.

How to Use Essential Oils for Skin Care

People have been using essential oils to nourish and soothe their skin since the time of the ancient Egyptians, at least. For awhile, chemical products were coming on the market every day. People went almost completely away from using essential oils. In recent years, it seems that they’re back.

With the resurgence of the use of essential oils, people are finding ancient answers to common problems. Several different essential oils have been used for simple cleansing. Some of these are sweet basil, lemon, lemongrass, neroli, juniper, and peppermint. Any of these oils can be put in by a few drops in a mild soap. Acne is a distressing skin condition that is related to overproduction of sebum in the skin cells of the face. Essential oils have long been used to help the condition. Geranium, chamomile, tea tree, and lavender oils are among those employed.

These essential oils can be combined with a light carrier oil and applied directly to the skin. However, the extra oil of the carrier may seem to be too much. In this case, the essential oils can be dropped into fragrance-free lotion or cream and rubbed into the affected area. The biggest single factor causing skin to age is the fact that skin loses the ability to hang onto moisture. Thus, it dries out and becomes more fragile. Skin can also age because of exposure to sun or pollutants such as smoking.

Essential oils supply a variety of remedies for aged and wrinkled skin. Frankincense, neroli, or rose oils are excellent oils to use for this purpose. Put them in carrier oils or in fragrance-free lotions to rub on the face. Sandalwood oil, carrot root oil, and many others can be used.

Dandruff can be a bothersome ailment. There are all kinds of chemical remedies in your local stores to treat it. However, there are many essential oils that can help the condition in a more natural way. Cedarwood, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, or rosemary essential oils can be used. There are many other oils and combinations of essential oils that have been used successfully. Any of these can be dropped into hair oil, or added to a water and vinegar mixture to rinse the hair with.

Chamomile and lavender oils are the two best essential oils to use for sunburn. One method is to put a few drops into a cool bath and soak until the heat goes away. The other way to use them is to drop a few drops into a carrier oil and rub gently onto the burnt skin. For severe burns, see your doctor. It seems counterintuitive that essential oils can help to clear oily skin. However, people have been getting good results with these treatments for years upon end. Juniper berry, chamomile, cedarwood, and lavender oils, to name a few, have worked wonders. Add them to water to make a rinse for your face after you wash it.

Skin problems aren’t new to the world. Using essential oils to treat them isn’t new either. However, because these treatments were ignored for so long, they are new to many people now.

Simple Eczema Remedies

Eczema remedies are often investigated by those with this skin condition because the traditional medical creams, ointments and pills can be harsh and abrasive. The need to take control and manage this skin condition naturally, with as few side effects as possible, is for many, the ultimate goal.

Eczema then, is a skin condition that ranges from mild to pretty extreme. Mild being slight itching and extreme being broken, cracked and dry skin that itches and bleeds. Add to that mix the fact that it can be socially debilitating, leaving some sufferers struggling to lead what is considered a normal and active life, and it is clear to see that it is a very serious condition.

One of the eczema remedies that has been shown to work well is the use of natural oils. Tea tree oil in particular has properties that help to heal and remedy the condition of eczema. It is effective as a remedy because it not only clears up the red patches on the skin, but it also stops the itching and the swelling that can often be seen on a sufferer’s skin.

An important addition to the eczema remedies list is how to replace the necessary bath and bathroom products that are usually perfumed and scented and so cause major problems for people with eczema. One useful tip is to on occasion bathe with oatmeal or oats. Bathing with oatmeal and oats has been shown to relieve the irritable symptoms and conditions of eczema and leave the skin feeling supple and moist.

Children number some of the sufferers of eczema and for them this can be a particularly nasty condition to live with. Not only are they in pain from the inflammation and the open sores that can result, children will often find it extremely difficult to stop scratching. What can be done for children, particularly young children, to whom it can be difficult to explain what is going on, is to put mittens on their hands. This will obviously lessen the impact of their scratching. In the same guise, keeping the finger nails trimmed low and clean are an effective way to ease some of the symptoms of eczema.

As eczema remedies go one that has been around for many generations is the use of cotton clothing and bedlinen to help manage the conditions. Cotton is a natural fiber and putting this material against the skin, as opposed to man made fibers and materials, will help to lessen the problems for many an eczema sufferer.

Above all, finding the most useful remedy for eczema depends on the severity and the individual and how they choose to manage this skin condition. What should be remembered though, is that eczema and its symptoms can be effectively minimized, but it is difficult to completely cure.

The Benefits Of Professional Skin Care

You can get a variety of professional skin care products just about anywhere these days. It used to be that you were limited to only the selection of products at your local spa, but now there are quality skin care products at the pharmacy or health store, along with a number of outlets online. You no longer have to pay expensive spa fees just to get the products you need.

Along with the expanded choice of retailers, there is a vast array of professional skin care products available. You can choose an entire product line to cover all of your personal care needs or just select single products as you need them. There are also more organic and natural beauty products on the market now than ever before, so you do not have to use chemical-based skin care products. Some products have blended the natural with some synthetic substances, trying to avoid using the most toxic chemicals.

Many of these products can be purchased over the counter with no prescription, but some of the stronger items may require a prescription from a dermatologist. These products are usually a stronger concentration that is meant only for certain skin problems. They must be restricted because they may cause damage to people who do not have that particular condition. Some of the more common prescription products are used to treat acne, discoloration, and premature aging.

Of course, if you do need a prescription product, you will have to make an appointment with a dermatologist. A qualified dermatologist is the best person to decide if you have a severe enough skin condition to warrant treatment with professional skin care products. If he does determine that you have a problem, the dermatologist can suggest certain products that will be best suited for that specific skin condition. The doctor can also advise you on the safe use of all cosmetic products, including warnings specific to pregnant women.

Any professional skin care product you buy should come with an instruction booklet and warnings. A good dermatologist will also verbally warn you of any side effect and should explain how to use the product correctly. Always follow the doctor’s instructions or ask the pharmacist if you have any questions about how the product should be used or how much to use.

Although all professional skin care products come with their own instruction leaflets, your dermatologist should be able to verbally repeat product instructions and warnings. A good doctor will always warn you if you should expect some side effects. He can also tell you exactly how to safely get the most out of your product. You should also check with your doctor to make sure there are no adverse reactions with any other medications or products you are currently using.

The expansion of the skin care industry has brought many high-end products to the consumer. You may now be able to find your skin care solution without having to see the dermatologist. Of course, be careful when purchasing your own products without a doctor’s guidance as there may be side effects or interactions. Always do your research to make sure you are getting the right type of professional skin care products.