Wart Removal with Duct Tape: Does It Really Work?

Warts are a skin condition that many individuals have. Although this condition is, in most cases, completely harmless, there are many individuals who wish to have their warts removed. This is because some warts, depending on their location, can be painful and others are unattractive. If you have warts and you are interested in having them removed, there is a good chance that you may have thought about doing your own at home wart removal. While it is possible to do, are you aware of the dangers? If not, it is important to familiarize yourself with them.

With at home wart removal, you have a number of different options. Those options include home remedies, as well as over-the-counter medications. Although over-the-counter wart removers may be considered safer, it is important to remember that they are both associated with risks. These risks may not only be harmful to your health, but to your physical appearance. That is why it is important to familiarize yourself with these risks, ahead of time.

As mentioned above, over-the-counter wart removal products are considered relatively safe. The problem that many individuals face is not properly using them. Before you begin using an over-the-counter wart removal, you are advised to read all of the directions and warnings. This will help to make sure that you do not accidentally make a mistake, which could make your wart or the skin around it worse. For example, freeze-off wart removal products are a popular choice among those who want to remove their own warts, but did you know that the formula can cause skin scaring or burns?

In addition to reading the directions, it is also important that you examine the ingredients in each product. Unfortunately, when it comes to over-the-counter medications, many of the ingredients are hard to read or hard to understand. That is why it is advised that those with numerous allergies seek assistance from a medical professional. Medical professionals are easily able to associate allergies with medical products, including over-the-counter wart removers. If you try a product, only to later find out that you were allergic to one of the ingredients, you are advised to seek medical assistance right away.

If you are interested in using a home remedy, instead of an over-the-counter product, you are advised to proceed with caution. This includes begin cautious of your source of information. It might be best to purchase a home remedy book or find a trusted and well-known online home remedy website. This will help to ensure that you are not only getting accurate information, but safe information as well. If a home remedy sounds too far fetched, it just may be.

As with over-the-counter wart removers, it is important that you know what you are using. You will want to make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients needed. As mentioned above, you may be putting yourself at serious risk by knowingly using a product that you are allergic to. The good thing about wart removal home remedies is that there are a number of them out there. Essentially, this means that you should be able to find at least one home remedy that uses ingredients that are safe for you. That is why it is advised that you never put yourself at risk, especially when it really isnt even necessary.

It is important to focus on the dangers of the removal procedure, itself, but it is also important to focus on what will happen afterwards. You are advised to properly care for the spot where your wart once was. This often entails cleaning the area, as well as keeping it covered. Unfortunately, when undergoing an at home wart removal procedure, you are not given professional advice. That means it is your reasonability to not only know the proper ways to take care of your skin, but also make sure that you do. By not taking care of your skin, you could be putting yourself at risk for other serious health complications, such as an infection.

Although, as you can see, there are dangers associated with at home wart removals, but there are also benefits. That is why it is important that you not only consider the disadvantages, but the advantages as well.


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What factors causes Acne?

What causes Acne?

Did you know that common Acne, also known as Acne Vulgaris, is suffered by up to 85% of adolescents and young adults? That is an extremely high portion of the population which is affected by this skin disorder.

The cause of Acne is not fully known, but there are several factors which contribute to the development of this inflammatory skin disorder. Your genes play a role in this, meaning if your parents or grandparents suffered this skin condition, you will be prone to getting Acne yourself.

Most notably, there is a link to a change in hormonal activity, such as menstrual cycles and puberty. In the past the over production of sebum was considered to be the main cause of Acne. Sebum is an oily secretion of fats and the remains of fat producing cells, caused by hyperactive sebaceous glands in the skin.

However, it appears as though the narrowing of follicle channel, where the hair is rooted in the skin, is also a major factor causing common Acne. There are several other factors which can contribute, such as Stress, accumulation of dead skin cells, an allergic reaction to bacteria in the pores, scratching and the usage of anabolic steroids.

What has not been confirmed in any way, is the contribution a fatty diet, including chocolate, potato chips and French fries, may have on Acne. Generally, sufferers should experiment with their diet to ascertain what food stuffs affect the severity of their Acne.

What could have an influence on Acne is a diet high on refined sugar products. Acne is rare in societies which have not been influenced by our western way of life. These people have a low glycernic level in their diets. However, if the reduction of high glycernic foods, such has soft drinks, sweets and white bread, has a significant effect on alleviating Acne disorders has yet to be proved. Keeping a low consumption of these kinds of foods will influence your general health for the better.

Another misconception concerning Acne is personal hygiene. Acne is not caused by dirt, so a poor personal hygiene is not a factor. To make this clearer, Acne causes blockages to occur deep within the follicle or hair channel and as such cannot be washed away. In fact, anything more than a gentle cleansing can cause new lesions by damaging or over drying skin.

On a lighter note, if you have heard that celibacy or masturbation can cause Acne and sexual intercourse can cure it, I have good news for you. There is absolutely no scientific evidence at all that this is true.

How To Fight Acne Before It Happens!

Acne is not the same as having a few zits, or a few pimples appearing on your face. Acne can even spread to different parts of the body, including your neck, your back, and your chest, and can be a very embarrassing skin condition.

Those who have severe acne should most certainly seek the advice of a dermatologist for possible treatment options. For those who do not have acne, most of the time, you can prevent it from ever occurring. The following paragraphs will take a look at a few ways to prevent this skin condition.


Most people do not realize it, but our skin is the largest organ that expels waste from our bodies, in conjunction with our intestines, bladders, and colons.

Because of this, how we eat will be reflected in by the condition of our skin. By eliminating unhealthy foods from our diets, we are decreasing the amount of toxin being expelled from our pores. Thus, we can help prevent an acne outbreak from development by eating a healthier diet. Nutrients recommended to add to your diet to help with acne prevention include:


vitamin A
vitamin E

vitamin B6

Each of these vitamins and minerals can aid in the prevention of acne in their own way. While zinc, especially in the form of zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate, can reduce the androgenic hormonal effects on our skin. Vitamin A can help reduce sebum production. Vitamin E helps protect skin cell membrane from damage, as well as helps maintain healthy skin my eliminating harmful free radicals from our bodies, that can often be generated during physical activities.

Vitamin B6 helps prevent premenstrual acne, and reduce the sensitivity to the effects of testosterone. By adding foods rich in these vitamins and nutrients to your diet, you can reduce your chances of getting acne.


Getting regular exercise can also help prevent acne. When we exercise, we are increasing the blood flow to our skin, and providing more oxygen to our skin cells. Sweating moderately also cleans our skin pores from the inside out, also aiding in the prevention of acne. Regular exercise and moderate sweating are excellent ways of helping to prevent acne, but taking a shower immediately afterwards is very important.


Detoxification is the process of removing harmful toxins from our bodies.

Many different types of cleansers are available to help prevent acne, including:

colon cleanses

liver flushes


When there is a toxin build up in vital parts of our digestive system, the toxins begin to excrete themselves from our skin pores, increasing the chances of an acne outbreak. By eliminating the build up of toxins, we are helping to prevent acne.

What Causes of Acne?

Although much has already been researched about acne, there is still no clear preventive measure or even a treatment procedure that will complete eradicate its occurrence. This is perhaps because acne is not caused by just one factor but a host of factors that are all interconnected, contributing to the end product. To cure it, one need to take care of every consideration and to tell you the truth, there are a lot.

So what exactly causes acne?

Before going into the mysteries and procedures of acne occurrence, one must first determine what is acne. Acne is a skin condition characterized by the occurrence and presence of bumps on the skin. These bumps may be a whitehead; a blackhead, which is a whitehead with a black center; some pustules, which often have yellow or white center filled with pus and some nodes. A ski condition that involves only one or two pimples or a condition that you can count your pimples in your hands is not acne but just the eruption of the skin.

Acne can occur in all ages, although teenagers are often plagued by it because of changes in their bodies during the adolescent period. Adult acne, actually is quite prevalent, affecting 25 percent of men in their mid-twenties to their early forties and 50 percent of women in the same age range.

Acne occurs when the pores of the skin is clogged by excess oils, dead skin cells that line up the pores and dirt. This often happens when the hair follicle in the skin is trapped inside by sebum and dead cells. When these three factors interact with each other, eruptions may occur. When the acne bacteria, propionibacterium acnes, which is actually part of the skins natural environment, mix with the excess sebum, it will multiply and eventually lead to skin eruptions.

Scientists believe that acne is largely due to the change in the levels of androgenic hormones in the body, the hormone that is associated with the male and with growth and development. When testosterone is produced in the body, the hormone is metabolized in the skin producing dihydrotestosterone. It is this chemical that causes the sebaceous glands to produce excess oils on the skin.

Although, sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria are the main culprits, there are some factors that also contribute in the development of acne. One of these factors is medications or any chemicals that are put on the skin. Lets face it, there are skins that are too sensitive for their own good. This is why it is important that one consults first a dermatologist before putting chemicals on the skin.

Another risk factor for acne is the changes in the body system, which often occurs during pregnancy, menstruation and other hormonal abnormalities.

Although propionibacterium acnes, the skins resident and natural bacteria is already present in the skin, there are other unwanted bacteria that may attack the skin. Inflammation occurs when the body sends white blood cells to fight off the bacteria and gets clogged in the pores.

Although not proven conclusively yet, there are some who believe that stress can also contribute in the development of acne. This may be tied up with the fact that stress in the body may also wrought changes in the internal body system, which in turn can trigger abnormal hormonal response.