Battle Scars

The fight against acne is an arduous battle and like any battle, you may survive but not be left unscathed. Yes, the struggle with acne does not end with the treatment and eradication of the situation because acne often leaves unsightly residual scars that affect levels of self esteem as well as leave a tangible and visual reminder of a painful ordeal.

The good news

Fortunately, with advancements in science and technology, acne scar suffers won’t have to live with this situation any longer. There are a host of solutions available for acne scar removal that actually work. However, it is important to remain realistic in expectation and to learn which procedure will benefit you because there are no one size fits all remedy for acne scar removal. Acne scar removal procedures will depend on one’s age, skin type and severity.

When abrasiveness works

One type of acne scar removal is dermabrasion and this entails the use of an electronic machine that will remove the top layer of the skin to even out the surface and produce, clearer, smoother skin. Although if you think about it, the procedure is much like sanding stone or wood down, this has proven to be quite successful. After the procedure the skin is red and raw but when it heals, smoother, more even skin is yours to have. This however does not work on thin skin, which may not have enough layers to begin with.

Feel the peel

Chemical peels work much like dermabrasion except that instead of a mechanical machine, chemicals are used in contact with the skin to be treated to prompt it to shed off the top, scarred layers to make room for smoother skin. This procedure may not be an option for individuals with overly sensitive skin which may react adversely to the chemicals.

Injectibles and laser treatments

Although primarily used to treat aging skin, collagen injections and laser treatments are also effective in acne scar removal. These techniques are use to transform depressed areas formed by scars to create a smooth and scar free skin surface.

Punching and transferring

Punch grafts and fat transfers are also used to treat deep scars caused by acne. Punch grafts entail punching holes on scars and replacing the skin with an unscarred source elsewhere in the body. Same goes for fat transfer where fat from another source of the body is transferred onto depressed skin surfaces to raise and level off scars.

For more detailed information on procedures, which one is right for you and where you can get them, visit the sites below and begin your journey toward getting rid of battle scars caused by acne.

All about acne

For your complete acne online resource, point your browser to Its page on acne scar removal is a complete information sheet about getting rid of unsightly scars caused by acne. This site will also help you find out where to get procedures done and more importantly, where you can find qualified professionals to help you find out the best process for your acne scar removal needs.

Acne Scars Is There Hope?

It is estimated that eighty percent of people between the ages of fourteen and twenty suffer from acne. For most of us, acne is a short-lived annoyance during certain periods of our lives. Unfortunately, for some people acne is painful long after the pimples have been treated. Scarring from acne is most common for those who have suffered from severe acne, but scarring can affect anyone who has experienced acne.

If you are one of the millions of people living with acne scars, theres good news. There are many options available to diminish these unseemly blemishes. All of these techniques work to restore the normal, healthy appearance of scarred skin; it may not always be possible to get rid of all acne scars, but with the right treatment for you, no one will ever know you were scarred. Acne scar treatments vary in their approaches depending on the severity of your scarring and your budget. You should discuss all of the available options, costs, and side effects with your dermatologist.

Before we talk about the treatments available, we should take a look at why acne can cause scarring. The primary reason for any kind of scar is tissue damage. When body tissue is damaged, our body tries to heal and protect it from infection. In the case of acne, dead skin cells block the bodys pores, preventing the secretion of natural oils in the skin. This creates a perfect environment for bacteria to grow, which irritates the skin and causes acne. When acne is aggravated due to harsh scrubbing or other forms of physical attention, it further aggravates the condition and harms the sensitive skin tissue. When the skin finally is able to heal, a scar is left behind.

One of the most popular acne scar treatment techniques is injecting collagen under the surface of the scarred skin. Collagen puffs out the skin and evens out the scarred area, making acne less noticeable. Another important acne scar treatment technique is what is called autologous fat transfer. This process makes use of your own bodys fat. Fat is taken from another part of your body and is injected into the affected part, filling up the scar.

This technique requires repeated applications because the fat is eventually absorbed into the body, making the scar noticeable once again. Your dermatologist may suggest you try laser treatments or dermabrasion. Both of these techniques are very effective. In the most extreme cases, skin grafting and skin surgery may be considered.

Keep in mind that these are only a small number of the options available for acne scar treatment.

Acne Scars Is There Hope?

It is estimated that eighty percent of people between the ages of fourteen and twenty suffer from acne. For most of us, acne is a short-lived annoyance during certain periods of our lives. Unfortunately, for some people acne is painful long after the pimples have been treated. Scarring from acne is most common for those who have suffered from severe acne, but scarring can affect anyone who has experienced acne.

If you are one of the millions of people living with acne scars, theres good news. There are many options available to diminish these unseemly blemishes. All of these techniques work to restore the normal, healthy appearance of scarred skin; it may not always be possible to get rid of all acne scars, but with the right treatment for you, no one will ever know you were scarred. Acne scar treatments vary in their approaches depending on the severity of your scarring and your budget. You should discuss all of the available options, costs, and side effects with your dermatologist.

Before we talk about the treatments available, we should take a look at why acne can cause scarring. The primary reason for any kind of scar is tissue damage. When body tissue is damaged, our body tries to heal and protect it from infection. In the case of acne, dead skin cells block the bodys pores, preventing the secretion of natural oils in the skin. This creates a perfect environment for bacteria to grow, which irritates the skin and causes acne. When acne is aggravated due to harsh scrubbing or other forms of physical attention, it further aggravates the condition and harms the sensitive skin tissue. When the skin finally is able to heal, a scar is left behind.

One of the most popular acne scar treatment techniques is injecting collagen under the surface of the scarred skin. Collagen puffs out the skin and evens out the scarred area, making acne less noticeable. Another important acne scar treatment technique is what is called autologous fat transfer. This process makes use of your own bodys fat. Fat is taken from another part of your body and is injected into the affected part, filling up the scar.

This technique requires repeated applications because the fat is eventually absorbed into the body, making the scar noticeable once again. Your dermatologist may suggest you try laser treatments or dermabrasion. Both of these techniques are very effective. In the most extreme cases, skin grafting and skin surgery may be considered.

Keep in mind that these are only a small number of the options available for acne scar treatment.