Is It A Wart Or Is It Something Else?

The outermost layer of the skin is called the epidermis. As the skin covers all parts of the body, warts can be found virtually anywhere on the body. Unfortunately, there are also a number of other types of growths which can appear on the skin in a similar manner. In order to affect the best means of treatment, it is important to determine whether a particular growth is a wart or whether it is something else. Being able to treat a growth for what it is obviously is relevant in selecting the best treatment; but another important factor is that some types of growths can be much more dangerous than most common warts. In taking both of these points into consideration, the earliest possible diagnosis is essential.

A wart is a benign tumor. As the word “tumor” can lead people to scurry off to their doctors, presenting it in this manner can be helpful. The reason for this is that many common warts, benign in themselves, can easily be confused with the malignant growths that are skin cancers. If you have a wart, or a cluster of them, do not be too hasty to dismiss them as harmless. There is a possibility that it could be a skin cancer, and many types of skin cancer are deadly. The significant rate of deaths from skin cancer is usually attributed to the fact that the cancer is not diagnosed and treated in time, and spreads quite rapidly.

For everyone in general, but most especially people who have had a lot of exposure to the sun, any new growth on the skin should be treated as suspicious and checked by a physician as soon as possible. You may indeed have nothing more than an annoying wart, but prompt medical attention to determine this is very important. Most skin cancers are usually one-hundred-percent curable if they are diagnosed and treated in time.

Another growth on the skin which is frequently mistaken for a wart is the common callous. A callous is a hardening of the skin, usually rough to the touch. Callouses occur in areas where there is the most pressure or friction to the skin, such as the heels of the feet, or the areas of the fingers if the person does a lot of writing or other similar detailed work.

Clavi commonly known as corns are smaller, more localized forms of callouses. They are most common on the feet, especially when one wears improperly-fitting shoes. They can bear a striking resemblance to warts, but they are not contagious to other people and will not spread to other parts of the body.

All types of warts are a problem to those who suffer from them, and can be as much of a problem to anyone who acquires warts from another person or infected surfaces. But in the interest of your health, before making a decision about the best treatment for your warts, it is a very good idea to first know for certain that it is indeed a wart and not any of the other types of growths that can appear on your skin. Although the black spot of the blood supply to a wart is a sign that that’s what it is, for the sake of your own peace of mind it is best that you not try to diagnose it yourself. A physician is the most competent judge as whether a growth is a wart, or whether it is something else.