Herbal Remedies For Sinus Infections

Sinus problems keep on increasing year after year. According to medical experts, once youre afflicted with a sinus infection, there is no guarantee that you will not develop it in the future. Symptoms like stuffy nose and headache usually persist despite the medications given. For centuries, herbal remedies have been used to treat sinus infections because they are safe. There are no harmful side effects and the herbal preparations are easily prepared.

For sinus infections, use these herbs:

Licorice for immune system stimulation, you can use the licorice roots; it is also effective in reducing the inflammation of the sinuses. Licorice is also used for ulcers so you have to choose the licorice capsules instead because it is aimed at boosting an individuals immune system for better health.

Eucalyptus sore throat problems are often treated with eucalyptus because of its antiseptic properties. Swollen or inflamed sinus passages can also be treated with eucalyptus. Throat lozenges are very convenient to use or if you want, you can also drink the tea form. You can also inhale steam with a few drops of eucalyptus to unclog your sinus passages.

Ginger headaches can be relieved using ginger. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help in reducing the inflammation or pain in the sinus passages. Capsule forms of ginger are now available and be sure to take them as directed.

Peppermint like ginger, peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties. By taking peppermint tea or breathing its steam, the mucus membranes can be calmed. After taking it, you can breathe better.

Herbal supplements are now available in the market and some of these supplements can help in the prevention of sinus infections.

Lemon Balm this herb is very effective in treating viral and bacterial infections. Get the dried leaves of lemon balm and steep it in hot water for 10 minutes. Strain it and make sure that you drink it while it is warm. You can also use it as gargle.

Vitamins to manage the symptoms of sinusitis, take adequate vitamins, including zinc. This can help in shortening the duration of your colds. Lingering colds can cause sinus infections but if you take vitamins, you will get better soon. Lozenge and capsule forms of vitamins are widely available in wide range of prices. Take the vitamin supplements everyday for better results.

Echinacea this can help in improving the health of your immune system. Viruses found in the respiratory system can be eliminated by using this herb. Capsule forms are Echinacea can now be bought in drugstores all over the world. When you have a sinus infection, increase the dose but after a couple of days, go back to the regular dose. If youre allergic to ragweed, dont use Echinacea.

Antioxidants can also help so make sure that you eat plenty of foods containing antioxidants. Eat cranberries, pomegranates, red beans, artichokes, and blueberries. Adding these foods in your daily diet will surely improve the condition of your immune system.

Before resorting to drug medications, why not try using herbal remedies first? Herbal remedies are cheaper and effective as well. If you want to cut down your medical costs, use herbs for treating the sinus infections. There are lots of information resources online about these amazing herbs. You need to ensure that you follow the directions properly so that you can create an effective herbal preparation.

Sinus Infections

Modern living has its consequences. There are now complex health conditions and problems that arise like sinus infections. But because of todays modern world, there are also lots of medications and treatments for different kinds of illnesses or diseases.

Achieving optimum health is not as easy as you think. People are already used to bad diets, polluted areas, and unhealthy lifestyles. Because of this, they are more prone to chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sinus problems, and many other health conditions.

Antibiotics are overused these days. People tend to use them in inappropriate conditions and so it complicates thing further. There are even times when sinus infections dont react or respond to antibiotics especially if the root cause is fungus. Antibiotics can be narrow or broad spectrum.

The right antibiotic should be prescribed at the right health condition or problem. This is to prevent resistance to the medicine. Are you aware that improper use of antibiotic can cause side effects? Thats true and if there is no improvement in your sinusitis, it only means two things the wrong antibiotic was prescribed or you need a new treatment.

For instance, if the sinus infection did not respond to the antibiotic prescribed by the doctor, you can turn to alternative treatments like Chinese herbal remedies, acupuncture, and Ayurveda. However, the effectiveness of these alternative treatments vary from one individual to another; so you still need to find a suitable treatment that can work for your current condition.

Some people afflicted with sinus infections tend to have white or clear mucus in their sinuses. This indicates that the antibiotics wont work. Other symptoms include fatigue, loose stool, and lowered appetite. The doctor must be informed of the symptoms youre feeling.

The usual symptoms of sinusitis are greenish nasal discharge, nasal congestion, dental or facial pain, headache, eye pain, and frequent coughing during the night. Other people feel ill, have sore throat, bad breathe, and fever. Chronic sinus infections are hard to diagnose. If you have the symptoms for over two months now, then you have chronic sinusitis; but still, only the doctor can properly diagnose your true condition.

Fungal sinusitis is also possible and antibiotics wont work for this kind of infection. It can be caused by molds and other irritants. You can use alternative treatments for this kind of infection and according to some individuals, some of these treatments can work miracles. You can drink a warm cup of apple cider vinegar (disregard the taste even if its nasty), use a saline solution, or you can also regularly take garlic capsules. There are still other ways to treat fungal sinusitis and you can easily obtain the needed information online.

Maintaining a healthy and physically fit body can prevent future sinus infections. A healthy body will also have a strong immune system which can easily fight off infections. If the sinusitis is caused by bacteria, then a certain kind of antibiotic might work for it but the doctor should consider the severity of the infection, and age/weight of the patient.

Sinus infections can be cured although there are times when the infection returns. A serious dialogue with your doctor is needed so that the two of you can come up with an effective solution to address your condition.

If you want, you can also join yoga practices and use other herbal treatments in conjunction with your medical prescriptions. Always talk to your doctor first before trying any medicine or treatment.