Herbal Remedies For Sinus Infections

Sinus problems keep on increasing year after year. According to medical experts, once youre afflicted with a sinus infection, there is no guarantee that you will not develop it in the future. Symptoms like stuffy nose and headache usually persist despite the medications given. For centuries, herbal remedies have been used to treat sinus infections because they are safe. There are no harmful side effects and the herbal preparations are easily prepared.

For sinus infections, use these herbs:

Licorice for immune system stimulation, you can use the licorice roots; it is also effective in reducing the inflammation of the sinuses. Licorice is also used for ulcers so you have to choose the licorice capsules instead because it is aimed at boosting an individuals immune system for better health.

Eucalyptus sore throat problems are often treated with eucalyptus because of its antiseptic properties. Swollen or inflamed sinus passages can also be treated with eucalyptus. Throat lozenges are very convenient to use or if you want, you can also drink the tea form. You can also inhale steam with a few drops of eucalyptus to unclog your sinus passages.

Ginger headaches can be relieved using ginger. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help in reducing the inflammation or pain in the sinus passages. Capsule forms of ginger are now available and be sure to take them as directed.

Peppermint like ginger, peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties. By taking peppermint tea or breathing its steam, the mucus membranes can be calmed. After taking it, you can breathe better.

Herbal supplements are now available in the market and some of these supplements can help in the prevention of sinus infections.

Lemon Balm this herb is very effective in treating viral and bacterial infections. Get the dried leaves of lemon balm and steep it in hot water for 10 minutes. Strain it and make sure that you drink it while it is warm. You can also use it as gargle.

Vitamins to manage the symptoms of sinusitis, take adequate vitamins, including zinc. This can help in shortening the duration of your colds. Lingering colds can cause sinus infections but if you take vitamins, you will get better soon. Lozenge and capsule forms of vitamins are widely available in wide range of prices. Take the vitamin supplements everyday for better results.

Echinacea this can help in improving the health of your immune system. Viruses found in the respiratory system can be eliminated by using this herb. Capsule forms are Echinacea can now be bought in drugstores all over the world. When you have a sinus infection, increase the dose but after a couple of days, go back to the regular dose. If youre allergic to ragweed, dont use Echinacea.

Antioxidants can also help so make sure that you eat plenty of foods containing antioxidants. Eat cranberries, pomegranates, red beans, artichokes, and blueberries. Adding these foods in your daily diet will surely improve the condition of your immune system.

Before resorting to drug medications, why not try using herbal remedies first? Herbal remedies are cheaper and effective as well. If you want to cut down your medical costs, use herbs for treating the sinus infections. There are lots of information resources online about these amazing herbs. You need to ensure that you follow the directions properly so that you can create an effective herbal preparation.

Facts About Sinus Infections

Even if you have a personal doctor who attends to all your medical needs, its not a guarantee that he or she can cure your sinus infections. The fact is, many doctors dont know the newest treatments for sinus infections. If youre having a very hard time in dealing with your health problem, you will learn a lot in just a few minutes so keep reading.

Acupuncture, acupressure, antibiotics, ENT doctors, and chiropractors wont be able to help you with your sinus infections. Not many individuals are open to acupuncture, especially those who are afraid of needles. If you dont want to end up as a pin cushion, this is not an excellent choice but it can help in other health problems like back pains, but not sinus infections.

Acupressure is also good but it cant help you but if you have hiccups, it may help a lot. In short term treatments, antibiotics can deal with your sinus infections but most of the time, the symptoms return within a week. ENT doctors may seem like a good choice but oftentimes, they would give the same antibiotics which only work for a short period.

Dont even think of consulting a chiropractor if you want to relieve the pressure and pain of your sinus infections because it wont help. These individuals can help you with other health concerns but not sinus infections.

If you want to stop the discomfort and pain brought about by your sinus infection, these things can help you effectively:

1.You should be aware that sinus infections are primarily caused by fungus. Most individuals suffering from this health problem is carrying a yeast or fungal infection. You will not be able to get rid of the infection if the fungus is still there. Antibiotics cant remove the fungus but it can encourage the growth of the fungal infection.

2.Get yourself a personal Neti pot. You need to use this whenever youre rinsing out the sinuses. Some online stores sell this little strange pot, so look for it online.

3.Apple cider vinegar if you feel like a sinus infection is about to burst up, you can put 1 tsp of the vinegar on your Neti pot. The taste is a bit nasty and you will feel a burning sensation but it only means that it is working.

4.Sea salts make a saline solution in your Neti pot by putting the right amount of sea salts in it.

5.Take garlic capsule because it can change the bodys chemistry and help fight the sinus infections.

You dont have to rely entirely on your doctor if you want to fight your sinus infection. But this doesnt mean that you can disregard your doctor from now on. You can even share the information with your doctor if you like. Keep in mind that antibiotics wont help in getting rid of the fungus and it will only make your condition worse.

Try the five things mentioned earlier especially if youre having a very hard time in dealing with your sinus infections. You dont have to spend lots of money for the antibiotics that dont work. Start shopping for your very own Neti pot online now. You will be using it more often every time you need to prepare a solution for the infection of your sinus.

Causes Of Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are more commonly known as sinusitis. It can definitely create a lot of pain and discomfort to the affected individual. To better understand your health condition, there is a need to determine its causes and one way to do that is by consulting a medical professional.

How can you tell if you have a sinus infection? Well, its really easy and you just need to look out for some symptoms such as a feeling of tenderness around your eyes, nose, forehead, and cheeks. Some patients even suffer from headaches, nose discharge, congestion, or fever, and cough. Most sinus infections are chronic and so you will need an experienced doctor to avoid frequent occurrences in a year. With the proper treatment, you can get rid of your sinus infection in no time.

Sinuses protect your skull. Sinuses come in four pairs which connect it to the nasal passages and the nostrils. When youre able to inhale germs, the infection will start. When the lining of your sinuses become inflamed, you will be suffering from a sinus infection.

Common colds are the main reasons for sinusitis. When you have a cold, there tends to be congestion inside your nasal passages. The sinuses drainage is inhibited, thereby causing the inflammation.

Scuba diving and flying can also cause sinusitis. You see, when you dive under water or you fly up into the air, the pressure changes. This change in pressure can cause inflammation in the nasal passages, causing sinusitis. Pregnant women are more prone to sinus infections because of the changes in the hormone level inside the body. Because of the hormonal changes, the nasal passages tend to swell causing discomfort and pain. Women who are taking contraceptives like pills are also prone to sinusitis because the pills trick the body into thinking that the person is pregnant and in turn, it creates hormonal changes as well. Asthmatics are also at high risk of developing the infection.

On most sinus infection cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics like amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and moxifloxacin. Depending on the severity of the infection and the age of the individual, the doctor can prescribe broad-spectrum or narrow-spectrum medications. Some medicines may cost big money especially if the infection occurs frequently but if it means reducing or eliminating the pain, anyone will be willing to spend that kind of money.

To sum it all up, the causes of sinus infections are the following: when you inhale germs, common colds, change in pressure when scuba diving or flying, pregnancy, and the intake of birth control pills. If any of the situations applies to you, you will be at high risk of developing the infection as well. When you feel any pain around your eyes, nose, forehead, or cheek, take that as a warning and schedule an appointment with your doctor right away. Sinusitis can really cause a lot of pain and discomfort. There are several effective medicines like antibiotics that the doctor can prescribe. Consult your doctor now and have your condition examined.

Once youre given a prescription, you need to follow all the instructions carefully. That way, your condition will get better and the pain will go away. Know the causes of sinusitis so that you can easily tell if youre exhibiting some of the symptoms. Sinus infections can be cured, so dont hesitate to visit your doctor.

Antibiotics For Sinus Infections

Antibiotics for Sinus Infections

Are there really effective antibiotics for sinus infections? Antibiotics are used for patients who are suffering from certain infections like that of the sinus. The medicine kills the bacteria inside the body which is responsible for the infection. Doctors dont prescribe antibiotics for viral influenza and common cold because it is ineffective for fighting viruses.

A healthy body can easily fight bacterial infections but this is not the case all the time. Some individuals are not that healthy and this means that their immune system is not working at its best, in short, the immune system is impaired. The white blood cells and the antibodies in some unhealthy individuals are not enough to fight the illness. The most commonly used antibiotics these days are penicillin, ,macrolides, cephalosporins, and flouroquinolones.

Antibiotics can be narrow-spectrum and broad-spectrum. In most cases, doctor prescribes the former kind of antibiotic because it is much cheaper but very effective in treating the bacterial infection. On the other hand, the latter often promotes antibiotic resistance and so it is given when badly needed.

Penicillin and macrolides are both narrow-spectrum antibiotics while the cephalosporins and flouroquinolones are noth broad-spectrum antibiotics.


Bacteria can easily reproduce, thereby multiplying at a fast rate especially when they have entered the hosts body. Penicillin can interfere with the building functions of the bacteria thereby stopping the infections. Amoxicillin is a very good example for treating sinus infections.


This antibiotic blocks or slows down the bacterias protein formation. This medicine does not eliminate the bacteria since its primary function is to curb the multiplication of the bacteria. By using the medicine, the immune system will be the one to eliminate the said bacteria. When this antibiotic is administered in large doses, it can also kill certain kinds of bacteria. Clarithromycin and erythromycin are very good examples of this kind of antibiotic. ENT specialists often prescribe clarithromycin for sinus infections.


This is already a broad-spectrum antibiotic and it works by inhibiting synthesis in the bacterias cell walls. Individuals who have a penicillin allergy are often given ceftibuten dehydrate which is a 3rd generation cephalosporins. Most ENT experts prescribe this antibiotic for those with penicillin allergic reactions.


Like the cephalosporins, this is another broad-spectrum antiobiotic and it is among the newest class. This antibiotic interferes with the bacterial DNA replication process. For sinus infections, Moxifloxacin is often given to patients.

Doctors cant just prescribe any antibiotic for the patient suffering from sinus infections. There are certain factors to consider like the cost of the medicine, the allergies of the individual, the possible side effects or serious reactions to the medicine, the illness severity and nature, and the rate at which the medicine is eliminated by the body.

Mild infections can be given narrow-spectrum antibiotics such as amoxicillin. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are given to patients with chronic sinus infections. Oftentimes, medical practitioners cant prescribe the same line of antibiotics because the effects vary from one individual to another. Having a personal doctor is an advantage because he or she is familiar with your medical history.

You cant use a certain antibiotic without the prescription of your doctor because it can only worsen your condition. Consult your doctor right away if youre having a sinus infection. That way, your current condition can be assessed thoroughly and a new line of medicines can be prescribed.