Causes of Child Anxiety Attacks

Child anxiety, just like that of adults, is a normal, healthy emotion felt as a response to certain stimuli. But when anxiety becomes recurring, irrational and intense, it may be considered as a disorder. Episodes of anxiety attacks can disable the child from performing his daily duties in school and at home. And while it is generally safe, anxiety attacks can affect how the child lives.

Since children are more fragile, they more vulnerable to such attacks and the effects of these attacks may be more severe than to adults. But what causes anxiety attacks? Here are some of the most common reasons of anxiety attacks:

School Phobia and Separation Anxiety
When a child reaches a certain age, he or she develops school phobia. The exact reason for this is still unknown, but what happens is, the child becomes excessively afraid of going to school. A child manifests this fear by creating reasons and complaining ailments such as toothaches, headache, and stomach cramps to keep him or her from going to school. School phobia is often linked to separation anxiety but the latter can manifest to situations other than in school (e.g. being with a group of people or joining other family for the weekend).

Again, the exact reason for this is unknown. Separation anxiety is excessive fear of being away from someone whom the child is comfortable being with. Tale-told signs of separation anxiety are similar to school phobia.

Stress is linked to anxiety attacks. It may be a result of heavy responsibilities at home and in school, unfinished tasks, physical and psychological abuse, a school bully, environment that is unfit for the child’s age, violence, etc.

Change in lifestyle
A child creates friends in school and in the neighborhood. These friends would make him or her feel comfortable and accepted. So when the family moves to another place or to a different school, a child loses the friend and comfort he or she has established and forces him or her to start all over again. If the child cannot cope with this stressful situation, it can lead to episodes of anxiety attack.

Indirect Reasons
In many cases, anxiety attacks just come out of the blue, or happen without any logical, clear or apparent reason. It may occur while the child is relaxed during the day and even while asleep. This may only happen only once. Perhaps, an anxiety attack is brought about by unresolved internal issues, which are not directly connected with the trigger. For example, a child who experiences a death of a loved one may panic whenever a certain, almost similar situation happens. The traumatic experience that he or she went through in the past which are not processed properly can come out, in this case through an attack.

A child may also show episodes of anxiety attacks because the problem at hand reminded him or her about family conflicts. Fighting in the family as well as divorce of parents may be traumatic to a child that when witnessing a similar situation, he or she goes into a panic.

Take note that there is no single reason (and it takes several factors) for a child to have an anxiety attack, but whatever it is, what’s important is how do deal with it properly.

Differentiating Mental Illness from Mental Health

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with mental health? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about mental health.

When differentiating mental illness from mental health, one must see deeply into something thats unwritten but what is felt. A medical professional must determine a persons mental health through the episodes of behavior that the person is manifesting. There are certain categories that fall under the behaviors and thoughts which can be classified as normalcy with the absence of any kind of illness within the system.

Sometimes, the answer is in duration at the tip of your tongue. If you read carefully, youll understand that there is a big different between mental health and mental illness. For one, mental health is the call of mind that doesnt experience any kind of onset of insanity. Whereas mental illness refers to the state of mind that accumulates problems and whereas the understanding and body can no longer cope with the episodes, toxic substances travel to your brain thus making real ill.

Mental illness is the time when a normal person tends to see things and hears things that arent really seen or heard by others. Some may show signs of having ideas that he can become the next Julia Roberts without even having the slightest idea on how to act or freedom the part; this might typify caused by a bipolar difficulty.

However, having a clear shot on what really is the difference between the two can be pretty thin. Adept are times when a person becomes afraid or scared to go on stage and face thousands of people just to hand a public speech. This doesnt necessarily mean that the person is having a mental illness but merely the attack of the nerves game into the system. People often feel depressed or overly exaggerated but that can be considered normal because humans tend to experience mood shifts.

With that, what is really the difference? How can you distinguish one from the changed? These can be answered just by looking at what mental health is NOT.

A normal state of mind doesnt manifest signs and symptoms that doctors usually convey on their patients. Majority of health providers define mental illness or disorder through the signs and symptoms that are shown by their patients namely increased in animate pattern, agitation, etc. Signs are the things that can be seen by the medical practitioner that the patient is indicating which are usually objective.

While symptoms are those that are felt and is verbalized by the patient which are oftentimes regarded as subjective. Some examples of symptoms are pain, depression, fear, etc. Helpful impairments are also considered as a factor that may greatly affect the mental well – being of the person. Impairment of normal functions can be regarded as those daily routine like taking a bath, washing your teeth, etc. These, by far are not what mental health is all about. Why? Seeing these can greatly affect how a person reacts thereupon, thinks.

Further studies also show that mental illness is ideally uncoordinated and show behaviors that arent within the scope of the normal functioning mind. Some of these illnesses display up as:

Extreme mood swings that happen almost everyday

Imaginary ideation which is quite impossible like having superhuman abilities

Intense feelings of sadness and depression

Responses shown physiologically like diaphoresis or excessive sweating

Mental health is always regarded as the mental state of mind with normal functioning and everyday coping.
There’s no doubt that the topic of mental health can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about mental health, you may find what you’re looking for in the next article.

Is There Any Way To Cure Gilbert’s Disease?

Are you one of those people who are affected by the scourge of Gilberts disease? Do you feel that you are helpless against the pain and discomfort that it brings? If you do, here are the top three sets of questions that you might want to ask and be answered. Through these, you can get direct answers to questions that hound your mind and can even help you recoveremotionallyas well.

Question number 1: What causes Gilberts disease? Do a viral infection or bacteria cause this condition or can this be passed on in some other way? Is Gilberts disease a chronic disease?

Answer: the abnormal number of the bilirubin in the blood causes Gilberts disease, it is not caused by any viral or bacterial infection. It can be passed on through the blood. Gilberts disease is known to be hereditary and it remains dormant inside the body for a long time.

Question number 2: How can you find out if you already have Gilberts disease? Are the symptoms of Gilberts disease can be associated with jaundice and other liver diseases is this true? How does one find out if his or her condition is Gilberts disease? Are there any specific symptoms?

Answer: You need to be aware of the differences between the symptoms and the signs that are associated with Gilberts disease and other liver diseases. Even though, there similarities the differences are also there. Unfortunately, Gilberts disease sharing the same symptoms with other diseases is true but if you can look into it further you can spot the minute difference.

Question number 3: Is there any new method to alleviate, or treat, the symptoms of Gilberts disease – yellow eyes, stomach pains and uneasiness? Is it due to the excessive amounts of bilirubin in the blood?

Answer: You have my understanding. This inherited condition (hereditary) affects just about two to five per cent of the population. It is considered that the situation occurs as a result of troubles in metabolizing the bilirubin. There are more than a few forms of the condition that can be distinguished on biochemical testing. As an outcome, the levels rise and clinical jaundice that you graphically depict occurs.

The condition appears to be not as good as after fasting and during a mild illness. The jaundice then fades instinctively. There is no cure. You ask particularly if there is any new way to reduce the symptoms. I feel sorry that I have been unable to find out if there are any commercial or clinical treatment for Gilberts disease.

This condition though is a fairly common sickness mostly amongst the Caucasian population. Its passed down all the way through families and not frequently considered being life menacing, but ought to still be diagnosed by a medical doctor. The syndrome compromises the bodys capacity to process bilirubin in the liver and causes jaundice. Bilirubin is the yellow substance found in bile. Although the main and most general symptom is jaundice, there are as well quite a lot of other symptoms that you and your physician should be on the lookout for if you think you could have the syndrome.

You have to be very vigilant when it comes to understanding Gilberts disease and the knowledge related to it because it changes constantly as doctors learn more about it. be aware that what can be the truth about it today can be different tomorrow.