Congestive Heart

A congestive heart can be fatal without the proper treatments. That is why today the government spends a lot of time and resources researching for cures and preventatives.
When you suffer from having a congestive heart then the heart is not able to maintain adequate circulation of blood in the tissues of the body or to pump out the venous blood returned to it by venous circulation. It is very important for all patients to understand what their heart is doing so they may take action to prevent any failure by the heart.

We do realize that you cannot see inside your chest and know what is going on but there are symptoms that will clue you into the fact that you are having some problems. All of a sudden, you notice that you have a shortness of breath whenever you try to walk or go up and down steps. This is one of the major signs of heart congestion.

All of a sudden, you realize that you tire easily and feel constantly tired even after a good nights rest. Fatigue and tiring is another signal that you should call your physician with concerns about your possibility of congestive heart problems. When you find the swelling of the feet, ankles, legs and occasionally the abdomen are constant and very discomforting then you should check with your doctor. Persistent coughing, raspy breathing or wheezing is another symptom of having a congestive heart.

“If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor.”

Suddenly you find that you are gaining weigh and have no way of controlling this gain. When you diet but still find that you are gaining weight, perhaps the problem is with your heart. The fact that you are still gaining weight without any cause may have cause for alarm. This is a symptom of a congestive heart. Breathing can be come rather difficult even when you are lying down. A cough or wheeze may also occur along with spitting up red sputum. These are all signals of a congestive heart and you should see your physician before it becomes congestive heart failure.

You are really into problems if you have chest pain feel palpitations of the heart and develop a fever do not hesitate go straight to the emergency room as this is a signal that your congestive heart failure is happening. You might have started out with some ankle swelling, feet swelling and leg swelling at that point I would immediately contact my physician. I am sure that at this point your physician will send you to a cardiologist. A cardiologist is a heart specialist.

A heart specialist can make suggestions that will help you maintain a healthy life style and provide you with the proper medical care. A proper diet is essential in having a healthy heart. Medicine has improved over the years and so has procedures that your cardiologist will advise you. Congestive heart problems need not become a situation of heart failure.

Help With Quitting Smoking

Enhancing the quality and length of your life by quitting smoking is a worthwhile effort. It is definitely not an easy task, but it can be accomplished with time and patience. To quit smoking successfully, finding out what your options are. Knowing where to go for help is a wise first step. Quitting smoking is the best move that you can make for your health and the health of all of those around you. Just about everyone knows by now that smoking causes diseases that shorten your life or those that may even end it. Diseases such as lung cancer, throat, esophagus, bladder, and kidney, and pancreas cancers are some horrible things caused by smoking for a start. Not to mention some leukemia, stomach, and cervix cancers, and newly added by the Surgeon General is pneumonia. People who smoke are more than three times as likely to die due to heart attack as non smokers. Smoking is a major risk factor for a disease that narrow the blood vessels that transport blood to the limbs and muscles called peripheral vascular disease as well as the disease that causes some strokes.

If thats not enough to convince you to stop smoking, lets look at your appearance. Premature wrinkling of skin, chronic bad breath, discolored fingernails and hair, and an increase risk of macular degeneration a leading cause of blindness in the elderly. Smoking over the age of thirty-five if you are a woman can put you in a high risk group for stroke, heart attack, and blood clots of the legs, low birth weight of babies and miscarriages. But the hopeful portion of this message is that if you decide to quite regardless of how long youve smoked or how much, quitting will help you to live longer. In as little as twenty minutes after quitting smoking the heart rate and blood pressure drops and in one to nine months following quitting smoking, circulation in your hands extremities and lung function increases. Shortness of breath decreases and your lungs begin to function properly, cleaning the lungs and removing mucus that causes infection. Fifteen years of non smoking and your risk of heart disease is that of non smoking persons. These benefits can be obtained from quitting smoking even if you are suffering from a smoking related illness already. Smoking is less socially accepted now more than ever. Smoking bans have been placed in just about every workplace in the nation along with airports, public buildings. Even friends may insist that you not smoke in their houses or cars. Some people may even find dating more difficult because of a bad smoking habit. So the social impacts of not smoking will probably change your life for the better if you quit.

If you have a family, that is another great motivation to quit smoking. The main reason is that the secondhand smoke could pose serious health problems for others who do not deserve such things. You should also consider what kind of role model you are being to any small children that you live with, whether they are your own kids, siblings, nieces and nephews, or any other relation. You may be living with kids who look up to you as an authority figure, and if you teach them that smoking is alright you will feel very guilty later in life.

Some of the many new products used to help an individual to stop smoking are really very effective. Counseling services, reading materials, medicines, and patches are all widely available and have produced some amazing results. Educational materials alone may be the best beginning start to an attempt to quit because once you know what kind of damage you are doing to your body the prudent and reasonable person will definitely see that it is the very best thing to do. However, it has been documented and researched that the highest success rates occur when a combination of methods are used simultaneously. Take the time and do it for yourself and your loved ones, quit for life.

Drugs to Fight Alzheimer’s

Although there is no known cure yet for Alzheimer’s disease, there are already a number of drugs available worldwide that can help slow down a patient’s cognitive deterioration. The main aim of these Alzheimer’s medications is to try and improve cognitive ability or the person’s capability to think, perceive, judge and recognize.

There are currently five drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that can be used to treat Alzheimer’s. There is ongoing research done all the time to test the effectiveness of such medications since they do not serve as a cure-all for the disease.
These medications may not have the same effects on all patients that are suffering from Alzheimer’s. But such prescription drugs can have significant effects on some of the patients with Alzheimer’s disease and should be given consideration as a possible treatment.

The 5 FDA Approved Medications are:

The first four drugs listed above belong to a group of drugs known as Cholinesterase Inhibitors. They work by trying to delay the break down of a substance known as acetylcholine in the brain which helps in bridging communication between nerve cells and has an important role in a person’s memory.

Nameda on the other hand acts on another neurotransmitter called glutamate and shields the brain from then said substance which contributes to the death of brain cells in people with Alzheimer’s disease. This drug is more effective in treating moderate to severe forms of Alzheimer’s disease, improving the day to day life of the person with Alzheimer’s disease.

The most common side effects associated with the drug Nameda include dizziness, confusion, constipation, headache and skin rashes. Some patients may experience less common side effects such as tiredness, back pain, high blood pressure, insomnia, hallucinations, vomiting and occasional shortness of breath.

The drugs Aricept, Exelon and Razadyne are seen to be most effective in treating the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. This group of prescription drugs has been shown to have some modest effect in slowing down the degeneration of a patient’s cognitive abilities.

These drugs can also help in trying to reduce certain behavioral problems usually exhibited by people suffering from Alzheimer’s. When these drugs are administered effectively on an Alzheimer’s patient, they can significantly improve one’s quality of life and more able to cope up with the disease.

Alzheimer’s patients taking these medications may experience some side effects which may not be the same for all patients. Common side effects observed in patients using the drug Aricept include nausea, vomiting, excessive tiredness, sleeping troubles and muscle cramps.

Less frequent observed side effects of the drug are headaches and dizziness with rare cases of patients suffering from anorexia, gastric or duodenal ulcers, gastro-intestinal hemorrhage, bladder overflow obstruction, liver damage, convulsions, heart problems and psychiatric disturbances while using Aricept as medication.

The usual side effects seen in using Exelon as treatment for Alzheimer’s are nausea, vomiting, weight loss, stomach upset and fatigue. Less usual side effects observed with the use of the said drug are abdominal pain, sweating, diarrhea, headaches, tremor, and psychiatric disturbances such as anxiety or depression with rare cases of patients experiencing gastro-intestinal bleeding.

The drug Cognex is used less frequently for Alzheimer’s treatment as it can cause serious liver damage to most patients. Other side effects of the drug include nausea and vomiting. Some patients may also experience some abdominal pain, sore muscles, headache, dizziness, rapid breathing, increased urination, insomnia, runny nose or mouth, swelling in legs and feet when taking Cognex. Some of the most severe side effects associated with using Cornex are liver damage, heart problems and seizures.

The common side effects often reported with the use of Razadyne are nausea, vomiting, appetite loss and weight loss. Less common are fatigue, dizziness, tremor, headaches, abdominal pain, urinary tract infection, blood in urine, runny nose. There are no serious side effects with this drug.

Anxiety -Dont Feel Alone Everyone Experience It

We all experience some level of anxiety every now and then. A few of the more common examples include being put in harm’s way, giving a speech to a roomful of your peers, and getting through an interview for an important job. It’s normal to experience anxiety in such situations. Then there are people who experience anxiety on a frequent basis, and feel anxious when there are no immediate threats present. This type of anxiety requires treatment.

Before we get into some of the treatment options, it’s important to understand what anxiety is, and how it happens.

Anxiety happens when our body reacts to an imagined threat as if it were real. Our breathing and heart rate changes, adrenaline starts flowing, and we sweat as we go into the fight or flight response. There are times when this comes in handy, but the person with an anxiety disorder goes well beyond that point.

While you may be able to live with the occasional bout of anxiety, you should seek treatment if it is causing a negative impact on your life. A negative impact is anything that takes away from your quality of life, and your enjoyment of it. Not going to social events, staying inside due to a fear of the outside world, never stepping out of your “safe zone” because you’re afraid you won’t be able to cope are some common examples.

One of the difficulties of diagnosing anxiety is that many of the symptoms can be related to other conditions. Therefore, the sufferer may assume that they have another medical problem, when in reality they actually have an anxiety disorder. Symptoms can include, but are not limited to: shortness of breath, strong heartbeat, nausea, chest pain, fatigue, headaches, stomach pains, and insomnia. That’s quite a list, isn’t it? Someone with a strong heartbeat and pain in their chest would be fully justified in thinking they were having a heart attack, but it could just be a panic attack.

NOTE: Never assume chest pains are okay unless under the direct guidance of a doctor. Even if you have anxiety, the symptoms of a heart attack should never be ignored.

A person with an anxiety disorder thinks differently. For the sake of example, let’s say snakes make them anxious. Our sufferer sees a picture of a snake, and then his mind and body go into a different state. He sees the picture and thinks about how some snakes are poisonous, and they can bite. “What if,” he thinks to himself, “a snake bites me?” He continues by imagining being bitten, injected with venom, dying, and leaving his family destitute due to his being dead. All of this from seeing a picture!

However, his difficulty is how to stop the snowballing effect of these thoughts when they happen. Many of the treatments for anxiety are intended to stop the thought process, and a sense of calm replaces the sense of anxiety.