Dry Shampoo-Shortcuts To Everyday Tasks

I guess that it’s no surprise that our lives are busier today and we need to find shortcuts to our everyday tasks as much as possible. One of those everyday tasks is washing our hair. Sometimes it becomes necessary to take shortcuts and when that time comes you can turn to dry shampoo to help save the day.

The concept is simple, you apply a little of this powder to your hair, allow it to reach your scalp where it can soak up any excess oils, then you brush it out. Quick and simple.

There are many scenarios in life where having, and using, dry shampoo can be worthwhile. In this article I will give you some ideas of the convenience of this product as well as some pros and cons in regards to using these types of products.

1. For many of us, our days our very long. It simply isn’t practical to run home after work, but before the gym, and then again before we meet our friends out for dinner and drinks. But that doesn’t mean your look may not need to be freshened up a bit.

That is where the non water method for hair cleaning can come in so handy. The products themselves are light weight and very transportable so you can keep some in a purse, briefcase or gym bag.

Since you don’t need water, all you need to do to make the most out of this product is to duck into the nearest rest room and spend a few minutes and suddenly, your look is fresh and clean.

2. One of the biggest pros, is what has been listed in the point above: convenience. You don’t have to invest time to washing your hair. Of course, most of us (women at least) know it’s not the washing that takes the time it’s the drying and styling afterwards that is so time consuming.

So, being able to get the “just washed hair” look without the investment of time is a really nice time saver during the day. That is the biggest pro about this product.

3. The biggest con is the fact that this is only a short term fix. It just isn’t the same as actually washing your hair. It is a great stop gap until you have more time, but it won’t replace your daily or twice daily shampoo’s.

There can also be the argument that your hair isn’t really clean after a dry shampoo even though it may look and smell clean.

Some people may have a problem with this. They may prefer to invest the time and know that their hair is actually clean as opposed to just “freshened”.

One other point in the “con” column is the fact that you need to be careful about allergies to a certain product that may result in a rash or sensitive area on the scalp.

Also, this product is a case of more may not be better. If you apply too much you may just look worse. It may leave a dusty residue on your hair or scalp that may make your hair look even dirtier than it did before you started!

Using dry shampoo can be a helpful time saver between shampoos but I would recommend that you try a few brands first to see which ones you like and make sure they don’t irritate your scalp. Also, knowing how much to use is important so you may want to give it a dry run at home where you can rinse it out if you need to.

The Risk of Communicable Disease for a Dental Assistant

Dental Assistants need to make sure they fully understand the risk of communicable diseases. A communicable disease is one that is transmitted by saliva, blood, and other bodily fluids. Dental Assistants are at a very high risk because their hands come into contact with patients mouths all day long. This exposes them to saliva and often blood. While patients are asked to disclose information about communicable diseases including HIV, many choose not to. Some communicable diseases such as herpes form sores in the mouth and Dental Assistants need to be able to identify them. A Dental Assistant should assume every patient is contagious and take all precautions against infection.

Dental Assistants should always were gloves while working with patients. Even if they are only observing the procedure. This is because you never know what a normal procedure will turn into a crisis. The Dental Assistant will have to be able to jump in and assist at a moments notice. There is no time to stop to put on gloves, and it is not accepted in the dental field to perform any type of procedure without them.

If you feel that you have poked a hole in a glove, immediately throw it away and replace it. Do not take any chances. Communicable diseases can make you ill as the least or result in death at the other extreme. Since open sores are the most common way for communicable diseases to enter your body, make sure any such sore is completely covered with a bandage, band aid, or other covering that wont come off with your gloves. Keep the sores covered until they have healed completely.

Another valuable way to prevent communicable diseases is to follow all safety procedures as outlined by the employer. If you are unclear, ask. Never take shortcuts, especially in the areas of sterilizing tools and the proper use of tools. This can lead to serious repercussions if other patients become infected with communicable diseases from dirty tools.

If you find that you have come into direct contact with saliva, blood, or other bodily fluids that could potentially lead to a communicable disease, wash the area immediately with soap and water. Many communicable diseases including the flu and the common cold cant survive soap and water. You will also need to report the incident to your direct supervisor.

All dental facilities have policies and procedures in place for dealing with contact of saliva, blood, or other bodily fluids. It is important that you completely understand these policies and procedures from the first day of employment. Make sure you follow them completely if you do experience such contact. Most dental facilities will have the procedures written and in an easily accessible location for quick reference.

Working as a Dental Assistant is a fun and rewarding career choice. You will have the opportunity to work with many people and to learn more about the dental field. You will be required to perform a variety of duties as well as sit in on several types of dental procedures. It is important to remember that your safety is very important. Make sure you are aware of the risk of communicable diseases and follow all procedures for prevention as well as reporting if such contact does take place during your employment as a Dental Assistant.