Detecting Symptoms of Dual Diagnosis

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about diagnosis to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from diagnosis experts.

If used together, both substance abuse and mental health illness can greatly affect an individuals psychological, mental, spiritual also social and physical status. These symptoms may interfere with how the individual may function in a more effective manner and with regards to the humans around the person. Dual diagnosis must be detected earlier in order to prevent the effects of the disorder and elicit the other manifestations.

To make things worse, not only can co – existing morbidities affect a persons life but create symptom interaction which can exacerbate disorders severity which makes relapse more possible. Diagnosis of a mental illness must be done by a psychiatrist or a physician. But because of the masking and overlapping effects of drugs which is the cause of psychosis, it will be more difficult on the part of the physician to make a very accurate diagnosis in order to give treatments which are effective and very much appropriate.

One key element of dual diagnosis is through suspicion or awareness that someone is already being drawn to mental illness and drug addiction or alcoholism. Signs like these must strictly be taken into consideration. You must be able to talk to the person about the mental health botheration in order to be given proper assessment and plan of treatment.

Mental illnesses may vary in overlapping notation and symptoms. That is why it is important that a person must note accurately the peculiar early manifestations of the problem. There are useful tools in order to recognize that a existence is bunged up not only from alcohol and bearing abuse but also slight attacks of mental illness.

There are by far multiples hieroglyphics and symptoms of misuse of substances which may cause produce the fervor of mental illness or vice versa. In a clearer aspect, it is easier to recognize substance abuse from mental illness. A lot of factors may be taken into consideration in order not to make any premature testimonies of the case. Some of the signs and symptoms are:

Neglecting ones own dignity with the deterioration of physical change or appearance

Temper outbreaks and is easily irritated with his or her surroundings which may result in fights and misunderstandings

Evident changes in the individuals unexpurgated personality and attitude

Associated with people who are known to be using illegal drugs

Doesnt want to take any responsibility which instances of prolonged depression and anxiety

Sudden changes in school or drudgery attitude, level of performance and discipline

Consequences and problems that are deeply associated with dual diagnosis that can trigger the substance abuse and mental disorder can also be in terms of:

Problems in school or trial

Relapses and multiple admissions inside a psychiatric ward

Problems regarding relationships with loved ones

Monetary problems

Withdrawal from society and isolation of oneself

Increased risk of harming oneself or morbid thoughts about suicide besides dying

Effective detection of symptoms in dual diagnosis can also be seen through knowledge of the individual symptoms of mental illness which are:

Depression and anxiety


Extreme mood swings

Increased anxiety, fear and worrying

Hallucinations and delusions

Increased hostility and anger feeling

Suicidal thoughts

Inability to cope with problems of daily living

Changes in sleeping and eating habits
Those who only know one or two facts about diagnosis can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you’re learning here.

How sick people get better sleep

When one is sick, everything is hard. From eating to sleeping, the illness really affects the overall function of the person. But since these two, especially sleeping is a must, one should think of ways to get better sleep even if he or she is sick.

The major consideration in this case is the severity of the condition. If you are sick due to fever, there are certain medications that should be taken in before bedtime. But if you are undergoing a terminal illness, it is best to seek the help of doctors on how you can sleep better.

Tips for a good sleep despite sickness

The best set up for people who are sick but who wants to get better sleep is to have somebody to help him or her with her needs. This is very ideal since the sick person doesnt have to worry over things anymore. Having somebody to do the things that are you supposed to do is ideal since worrying aggravates the condition of a person who is sick. Other tips for sick people to get better sleep include:

1. If you can, try staying awake during daytime. Although people that are sick would crave sleeping almost all the time, this may not be the best because it means lesser sleep at night. Remember that sleeping at night is very crucial since it has longer hours compared to daytime. If you can try to stay awake at daytime, it would be the best so you would not disrupt your sleeping cycle.

2. Try to insert exercise during daytime. It may sound absurd to ask a sick person to exercise but in reality, the right amount of physical activity may help them to get better. Studies show that people who are sick have greater chances of getting better sleep at night if they do some simple exercises during the day because their bodies will be somehow “tired” and will “crave” for sleep at nighttime.

3. Ensure that the temperature is at comfortable levels. If you are a person who is not used to hot rooms, then it would be ideal to keep your bedroom on the cool side of it. Studies show that people who are sick have better chances of sleeping well if their room has mid-to-high 60’s fahrenheit.

4. Eliminate unnecessary noises. It is best to keep the room of a sick person as quiet as possible so his or her sleep is not disrupted. Experts say that people who are sick have greater chances of getting better if they are able to rest well. So, to ensure that the person who is sick will have a peaceful sleep, noises should be eliminated. If it is not possible to totally eliminate these, try other methods of minimizing them such as putting soft earplugs to the ears of the person or using a white noise machine.

5. Just the right amount of light. To get better sleep, people who are sick must try to sleep in a room that it either dark or with minimal amount of lights. Why? Because this setting will not only help them get better sleep but can also help them to relax and get well easily. You can keep the room dark by drawing the shades or pulling the curtains down. If you are not the type of person who is not used to totally dark room, try turning on the lamp shade so there will be enough light to get you by.