Acne in Adolescents

Acne is one of the most common problems in adolescent teens affecting nearly seventeen million people in the United States. Acne is nothing but a disorder involving sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Acne results from the clogging of sebaceous glands leading to the formation of pimples and cysts. The condition usually begins with the onset of puberty. Going by the facts, as teens attain puberty the androgens also called male sex hormones are produced in high number leading to sebaceous glands becoming over active which results in sebum being produced in high proportions.

Sebum, which is nothing but oil is produced by sebaceous glands which travel to the skin surface through hair follicles. But, skin cells block the follicles which results in oil also being blocked. When these hair follicles are blocked it results in the development of skin bacteria known as Propionibacterium Acnes within the follicles which in turn results in swelling of the skin called Acne. If the hair follicles are partially blocked it results in blackheads. If the follicles are completely blocked they result in whiteheads. But if these plugged follicles are not treated they ultimately burst causing the oil, bacteria and skin cells to spill all over the skin resulting in irritation and formation of pimples. Acne can be shallow as well as deep in various individuals depending on the nature of skin and amount of oil produced.

There can be various causes why Acne forms. Apart from rising hormone levels due to puberty it can also be attributed to certain other factors like intake of drugs which contain lithium, barbiturates and corticosteroids. Acne can also be caused due to excess grease and oil in the scalp, due to cooking oil and use of some cosmetics can actually alleviate the acne problem. Acne problem many times is inherited also. Acne problem is worsened if the pimples are squeezed or scrubbed too hard.

Acne can form at any place of the body but they most commonly form in the areas where there sebaceous glands are present in high proportions like face, chest, shoulders, neck and upper back. The symptoms may differ from person to person but commonly seen symptoms are: formation of blackheads, whiteheads, lesions filled with pus and which are very painful and lastly nodules. One may get confused sometimes as symptoms of acne may be like some other skin condition and it is always advised to consult a doctor in this scenario.

There are lots of treatments available today to treat acne. The primary goal of the treatment is to reduce scars and better appearance. There are various treatments and the doctor decides which specific treatment you need based on: the extent of acne problem, age, medical history, overall health, tolerance to specific medications and procedures, expectations and last but not the least what patients prefer.

Treatment of acne is classified into topical and systemic drug therapies which are given based on extent of severity. In some instances the combination of both the methods might be the way to go for acne treatment. Topical medication is nothing but creams, gels, lotions, solutions etc. prescribed to patients for acne treatment. Some of the examples of topical medication are: Benzoyl Peroxide which kills the Propionibacterium Acnes bacteria, antibiotics helps in stopping or slowing down the growth of the bacteria and also reduces inflammation, Tretinoin helps in stopping the formation of new acne lesions and Adapalene reduces formation of comedo.

Systemic drug therapies involve prescription of systemic antibiotics primarily for the treatment of acne problem which is moderate to severe in nature. The examples of antibiotics prescribed are Doxycycline, erythromycin and tetracycline. In some cases an oral drug called Isotretinoin is prescribed for teenagers with severe acne problem which shrinks down the sebaceous glands that produce oil. The results are pretty good and almost ninety percent of the adolescents have success with this oral drug. But the drug has some serious side-affects and thus it is very important that one consults a doctor before use.


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The Whole Truth About Natural Acne Treatment

Acne can happen to anyone. It shows up primarily in the face and can cause embarrassment and even avoidance of going out in public. Some people only experience light, occasional break-outs. Unfortunately for others, this problem can go on for years and requires treatment. There are several choices when it comes to healing yours.

A dermatologist is recommended for severe or frequent blemishes. Natural Acne Treatment is the ideal remedy for milder cases.

Natural Acne treatment is simple. Changing your diet or taking herbs and vitamins to cleanse and provide additional nutrition could be enough to clear your skin up.

You should eliminate sugars, oils, and fats from your diet as much as possible. They are not part of a good balanced diet and are all unhealthy to begin with. Drinking water instead of sugary soda and eating a vegetable snack instead of you usual chips is not a difficult change to make. The healthier you are overall will reflect the health of your skin.

It has been debated that diet has no effect on acne. Diet alone is not a suitable natural acne treatment. However, modifying your diet in addition to taking certain vitamins can clear up your skin.

Taking certain vitamins is a great natural acne treatment used by many people. Zinc can prevent acne from ever occurring. It also heals existing blemishes. Vitamin A in low doses reduces the production of your skin’s natural oil, called sebum. Certain herbal blends can also help to benefit your body and your skin.

The advantages to natural acne treatment are that you avoid ever having to see a dermatologist, your body will benefit from healthier eating, and you are not exposing your skin to harsh chemicals. Visiting a dermatologist to take care of your acne can get expensive. It usually requires many follow-up visits and paying for prescriptions. This can also be time consuming and overall just not worth it if your acne is not severe enough to actually require it. Not consuming greasy foods will keep your system clean, which is beneficial to your overall health as well as your skin.

Typical acne medicines contain ingredients that can cause your skin to be sensitive to sunlight or even worsen your condition.

Modifying your diet and taking vitamins are not the only options that you have as natural acne treatment. You could suffer from stress-induced acne. Ways to reduce stress in your life can differ from person to person because everyone gets stressed out by different things. Exercising and getting plenty of rest could help to calm the stress in your life.

Perhaps taking a walk or practicing yoga would help you to relax and clear your mind to be stress-free. A life without stress could be a life without suffering from acne. Natural treatment may not be the answer to your acne, depending on the cause of it. Experimenting is an easy and painless method to try, and it could save you a lot of money if it is right for you.

Identify Your Acne Before You Get Treatment

Understanding how to treat your Acne involves knowing which type of Acne may have. Acne has many variations, ranging in severity from mild to much more serious cases that can cause disfigurement. There are many treatments for acne available on the market, but it is very important to first identify your Acne type before choosing a treatment.

Acne Vulgaris

The most common form of Acne is named Acne Vulgaris. This type of acne can be easily identified by looking at the characteristics of the lesions.

Whiteheads: When a pore becomes completely blocked by trapping sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria, you will notice a white appearance on the surface. Whiteheads normally will disappear fast than blackheads on your skin. You should resist the temptation to pop these pimples

Blackheads: When are pore is only partially blocked, the trapped sebum, bacteria and dead skin will have slowly drained to the surface of your skin. The black color is caused by your skins pigment and melanin reacting with oxygen. Blackheads will normally take longer to disappear than whiteheads. You should also resist the temptation to pop these pimples too.

Pustules: You can identify a pustule by a red circle with a white or yellow center. The pustule will look similar to a whitehead with the difference being inflammation. Pustules are commonly referred to as Zits.

Papules: The papule is a red, inflamed and tender bump on the skin with no visible head. You should not attempt to squeeze this lesion as you may cause or exacerbate scarring.

Severe Acne Vulgaris: The sever types of Acne Vulgaris include Nodules and Cysts and will be quite painful. You should consult your dermatologist for treating these types of acne.

Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea may look very similar to Acne Vulgaris and often causes confusion. Millions of people are affected by Acne Rosacea, and it mostly strikes people over the age of 30. It will start to appear as a reddish rash on the cheeks, forehead, nose and/or chin. You may also notice small bumps, skin blemishes or pimples in the area. Blackheads are not a symptom of Rosacea.
You should consult your dermatologist if you suspect you have Rosacea, because treatment is often very different.

There are other very serious forms of Acne such as Acne Conglobata, Acne Fulminans, Gram-Negative Folliculitis and Pyoderma Faciale. These forms of Acne are very rare, but they can be disfiguring, painful and have psychological effects.

It is always recommended that you consult with your dermatologist to confirm the type of Acne you have and the best treatments available.

The above information should only be used as a reference, and only a trained dermatologist can accurately diagnose your Acne.

How To Fight Acne Before It Happens!

Acne is not the same as having a few zits, or a few pimples appearing on your face. Acne can even spread to different parts of the body, including your neck, your back, and your chest, and can be a very embarrassing skin condition.

Those who have severe acne should most certainly seek the advice of a dermatologist for possible treatment options. For those who do not have acne, most of the time, you can prevent it from ever occurring. The following paragraphs will take a look at a few ways to prevent this skin condition.


Most people do not realize it, but our skin is the largest organ that expels waste from our bodies, in conjunction with our intestines, bladders, and colons.

Because of this, how we eat will be reflected in by the condition of our skin. By eliminating unhealthy foods from our diets, we are decreasing the amount of toxin being expelled from our pores. Thus, we can help prevent an acne outbreak from development by eating a healthier diet. Nutrients recommended to add to your diet to help with acne prevention include:


vitamin A
vitamin E

vitamin B6

Each of these vitamins and minerals can aid in the prevention of acne in their own way. While zinc, especially in the form of zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate, can reduce the androgenic hormonal effects on our skin. Vitamin A can help reduce sebum production. Vitamin E helps protect skin cell membrane from damage, as well as helps maintain healthy skin my eliminating harmful free radicals from our bodies, that can often be generated during physical activities.

Vitamin B6 helps prevent premenstrual acne, and reduce the sensitivity to the effects of testosterone. By adding foods rich in these vitamins and nutrients to your diet, you can reduce your chances of getting acne.


Getting regular exercise can also help prevent acne. When we exercise, we are increasing the blood flow to our skin, and providing more oxygen to our skin cells. Sweating moderately also cleans our skin pores from the inside out, also aiding in the prevention of acne. Regular exercise and moderate sweating are excellent ways of helping to prevent acne, but taking a shower immediately afterwards is very important.


Detoxification is the process of removing harmful toxins from our bodies.

Many different types of cleansers are available to help prevent acne, including:

colon cleanses

liver flushes


When there is a toxin build up in vital parts of our digestive system, the toxins begin to excrete themselves from our skin pores, increasing the chances of an acne outbreak. By eliminating the build up of toxins, we are helping to prevent acne.