Mentally Better: Your Brain should Get Exercise Too

Common in our society today are the brain exercises designed to give our mental faculties the boost they need. There are games, activities and all other cranial calisthenics that claim to be helpful in maintaining our brains functioning superbly. You should know that these things are not just for those who have mental problems, these activities and exercises are also good for everyone everyone who seeks to keep your minds healthy; to better your brains. From senior citizens to the younger generations, these activities should be helpful enough to keep them all mentally fit.

Although some scientists may not fully believe in the benefits of brain exercises, a lot of researchers and professionals hold on to the numerous studies showing that the brain really does need an exercise just like the body does. Studies have showed that people who have tried to perform brain exercises regularly have improved memory as well as focus. See, with simple brain exercises the functioning of both hemispheres of the brain are made better; your brain becomes healthier.

Cross Crawls

Cross crawls is a type of exercise that is based on the principle that our nervous system works homolaterally. This means that the left portion of our brain controls the movement of the right portion of our body, and so on for the other half. The principles of kinesiology are also applied in this exercise wherein rhythmic movements are suggested so that the brains lateralization can be improved further. You can do this simply by touching your right hand or elbow to your left knee. Do this for several times, and after one side, you may proceed with the other side, doing the same steps.

This exercise, when performed by babies, are believed to realign the brain circuits in order for the left half of the brain to be able to connect with the left part of the body, and vice versa. For the adults, on the other hand, when this exercise is done there is an integration of the different functions and tasks of the brain. This is the reason why this exercise is mostly recommended for people suffering from dyslexia. Aside from this, this exercise is also good for strengthening your immune systems responses.

Lazy Eights

Another exercise which can benefit both the left and right hemispheres of the brain is the lazy eights. This is done by drawing the number 8 on a piece of paper using your right hand for two minutes. After the right hand, you may proceed to draw the same sign using your left hand. This should be done daily, and the result is that you will have better concentration and your hand-and-eye coordination will improve. Aside from these, another benefit is that you would feel a reduction of stress and an enhancement of your mood.

You may also do the Rhythmic Eights wherein instead of using paper and pencil, you can just create an imaginary eight in the air with your hands. This should be sufficient to coordinate the two sides of your brain as well.

Try Different Exercises for A Change

Since there are already a lot of exercises designed to improve your mental functioning, it would be a better idea if you would alter your exercises so that your brain will not get used to just one routine. By varying your brain work out, you are also able to exercise as many parts of your brain as possible. There are puzzles, crosswords and other brain games available; you just have to look for those which best fits you. Exercise your brain, better your brains performance.


With the baby boomers aging and with the help of higher technology and greater innovations in medicine and geriatric science, life is not merely being prolonged but more and more senior citizens today have the opportunity to take advantage of more quality life than ever before. This translates into a generation of more senior citizens of more advanced ages living among us, and that is, in my opinion a very good thing. National demographic studies tell us that nearly 40 million Americans are currently 65 years of age or older and over 2,000 more reach age 65 every single day. To accommodate the ever grown demand for massage therapy among senior citizens, many massage therapists are choosing to expand their expertise by studying the art of age-specific massage therapy which is often referred to as seniors massage or geriatric massage.

For the most part, massage therapy for senior citizens is extremely beneficial and of utmost importance to relieve the aches, the pains, the stiffness and the great number of health condition which are so often associated with aging; such as inflammations in the joints; arthritis; skin discoloration and other dermatological conditions; deteriorating muscles and bones; fading eyesight and loss of hearing, reduced appetite and therefore weight loss, poor blood circulation; sleep disorders; weakened mental capacity, tendonitis; bursitis; asthma; emphysema; high blood pressures; diminished functions of the internal vital organs such as the heart, the liver, the brain, the thyroid, the stomach and the intestines; and so much more. Most importantly, however, lonely and isolated, depressed, anxious and fearful senior citizens derive pricelessly valuable benefits from the simple pleasure of the caressing human touch and the intimate companionship afforded them during massage therapy sessions.

The Weavers Tale Retreat Center in the State of Oregon recently conducted a two-year study examining the effects of massage therapy for senior citizens and they found that at least 50 percent of the elderly who were tested showed a reduction in their rates of breathing, an increase in their range of motion, an improvement of their postures, development of more body awareness, their skin took on healthier colors and their muscle tones were enhanced. The same study also showed that 100 percent of the senior citizen who were tested showed a dramatic improvement in their moods and their attitudes toward life in general.

Massage therapy for senior citizens does not differ in technique but it does differ, and it differs greatly in the application of that technique, whichever that technique may be. In other words, just about any of the different massage techniques can be used on senior citizen but they must be modified enough to accommodate the facts that, very often, the skin of senior citizens have become thinner while growing much less pliable and much more easily broken, their bones are thinner and more brittle, their joints are more stiff with reduced range of mobility, their blood vessels are more prominent and closer to the surface of the skin and their overall health, vigor and vitality have been downgraded through the years. Taking all that into consideration, extra care musts be taken when positioning them on the massage tables, they should never be expected to perform the same movements as younger adults, and wheelchair-bound or bedridden seniors should get their massage treatments while remaining seated in their chairs or reclining in their beds.

Most massages for senior citizens are limited to anywhere from thirty to forty five minutes because the elderly seem to respond better to shortened sessions with greater frequency. Furthermore, greater time is usually spent on massaging their hands and feet than any other part of their bodies. That is especially true for those seniors who have lost the use of their hands and feet as massaging them will enhance their body awareness as well as increase sensations and blood circulation throughout.

We all need plenty of TLC (tender love and care) but senior citizens need and deserve quite a bit more of it.


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From the moment we wake up until the moment we fall asleep, we all work with our hands, as they are our anatomical tools with which we perform the day-to-day tasks of living; the simple as well as the complex. Some of us use our hands to a greater extent than others in which case they may become painful, tense and stiff. And since the hands are connected to the arms, chances are that the same hard work which applies to the hands also applies to the arms. As a consequence, the arms may suffer similar pains, tenseness and stiffness. A mere five to ten minute Hand and Arm massage can literally work miracles in relieving all these unpleasant indications. However, a good Hand and Arm massage also brings with it a whole battery of other health benefits.

As a matter of fact, our hands and arms have scores of acupressure and reflexology points which are correlated and linked to a number of vital internal organs (appendix, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, stomach, brain, spleen, heart, bladder, colon, intestines, lungs) and to other remote parts of the body (sinuses, thyroid and parathyroid, hips, ovaries, testes, uterus, penis, prostate, spine, solar plexus, thymus, shoulders, knees, neck). A Hand and Arm massage, therefore, does not only result in healing the hands and arms but it also provides curative effects for such cases as poor blood circulation, arthritis, headaches, neck and shoulder pains, backache, digestive and reproductive problems, and so on and on.

Hand and Arm massages are one of the easiest massages to perform on oneself and on others, and they can be safely applied anywhere and to persons of all ages and genders; infants, young children, teens, adults and senior citizens. Furthermore, Hand and Arm massages are harmless to people who are dealing with most health issues, whether they are slight, moderate or severe. Hand and Arm massages provide instant relief from stress, anxiety and nervousness as it relaxes the entire body. However, Hand and Arm massages should never be performed on hands or arms that are affected by any kind of skin disease, infection, inflammation, swelling, bruises, cuts or recently broken bones, torn ligaments, ripped tendons or surgeries. If and when oils or lotions are to be used during the Hand and Arm massage therapy, an earnest verification regarding allergies should be made and any pressure applied must be tailored to the clients tolerance level to pain or discomfort.

A full Hand and Arm massage should ideally begin with the biceps, the muscles in front of the upper arms and those should be pressed and stroked upwards along the biceps from the elbows toward the shoulders and then back and forth across the tendons. When the biceps have had their thorough workout the triceps, the muscles in the back of the upper arms, should be approached with similarly gentle pressing and stroking movement but this time moving downwards from the armpits down to the elbows. Moving on down the arms by kneading the flesh, pressing the muscles and stroke the tendons; the massage therapist should slowly make his or her way toward the hand that is awaiting its turn for a therapeutic workout. The hand portion of the Hand and Arm massage treatment should begin by gently pulling each finger and thumb away from the palm it attach to, while applying firm pressure to any painful or aching areas and then soothing them with moderate rubbing and rolling. The four fingers and the thumb should then be pushed upwards as far as they will go without causing undue discomfort. The thumbs should be used to massage the palms of the hands by applying firm circular motions through the entire palm while intermittently stopping in various areas, particularly those which are sore, to apply steady and direct pressure for a number of seconds. For a soothing effect on the palms and in closing of the Hand and Arm massage therapy session, the thumbs should stroke the surface of the palms in an up and down movements.

A therapeutic Hand and Arm massage can display love, appreciation and devotion more explicitly than any other free gift that anyone can think of. Just ask anyone who has ever been on the receiving or giving end of one.


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Elderly: The Benefits of Owning an Air Purifier

Are you considered a senior citizen? If not, do you know someone who is? Whether you are increasing in age or you are close to someone who is, you may be a little bit worried about health. It is no secret that most peoples health begins to deteriorate as they age. Despite being a normal occurrence, there are many individuals who take a number of steps to try and remain as healthy as they can.

When it comes to staying healthy, there are a number of different steps that are taken. Of course, the elderly, like all other individuals, can benefit from healthy foods, as well as a regular amount of exercise. In addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise, elderly individuals could also benefit from the use of an air purifier.

Air purifiers are electronic machines that are used to eliminate, and sometimes even destroy, harmful air particles and bacteria. Essentially, air purifiers make indoor air cleaner and healthier to breathe. This is good for just about anyone, but it is especially good for those who are considered senior citizens. As previously mentioned, senior citizens are more likely to develop health complications, such as the common cold. An air purifier can help to reduce the chances of that happening.

If you are a senior citizen and you are looking to purchase an air purifier for yourself, you may want to think about speaking to your healthcare provider. While most healthcare providers are not experts on air purifiers, they should be able to let you know what you want or need to get out of an air purifier. For instance, they may recommend that you purchase an air purifier that not only traps, but also destroys harmful bacteria. This information, as well as any other information that your healthcare provider may give you, will come in handy when choosing the right air purifier, especially one that best fits your needs.

If you are not a senior citizen, but you are interested in purchasing an air purifier for a senior citizen that you know or are related to, you may want to do a little bit of research, before making that purchase. When doing a little bit of research, it is important to keep a couple of important points in mind. These points should include the size of the room in which the air purifier would be used, the overall cost of the air purifier, including filters, and the overall quality of the air purifier that you are interested in purchasing. As mentioned above, it may be a good idea for you to seek help or tips from a professional healthcare provider.

When it comes to purchasing an air purifier, if you are a senior citizen, you may want to think about shopping at a retail store that offers discounts for senor citizens. These discounts are not available at all retail locations, but a wide number of stores still offer them. These stores may include home improvement stores or pharmacies. Even if you must pay full price for an air purifier, you will still want to think about purchasing one. Despite having to pay full price, you will likely find that the purchase is worth it, in more ways than one.

As previously mentioned, if you are concerned with the health of yourself or someone that you know, especially someone who is considered a senior citizen, you may want to get an air purifier. Whether you make that purchase yourself, ask for it as a gift, or give it as a gift, you and anyone else that enters the residence will likely be pleased with the purchase.