Healthier Body Comes When You Better Your Brains Power!

The human brain is a multifaceted organization of cells and around fifty million neurons that work with utmost complexity in order to keep you going healthy and strong. It is believed to be five times bigger than an average brain of a mammal with the same body size. In human beings, the frontal lobes and the forebrain are especially expanded since these parts are the ones responsible for self-control, planning and reasoning. Thus, in order for you to have a stronger and healthier body, try to better you brain. Healthier mind means healthier body.

It is during our childhood, or the early stage of our lifespan that the development of the brain and the central nervous system is critical. As we grow older, the bodys capacity to absorb nutrients is weakened. Thus, it becomes more difficult for us to protect ourselves from illnesses, injuries and stresses. Simultaneously with our aging process, we also lose neurons, or commonly called as the brain cells. Unlike the other body cells, the neurons do not regenerate nor do they replicate; and they do not have the capacity to repair themselves. Because of this, our brain is not able to perform as well as when we were younger.

Thus, in order to keep our brains performing well, we have to follow some dos and donts. This way we can help our brain maintain its fitness and strength.

What to do:

See to it that you exercise regularly and that you engage yourself in physical activities that can help you maintain your vitality.

Your mind is exercised more if you participate in active learning. Try new experiences so that you can learn from such experiences firsthand.

Maintain your social life as well. Do not isolate yourself from your social groups; instead, you should keep in touch with each of them. A happier life would mean a healthier life.

You should always be in control of your life. Do not feel as if you have no power over things. Maintain a positive self-image and a positive outlook on life.

Do not be overwhelmed by stress. You should know how to handle them all.

A balanced diet will definitely keep you healthy. So, as much as possible, you should eat a balanced meal and foods that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

You should get enough rest and sleep. Professionals believe that you should sleep for at least six to eight hours a day.

If you have any health problems, you should give attention to them as early as possible. Never take your health for granted.

What not to do:

Avoid drinking excessive alcohol and smoking too much cigarette. Also, do not do illegal drugs!

Never forget to inform your doctor of your mental condition. Important changes should always be reported.

Do not miss a visit to your doctor when these changes occur.

Never self-medicate because some drugs may interact negatively with your mental status, especially if you are taking more than one drug.

Do not live alone by isolating yourself from the others.

Never stop yourself from experiencing new things.

Most importantly is the fact that in order for you to have a healthy mind, you need to always have a positive attitude. Be ready to face all the challenges that life may bring, and never lose hope! Be in command of your life. Better your brain by having a better attitude about life.

The highs and lows of self – hypnosis

Are you looking for some inside information on hypnosis? Here’s an up-to-date report from hypnosis experts who should know.

Self – hypnosis is a new procedure that is bewitching the country by storm. Despite being relatively new compared to the usual hypnosis procedures with professionals, self – hypnosis has enjoyed a lot of buzz in recent years. This is perhaps due to the fact that it is completely different from what people usually imagine from hypnosis procedures which is a lot of control.

Although the same control can still be seen in self – hypnosis, that control will principally come from the patients themselves. There is no more hypnotist involved that can manipulate you moment doing things that you dont want to do and not know that you are doing at all. This time the control and the power to change will be all prestige your hands. The procedure actually answers two of the things that critics question about hypnosis itself.

The first one is the idea that a person other than yourself is controlling you and is entering your mind. Mind control is something that people still fear about until now. With self – hypnosis, there will be no hypnotist. Although they will be there to teach you the basics and genie you through the procedure as well as check on your abide, all the hypnosis will be in your hands. You will have control of your own mind, which is how things should act as even in real breath.

The next thing is the fact that you are not some kind of ingenuous that will just sit around and let things happen to you through the hypnotist. Now polished is an effort coming from the patient itself. Pin money is no longer something done to you. Now you can do it yourself. A lot of the critics of hypnosis esteem the first place comes from the fact that people are not actively involved in the process. They are only recipients of the cure instead of being the problem solvers themselves.

This is especially true when it is used to curb a bad habit or get over an addiction. When attempting to change, a person should work hard at it otherwise, it will not be a change that comes from relevant family. As they say easy come, easy go. Self – hypnosis however changes this fact as the patients themselves are active problem solvers being the hypnotist themselves.

One downside of self – hypnosis is the fact that absolute is done by an amateur the patient who will probably know nothing about hypnosis except that fact that irrefutable can somehow sign his problem. Although the hypnotist will be there to guide you, an amateur will still be the one to handle everything and when you really think about it, will any sane figure let an amateur get hold of their minds even if those persons are themselves? This is why one of the things that are often asked about self – hypnosis is its safety. According to experts, positive is as defended as any hypnosis procedure, maybe even safer because at least this behaviour, you power be sure that you are dealing with someone who is not there to con you.

Another disadvantage of self – hypnosis is the slow progress. Still, responses of people will also depend on whether they are receptive to the task or not. Polished are people who are more suggestible than incommensurable people and those who are not so suggestible will yes find it hard to acquisition change.

So now you know a little bit about hypnosis. Even if you don’t know everything, you’ve done something worthwhile: you’ve expanded your knowledge.