Reducing Cholesterol the Natural Way

Having a high cholesterol level has become a very serious problem for many people today. This has been credited to a majority of the population getting accustomed to a diet rich in fats, bad habits such as smoking and leading a sedentary lifestyle. And because of high cholesterol levels, more and more people are finding themselves at an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease as well as stroke and heart attack.

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for most people in the developed countries around the world. Having a high level of blood cholesterol has been linked to the increase of the incidence of heart disease and has become a grave cause of concern.

The only good news to this fact is that developing heart disease is highly preventable. All it takes is for one to be able to follow a healthier lifestyle. The path to such a lifestyle is trying to lower one’s cholesterol level. Although there are already several drugs available that will help an individual reduce body cholesterol levels, this is usually reserved for more high risk patients in need of drastic decreases in their cholesterol levels. There are also natural ways readily available for anyone looking forward to lowering their own cholesterol to normal and healthy levels.

One of the natural ways of lowering cholesterol levels is through diet. Following a low cholesterol diet day in and day out can be very effective in trying to control and maintain a normal cholesterol level. This would mean eating low cholesterol foods such as soy products, vegetables and fruits.

High fiber foods are also known to help in the fight to lower cholesterol. Regular exercise is also a good habit to develop if you are really intent in trying to lower your cholesterol levels. Exercise helps in increasing HDL or “good” cholesterol in the body as well as strengthens your heart muscle, helps keep your blood pressure at normal and even helps you in shedding of those excess pounds.

There are also several natural supplements that will be able to help you lower your cholesterol levels. Taking B-complex vitamins, specifically Niacin, has been known to help lower blood cholesterol in the body. supplements fortified with Lecithin can also help in lowering your cholesterol as it enables excess fat and cholesterol to be dispersed in the water instead of building up in the arteries.

There are other natural ways of lowering cholesterol levels available today. All it will take is some research and talking to your doctor about how to effectively follow a lifestyle that will enable you to lower cholesterol the natural way.

A Drugfree Way to Lower Cholesterol

There has been a substantial increase in people having high cholesterol levels. It has been proven in many studies that an unhealthy increase in blood cholesterol levels can lead or be associated with the development of heart disease. High cholesterol levels can also increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death among people living in industrialized societies such as the US. The increasing incidence of high cholesterol levels in people living in this part of the world can often be contributed to a high saturated fat diet, smoking and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

There are several dugs now available that is being used to treat unhealthy cholesterol levels in people. Most popular of these is the HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor or what is more simply known as Statins. This group of cholesterol lowering drugs come in different name drugs and is increasingly being used in order to help high risk patients drastically lower their cholesterol levels. Statins can also increase the levels of HDL or “good” cholesterol.

Although statins and other known drugs being used to lower cholesterol levels have been proven to be very effective, there are also other ways available for people to lower their cholesterol levels without the use of such drugs. One of these is trying to lead a more active lifestyle. Physical activity and exercise is an important part of several low cholesterol therapies that aim to reduce bad cholesterol levels. Regular exercise can also help in reducing blood pressure, excess weight as well as decrease the diabetes risk.

Following a low cholesterol diet can also help a lot in trying to decrease high cholesterol levels. Scientists have found that a low cholesterol diet can help decrease cholesterol levels by as much as 29 percent in one month. This suggests that a combination diet can also be as effective as drugs like statins used to treat people with high cholesterol levels. It has also been established that eating low cholesterol and high fiber foods can cut individual cholesterol level by seven percent.

A recommended diet that can help people avoid developing coronary heart disease include consuming non-hydrogenated or unprocessed fats, eating a rich diet of soy protein, nuts and fiber rich foods such as oats and barley. Increased consumption of Omega-3 fats from fish and other plant sources can also have a positive effect in any low cholesterol diet as well as a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables.

Not Getting Enough Physical Exercise can Reduce your Cognitive Abilities

Not Getting Enough Physical Exercise can Reduce your Cognitive Abilities

There is no shortage of data out there that proves society as a whole needs to get their bodies moving. People of all ages seem to spend tons of time in front of the TV, exploring the internet, or playing video games. We all know this can lead to obesity as well as zap the energy out of your body. However, most people dont realize that a sedentary lifestyle can also reduce their cognitive abilities. This will be more evident as a person gets older.

When you engage in exercise your brain benefits because more blood will flow to that region. More energy is produced as additional waste in the body is removed. Those individuals that exercise on a regular basis have larger cerebral blood vessels. It is believed that this is a key aspect of having a healthy brain at any age.

Yoga is one of the best forms of exercise that you can take part in so that your cognitive abilities are their very best. It takes a great deal of concentration to learn yoga at first so dont be discouraged. The more you practice it the more it will become a part of your thinking process. Then you can move into more advanced forms of yoga which will offer even more benefits for your thinking process.

It may surprise you to learn that the brain uses about 20% of the energy you consume each day. Just like with your body, the more you exercise it the more it will produce energy. If you feel that it is stressful to get through the day, to make decisions, and just to juggle all you have to think about then you need to change the approach. By getting enough physical exercise you will also be giving your brain the level of energy it needs to be on top of the game.

What is also a connection is that many people that dont get enough physical exercise actually talk themselves out of the task. They put it off until the very end of the day, making one excuse after another. The brain is a very guilty party in this type of decision making. However, when you do get physical exercise and your brain benefits from it, things appear in a new light.

Instead of helping you to make excuses and to find ways to avoid exercising your brain will tell you that you should exercise. It will encourage you to make time for it and to be proud of your efforts. Once you get to that point, engaging in physical exercise on a regular basis becomes second nature instead of a forced action that you take part in. More chemicals that keep you happy will be produced as well so you can have a better attitude than before.

No matter how old you are or how little you currently exercise, you can make some significant improvements in your life. Start out with a commitment to exercise for 15 minutes every other day. Then slowly increase your time by 5 minute intervals until you are at 30 minutes. Then make the commitment to do those 30 minutes of exercise every day. Working up to it this way makes the goal more achievable and you wont be overwhelmed along the way.

Make it a goal to get at least 30 minutes each day of exercise. If you have a very busy lifestyle, try to fit it in during the early morning hours. This way you wont be blowing it off due to a lack of time later in the day. You will also have a great attitude to start the day. This is because you will know you already accomplished something great. There are enough types of exercises out there to take part in so you never have to waste your time doing those you dont love.


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Exercise Therapy For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Many doctors and specialists consider exercise as an important and effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. People with chronic fatigue syndrome are trapped in a downward spiral. They suffer from extreme exhaustion and muscle pains, thus the need to have as much rest as possible. However, having too much rest leads to a sedentary lifestyle which has several detrimental effects to the body. Decreased physical activity leads to muscle wasting and loss of bone mass. But regular exercise can help stop that downward trend and replace it with more positive cycle.

Exercise has a number of benefits. Starting a regular exercise routine leads to increased performance and strengthened muscles. This, in turn results to a more optimistic outlook. Research has also revealed that exercise helps combat anxiety and depression. This may be the result of a combination of the release of endorphins (the body’s natural pain killers) and the sense of fulfillment at being able to improve the body’s functions. Exercise also helps strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome should first consult their doctor to determine if they are fit and ready to perform strenuous physical activities such as exercise. To embark on an exercise program without ascertaining if the patient is ready for it can be very dangerous. A patient should first get the approval of his/her doctor before attempting any form of strenuous exercise.

They can then start with gentle exercise routines that will be slowly and gradually increased in intensity and frequency. A physical therapist can also be hired to develop an exercise program that is custom-fit for the patient and his particular condition.

Some good exercise routines for people with chronic fatigue syndrome include swimming, walking, aerobic exercises, rowing machine, and riding a stationary bike. Activities that worsen fatigue and the other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome should be avoided. These include weightlifting, playing basketball, etc. Meanwhile, stretching and other relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi, breathing exercises and more are helpful in stimulating lymph flow and producing a sense of well-being in the patient without overexertion.

For an exercise program to be effective, it should become a regular activity. Ideally, a person should exercise daily. When starting an exercise program, the duration and frequency can be as little as five minutes per day or even less. Every week, the duration can be increased by increments of several minutes. The patient can progress from five minutes to a full hour or more of exercise per day within a few months.

The patient must exercise caution at all times to prevent overexertion, which can lead to worsening of the symptoms of chronic fatigue. Overdoing exercise when the patient isn’t feeling well can lead to an overall performance decline. If the patient overexerts himself, this will inevitably result to several days of muscle pain, which necessitates rest. When this happens, the patient might relapse into that downward trend of non-activity and sedentary lifestyle.

Recent studies have revealed that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have a rather distorted perception of muscular activity. They might not be able to determine how much exercise they have already done or when it is time to stop and rest.

If the goal of exercise is to regain muscle strength, it is very important to get the advice and approval of a doctor or specialist before starting on an exercise program.