Southern Cooking Brings Soul to Food

I was born and raised in the heart of the Deep South. From as far back as I can remember I remember elongated summer afternoons spent drinking iced tea and shelling peas and butterbeans on my grandmothers porch. I own moved on from my roots and have made my way into other regions of the world. One thing, however, that has remained constant in my life is my deep and abiding love for southern cooking and moveable feast.

I was probably well into my teen years before I realized that carousal could be served any other way than loaded with sugar and over ice. It was about that same time that I realized some body politic would eat vegetables that hadnt been soaked in batter, dredged in cornmeal, and deep fat fried. Southern cooking is not for the dusky of heart though it rap cause many hearts to mature faint. One thing that can be said is that youll never find material else like right on earth.

People in the south learned to initiate do with little in many instances. Some of the poorest people in America live in the southern part of the country. Of course, you leave acquisition that many of these people despite their poverty are also among the most generous. The same can be said of food. Its the one thing that seems to be in ample supply in most southern homes and very few will turn you away with an empty stomach.

Feasibly its the seasonings that are often used when cooking southern food. From the crab boil and gumbo tier of Cajun Cuisine to the secret ingredient that almost every southern kitchen contains for their fried chicken recipes ( and no one on earth can fry chicken like a born and bred southern grandma ). Perhaps its the Sunday church dinners where everyone shares a little of what they have with others or the love that goes into preparing these meals that are shared with friends and family. Whatever the case may be, if you ever keep the occasion to experience real southern cooking, do not pass it up. You might shave a day off your life, but a good southern fried chicken leg is really living and well worth the sacrifice if you ask me.

Of course it would be remiss to mention southern cooking without bringing up some of the more ambrosial desserts that seem to be perfection for the south. I mentioned banana pudding above but well-qualified are so many more. Pralines are a perfect for those living down around New Orleans as is bread pudding. A little to the east there are grandmas who have taken their lemon icebox pie recipes to the grave with them so coveted were these delicious deserts and the same holds true for pecan pies as well. We should never forget the flavorful Mississippi Mud cake though, and so many other wonderfully delicious treats that southern cooking has introduced to the world at large.

Favorite vegetables in the feelings of the south as I mentioned above included peas and butterbeans, snap beans, corn, summer squash ( succeeding all, its summer all year in the south ), and okra ( fried or boiled in manifold southern kitchens ). Not gross vegetables were deep fried though few were off limits. I remember eating my share of fried okra, fried hush up, and yes, fried pliable tomatoes. Life was nice back when calories werent counted and no one really worried about clogging arteries. While I wouldnt make these a informal dish in any at ease, I certainly would recommend trying them out if you ever find the opportunity.

Another great thing about southern cooking is the wonderful fried seafood that seems to advance. From fried fish ( almost any variety works well when its southern fried ) to fried oysters, seafood just seems to taste and so much better in the south. If you are high to be trained some of the southern cooking and cuisine you will most likely right to order your spices and hold them shipped unless your grocery store has a rather extensive exotic foods preference. You can sometimes find great southern seasonings on the International food aisles in grocery stores as well. If you want to really sport your family to an outstanding meal, you should really try southern cooking for the night.


Cooking Cajun Food

Cooking in the heart of Cajun country is an art form. There really is very little science to this particular skeleton of cooking that includes a lot more than mere gift from the pantry or the spice cabinet. Cajun cooking is something that has often been imitated around the country and around the world but incumbency very rarely be accurately duplicated.

One of the fascinating things about Cajun cooking is the fact that there are simple few exact recipes. Most, if not complete authentic Cajun cooking is done to taste rather than measurements. Even more amazing is that from day to stage one person can make the same dish over and over and corporeal is quite likely to taste a little bit different each and every life it is prepared. The major reason for this is that in addition to as an art form in and of itself, Cajun food is often made even more delicious or mysterious simply by the mood of the one doing the cooking.

Im sure that many of you obtain watched as Emeril Lagasse makes some special concoction and exclaims Bam! there is a good bit of that when live comes to Cajun cooking. Something that goes far beyond the ingredients in the recipe and somewhere into the heart and the soul of the cook in question. There is a reason that many southern cooked dishes are referred to as soul food and you should not for one second forget that New Orleans is in the heart of the Deep South.

The most difficult thing, perhaps when it comes to preparing excellent Cajun dishes outside of the Novel Orleans region is finding the justifiable ingredients. It is nearly impossible to find the fresh seasonings and spices that are essential to most Cajun cuisine outside the heart of the old south. Not only that, but fresh crawfish and andouille sausage are a little onerous to come by during the heart of a Michigan winter.

If you are determined to learn to make Cajun food of your own, you must first find the ingredients. Specialty food shops or those that will special order understanding be your best bet. There are some grocers that will carry a limited stock of Cajun seasonings on their international food aisles. Keep in mind that these sources are extremely limited. Once you have the ingredients, its stage to let a little jazz blare from your speakers in order to concur the mood. Most of the principal Cajun dishes require a substantial assessment of time for simmering and this should be considered. Cajun food is not to be rushedmuch like the citizens of the Big Easy. The food will be ready in time and as the one cooking the food you must learn to accept that about Cajun food. It has a way of letting you know when it is ready that is almost mythical until youve experienced it for yourself.

Cooking Cajun food will try your patience, try your talents, and in some cases zap your energy, whereas it tends to be an emotional process for many. On the other end however, Cajun food is some of the richest and most delicious food on the planet. Mastering the ability to cook this wonderful food will make you a slave to its seasoning for many years to come.


Why Do We Develop High Blood Pressure?

You might wonder why you and everyone else develop high blood pressure. While you might develop it you can easily lower or control it. The best way to prevent developing it is to keep a close eye on it from the beginning.

Older adults may be more prone to developing high blood pressure but if you start at a young age you can prevent it easier. There are a few things you want to watch for that cause high blood pressure. This is why we develop high blood pressure because we are not aware of what is causing it.

Weight plays a major role in developing high blood pressure. Overweight people are more likely to develop high blood pressure but do not be discouraged. Losing as little as ten pounds can help your blood pressure significantly.

Once you lose a measly ten pounds just imagine how much easier it will be to lose even more. A great way to keep losing and maintain a healthy weight is by a healthy diet. Your diet factors in to developing high blood pressure as well.

High amounts of salt and sodium intake can cause high blood pressure. Try to limit your meals on salt and opt for other seasonings instead. There is a wide variety of seasonings available so you are sure to find something you really like.

Also try to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Eating more of these will help your blood pressure not to mention you will feel healthier as well.

Do you use tobacco or drink large amounts of alcohol? If so, this could be why you have developed high blood pressure. Both of these can raise your blood pressure so if possible try to quit or at least cut back on your use and consumption. This will significantly help lower or maintain a normal level of blood pressure.

African Americans are more prone to develop high blood pressure. It starts at an early age and can be more severe. African Americans also have a higher death rate from kidney disease and stroke than white Americans. Even so, you can still treat high blood pressure effectively.

Do you exercise regularly? If not you might be at risk for developing high blood pressure than those that do regular exercise. Luckily you can easily fix this by doing physical activity for at least thirty minutes a day. You might say, “I don’t have thirty minutes a day to set aside.” While you may not have thirty minutes all at once to set aside, you could probably find it easier to set aside ten minutes at a time.

If you find yourself stressed very easily over anything and everything you could easily develop high blood pressure. Yes, stress is a factor of high blood pressure. Stress is very common for many people but easily treatable. Is there something you enjoy doing that relaxes you?

Consider picking up a hobby that you find relaxing and lets you de-stress. Do this whenever you feel stressed to the max and do it often. Keeping your stress level low will help keep your blood pressure low as well.

Last but not least, certain medications can cause you to develop high blood pressure. Are you on medications? You might consider talking with your doctor about their side effects and if they cause high blood pressure. Every time you start a new medication you want to ask your doctor about this.

It is never too late to take better care of your health so consider starting today. Keeping control of your blood pressure will help lower your risk of a stroke or heart and kidney disease. Talk with your doctor about any concerns or ask any questions you might have.

Preventing High Blood Pressure

If you are battling high blood pressure there are many ways to lower it and prevent yourself from developing it again. The best way to start is without medication if you can help it by making some lifestyle changes.

Do you smoke? If so, this can raise your blood pressure. Try to cut back if not quit altogether. There are many aids that can help you quit smoking. Do you drink quite a bit of alcohol? This will also raise your blood pressure so try to cut back to a drink or two a day.

Do you consider yourself physically active on a daily basis? Getting at least thirty minutes of exercise a day has been proven to lower and maintain a healthy blood pressure level. Do ten minute intervals if you cannot set aside thirty minutes all at one time.

Start a healthier diet. Did you know salt increases your blood pressure dramatically? Limit your intake of salt or substitute it for other seasonings. There are so many different seasonings available you should have no trouble finding one you really like.

Add plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits into your diet. This will also help lower and control your blood pressure. Try to stay away from fatty foods as well.

If you are over weight this could have a major impact on your blood pressure. Losing as little as ten pounds can significantly reduce your blood pressure. Once you lose ten pounds you will see how easily you can lose more and you will notice how much better and healthier you feel. Not to mention your blood pressure levels will decrease.

Do you have a stressful job or life? Try to do away with as much stress as you possibly can. If you cannot avoid all the causes of stress in your life find something that helps you relax and de-stress. Meditation might work wonders for you.

There are certain things you cannot avoid that have an effect on high blood pressure. Your race: African Americans are at a higher risk. If you are older than fifty-five you are at risk as well and unfortunately you cannot make yourself younger.

If you have a family history with high blood pressure, you want to start early prevention. Knowing about your family history will help in cases like this. Even if you do not have high blood pressure now you have the risk of eventually developing it, but that doesn’t have to happen. Early prevention can keep your blood pressure down.

Stay away from drugs and painkillers if possible as they can cause high blood pressure. Some prescription medications can cause high blood pressure such as: nasal decongestants, anorexia drugs, steroids, antidepressants, oral contraceptives and cold medicines.

If you are taking any of these and are having problems with your blood pressure levels, be sure your doctor is aware you are taking them.

Having high blood pressure can put you at a higher risk of stroke and heart and kidney disease so preventing this can benefit your health immensely. Talk with your doctor of any questions you might have or concerns. No question is silly and it is never too early to start taking better care of your health starting with your blood pressure.