Alternative Spider Vein Treatment

Laser treatment and sclerotherapy are just two of the options if you want to undergo spider vein treatment. If these do not suit you, there are alternative forms available.

The first option will be to take herbs. One of the most widely used happens to be horse chestnut. The active ingredient here is aescin. Studies have shown that this blocks the release of enzymes that damage capillary walls.

In order for people to take it, manufacturers have to remove the toxic component known as esculin. If this is not done properly, those who take it may experience convulsions, diarrhea, headache, nausea or vomiting.

Not everybody can take horse chestnut especially those who have kidney or liver disease. Does it have adverse effects on women who are pregnant or nursing has yet to be established.

To avoid complications, doctors advise patients not to combine horse chestnut with certain medications. These include aspirin, coumadin, plavix, ticlid and trental as well as other anticoagulant drugs unless these are deemed to be safe for you by your doctor.

Spider veins can also be treated with grape seed and pine bark extracts because both contain oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs). These are antioxidants that appear to strengthen the connective tissue structure of blood vessels and reduce inflammation.

People should not confuse grape seed extract with grapefruit seed extract because these are two different things. Unfortunately, there are also side effects if you decide to take it such as nausea and upset stomach.

Those who have autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis should not take this herb. Just like the first herb, doctors have not studied if there are any side effects for nursing mothers or pregnant women.

Another herb is butchers broom. This plant is also known as box holly or knee holly and contains ruscogenins, which strengthen collagen in blood vessel walls and improve circulation. At one point, some doctors believed that it tightens weak, stretched vessels such as those associated with varicose veins.

The side effects of this herb include indigestion and nausea. Those who have high blood pressure or benign prostate hyperplasia should not take butcher’s broom unless they first consult with their doctor.

Aside from taking herbs, there is a form of therapy that focuses primarily on your feet namely reflexology. Studies have shown that massaging the feet helps reduce leg swelling. The best part is that there are no side effects unlike those mentioned when you take any of these herbs.

Alternative forms of spider vein treatment are cheaper than laser treatment or sclerotherapy. It should be pointed out though that taking these herbs or getting a massage should not replace what medical science can do for the patient.

But before you try any form of spider vein treatment, you should see if wearing compression stockings will improve the situation. This has to be worn the whole day so it can help improve blood flow within the veins and leg muscles.

It should be pointed out that the amount of compression varies by type and brand. It also comes in different colors and types so you should check them out before using it daily.

Spider vein treatment is available. You can check with your doctor what options are available and also inquire about alternative medicine.

All about Spider Vein Treatment

Before, the chances of getting a spider vein treatment are much lower compared today. This is because women before are not really much into physical beauty as they are today. Not that there is something wrong with wanting to look beautiful, it’s just that nowmore than everphysical beauty can serve as a stepping stone to brighter and more opportunities for success.

Many women who have yet to undergo a spider vein treatment dont realize it but aside from the humiliation caused by these ugly veins on the skin, the condition can even bring them more depression in the long run because it can be painful and even life threatening when not treated immediately.

Experts say that spider veins are benign vascular lesions that result to unsightly veins. It ranges from telangiectasia, simple spider veins to a more painful and deeper vascular lesions. Spider veins have resulted from inflamed veins and can lead to pigmented wherein the scars that are left behind are purplish-brown marks once the pimple blemish goes away and ice pick scars which can leave small depressions on the skin after the lesions have dried up.

Treatment option for spider vein

Due to the advancement in modern technology today, many experts were able to come up with treatment options that will help women and also men who are suffering from spider veins. All they have to do first is to consult their dermatologistpeople who are experts on the skin and other skin related disordersor their physician to know what the extent of the skin problem is.

Knowing what exactly is the skin’s condition is very important so the doctor can identify which treatment option will be the best for you. Consultation is very important so the doctor can explain what the condition is all about, what are the treatment options she or he can recommend as well as the estimate of the cost you might have.

Today, the most common treatment options for spider veins is through the use of laser therapy. Here, an infrared light source or a broadband light also called the “Intense Pulsed Light” along with a filters are used to treat small visible vessels and broken capillaries, other vascular lesions and discoloration of the skin that can are causes and effects of spider vein.

Most skin experts use a combination of laser treatment and injections to be able to treat spider veins depending on its severity. The injectionsalso called “sclerotherapy”is considered as the highest standard among treatment options for spider veins. This treatment option for spider veins is proven to be effective by so many doctors as well as patients because the solution that is being used for sclerotherapy is known to damage the vessel walls that resulted from the damaged spider vein. Here, it reabsorbs the damaged vessel wall and turns it into a bruise, which can disappear eventually.

Since it can be a sensitive spider vein treatment option depending on the severity of the case, a patient is required to complete a minimum of three and a maximum of five sessions which are usually spaced one month apart.

This would not be a hassle especially to clients with busy schedule because each procedure will only take about 20 to 30 minutes that can be painless or with minimal discomfort depending on the sensitivity of the patient.

What You Should Know About Spider Vein Treatments

Spider veins are nothing more than a cosmetic problem. If you plan to undergo spider vein treatment, here are a few things you should know.

Before you undergo any type of treatment, you have to consult with your doctor. You will be asked a few questions with regards to your medical history, what medications you take, what type of work do you do and a few others because these are some of the cause of spider veins.

He or she will examine your leg to check if there are other problems. The hand held Doppler ultrasound device will be used to detect if there is a backflow within the venous system. If there are no serious problems, then you can undergo spider vein treatment but should there be any, you will be referred to another specialist.

Lets say there are no problems. Your doctor will then explain to you what happens when you undergo sclerotherapy. This procedure is the trend these days for this cosmetic problem. In this procedure, sclerosing agents are injected in the affected area which is designed to lighten the color of the veins.

If you have any questions, dont be afraid to raise them. Some people ask if it is going to hurt, what are the risks and benefits, how long is the recovery period and the costs which is perfectly normal since you will be the one who will undergo the procedure.

After getting all the necessary information and your willingness to still do it, you have to follow your doctors instructions to prepare you for treatment. You must not apply any moisturizer, sunblock or oil to your legs on the day of your procedure. You can wear shorts during the procedure but have to wear a prescribed support hose and slacks when you go home.

The procedure does not take that long. This may last from 15 to 45 minutes. It is a painless procedure and you dont have to be injected with anesthesia. If your doctor has their own clinic, it will be done right there.

Just how many injections will be used depends on the number of spider veins. Some patients will get 5 injections while this can go up to about 45. When the injection has been removed, the doctor will apply cotton ball and compression tape to that area of the leg.

Your legs will look bruised or slightly discolored for a few weeks and chances are you wont be going to the pool or beach for a few weeks because you will not be comfortable wearing a swimsuit. You can go to work and party but instead of wearing dress, you will be wearing slacks or a pair of jeans.

Since one session is not enough to make the spider veins unnoticeable, you will have to go back for the next session after one month. If new spider veins start appearing, it is your choice whether or not you want to undergo this procedure again. If you are vain, chances are you will.

Not everyone can undergo sclerotherapy. If you happen to suffer from diabetes, circulatory problems, heart condition or are suffering from a blood born disease like hepatitis or AIDS, you will have to find another form of spider vein treatment.

What is the Treatment for Spider Veins

A lot of women experience spider veins. In the medical field, these are known as telangiectasias or sunburst varicosities which happen to be small and thin veins that are very close to the surface of the skin. The good news is that you can make this cosmetic problem disappear through spider vein treatment.

The most common procedure to treat spider veins is with sclerotherapy. Here, the plastic surgeon will inject the patient with a sclerosing solution, which causes the veins to collapse and fade from view. Aside from that, you will no longer feel the symptoms associated with this problem that includes aching, burning, night cramps and swelling.

This procedure has been practiced in Europe for more than 50 years and has been practiced in the states for more than a decade. The solution used for the procedure are safe to use on your small veins and relatively painless.

But how does spider veins develop? Studies have shown this is caused by activities that require prolonged sitting or standing, heredity, hormonal shifts, pregnancy, the side effects of certain medication and weight gain.

Some people may think that spider veins and varicose veins are the same but they differ in a number of ways. Varicose veins are much bigger, darker and at times bulge. If this should happen to you, you will feel a lot of pain and this is often related to more serious vein disorders. Just like spider veins, it can be treated with sclerotherapy.

Spider veins may happen in your teen years or later on in life. The ideal candidate for sclerotherapy must be between 30 to 60 years of age. Those who are breastfeeding or are pregnant are advised to postpone this form of treatment since it could affect breast milk while this may disappear on it sown after pregnancy.

Women are not the only ones who may experience spider veins because a number of men have had it. Unlike the opposite sex, they dont do anything about because they have facial hair on the legs so people will hardly notice that it exists.

Although sclerotherapy is very popular, you have to realize that it will not totally make the spider veins disappear. What it can do is make the veins appear lighter but it does not prevent new ones from appearing in the future. This means you will have to see your doctor when this happens.

One reason why sclerotherapy is so popular is because complications are extremely rare. Some of the things that could happen if there should be a problem are allergic reactions to the sclerosing solution, blood clots in the veins and skin injury which will leave a permanent scar.

The most common is pigmentation irregularity where brownish splotches will appear on the affected skin and it may take months to a year before it fades and “telangiectatic matting,” where fine reddish blood vessels appear around the treated area and the only way to treat that is a few more injections.

Spider vein treatment can be done and no complications may occur only if are treated by a doctor who has experience and training in sclerotherapy. This is because there are many types of sclerosing agents at his or her disposal and together, you can find one that works.