The Swedish Massage, which was conceived by Henri Peter Ling, a Swedish physiologist at the University of Stockholm, was publically introduced in 1812 as a means of improving blood circulation, of relieving muscle stress and pain, of increasing flexibility and of promoting total relaxation of the body and mind. The Swedish Massage was imported into the United States in the 1850s by Charles and George Taylor, two American brothers practicing medicine in New York who opened the first two Swedish clinics in the New World; the first in Boston, Massachusetts and the second in Washington, D. C. where Ulysses. S. Grant, a famed general during the American Civil War and the 18th President of the United States (1869 1877), allegedly frequented regularly for Swedish Massage treatments.

Since its inception in the early part of the 19th century, the Swedish Massage had become one of the most widely used massage techniques in the Western world and it is the basis for a number of other Western massage therapies which include the Sports Massage, the Deep Tissue Massage and the Aromatherapy. To attain its objectives, the Swedish Massage utilizes seven basic therapeutic movements:

* Effleurage. These are long gliding and soothing strokes which are aimed toward the heart while tracing the natural curves of the body. Massage oils are often used to facilitate smooth movement and to warm the muscles.

* Petrissage. These are movements which use strokes that lift, roll or knead soft body tissues. This process draws blood into the area and helps relax tense muscles and fascia as well as the rest of the body.

* Pinpoint Pressure. These movements are directed toward points that are knotted or hardened and painful to the touch. Pressure is directed to these points in order to break them down and release the muscle.

* Deep Friction. These are very small circular movements which press slightly below the surface of the skin and onto the muscle beneath it. These strokes relax muscles which contracted and tensed due to overuse or as a result of emotional stress at their deeper levels.

* Skin Rolling. This movement involves pinching a fold of skin and moving it forward in a rolling motion. This process lifts skin off its connective tissues to promote better blood circulation for the improvement of skin tone.

* Tapotement. This movement requires rhythmical tapping with cupped hands or with hands set in the karate-chop position. This practice awakens the body into vitality and the tingling sensation of energy and health.

* Finger Brushing. This movement is usually performed at the closing of the Swedish Massage treatment session as fingertips are lightly brushing against the surface of the skin to relax the stimulated muscles while calming the nervous system.

The most outstanding health benefits of the Swedish massage are in:

* Relaxing of tired, tense or overused muscles.
* Improving blood circulation without overburdening the heart.
* Increasing flexibility and widening the range of motion by stretching the bodys soft tissues: muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints and connective tissues.
* Stimulating the nervous system while simultaneously relaxing the nerve endings.
* Decreasing the recovery time of strained muscles by cleansing the tissues of lactic acid and uric acid as well as all other toxins and metabolic wastes.
* Bringing the skin to a healthier and more vibrant appearance of wellness.
* Helping the client achieve a feeling of connectedness and body awareness for maintaining a better posture and stance.
* Alleviating pain and any associated discomfort due to muscle tension, fractures, sprains, sciatica and stiff joints.
* Reducing emotion disstress.

A Look at Arthritis Pain Relief

A Look at Arthritis Pain Relief
Dave Lavinsky

In a recent survey on pain conducted by the Stanford University Medical Center, arthritis pain was cited as the chief complaint among Americas seniors, with thirty-two percent of the senior population listing arthritis as the specific cause of their suffering. Arthritis does strike children and young adults as well, although it afflicts the mature segment of the population more frequently. It is estimated that 15% of the American adult population suffer from arthritis, and this number is rising, increasing the demand for arthritis pain relief.

Arthritis is a general term encompassing over 100 different medical conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system, the three most common being osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. It causes inflammation in the joints, tendons and ligaments. It manifests in every part of the body, ranging from mild joint stiffness to crippling disability. Sufferers experience the pain of arthritis differently, too; for some, arthritis is at it is most severe upon waking up, while others report that their condition worsens throughout the day. No one knows exactly what causes arthritis, but it is among the oldest of human afflictions.

The type of arthritis and intensity of the condition determine the course of treatment. There is no cure for arthritis, but there are traditional and alternative treatments that can bring arthritis pain relief. Prescription and over-the-counter medications are popular for treating arthritis pain. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is often recommended for osteoarthritis patients with little or mild inflammation, while aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen work best for patients with inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis.

The healing touch of massage may stimulate the flow of blood, bringing heat and relief to stiff joints. Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, relaxation, yoga, and even emu oil are have proven effective for many arthritis sufferers.

Heat and cold can help alleviate pain too, but since moist heat, such as that from a bath, acts differently than the dry heat of a heating pad or the cold of an ice pack, this type of treatment needs to be discussed with a doctor or physical therapist. Doctors also often recommend patients wear splints or braces to relieve joint pressure and protect them from further injury.

Another technique, called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), works by blocking nerve endings from sending pain messages to the brain, so that the pain is never felt! A small TENS device sends mild electrical pulses to the nerve endings of the painful area, which seem to scramble their message to the brain.

Medications top the list for long-term arthritis pain relief, and include several families of prescription drugs. Weight reduction, exercise, and stretching can all go a long way toward reducing stress on joints.

Surgery may be necessary for patients with severe arthritis. The operation may realign the joint or replace the damaged joint with an artificial one. Total joint replacement has resulted in dramatic arthritis pain relief and improved range of motion for many patients.

The most difficult but often the most effective pain reliever is establishing a healthy lifestyle – eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep at night, and daily exercise. All of these help ease the pain of chronic arthritis. Support groups, a good physician, and making the effort to stay informed about arthritis treatment often benefits of patients suffering from arthritis as well.
Pain Relief provides detailed information on arthritis, back, joint, lower back, natural, chronic, neck, sciatica, knee, fibromyalgia, and muscle pain relief. Pain Relief is the sister site of Acid Reflux Web.

Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief-Get It Fast

Few things are as painful as the searing pain associated with sciatica. If you suffer from this condition, all you really want is a surefire way to relieve sciatic nerve pain. The faster you can get relief, the better. Once you are stricken with the pain of a sciatic attack, you can’t do much of anything and are temporarily disabled. In fact, it’s quite common for people to freeze up in these situations, and they may completely incapable of moving. The following information will help you to understand the problem, and show you some ways to minimize the pain of sciatica.

Your sciatic nerve travels from the base of the skull down to your feet, and happens to be the longest nerve in your body. Because it is so long, it is frequently under pressure or gets otherwise irritated. At times this may only lead to tingling or throbbing, and you can go about your normal routine. However, when the pressure on the nerve becomes too great, it can overwhelm you with pain. If this is something you have experienced more than once or twice, then you need to make an appointment with your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

Many people find relief from sciatic nerve pain by taking anti-inflammatory medication each day. This prevents any pressure on the nerve that may be caused by surrounding tissues being inflamed. You may wish to try an over-the-counter medication, or you can have your doctor prescribe something for you.

If you are having severe pain that is lasting for more than a day, then you can use this simple trick for easing the pain. Lie down with your back on a firm surface (the floor or a suitable mattress) and put a small pillow underneath your knees. This removes a great deal of pressure from the sciatic nerve, and allows the inflamed area to start healing. In fact, this position has long been the prescribed treatment for dealing with sciatica. However, it only brings temporary relief, but that’s better than nothing when trying to get rid of the pain.

Some people have found they can control their pain by using either cold or heat therapy. Which one is more effective will depend on what is causing the pain in the first place. Try one or the other and see how it feels, moving to the other method if needed.

Having proper posture will keep everything in your body aligned, and that can reduce the chances of unnecessary pressure being placed upon the nerve. Sit with your back straight, as though your head is being pulled straight up by an invisible string. When walking, be careful that you are not hunched over. If you have fallen into a habit of sloppy posture, you will be amazed at how much of an improvement this tip will make.

Trying to relieve sciatic nerve pain can take time, but keep trying. There is no reason that you should have to live with the pain. Once you find something that works you will feel a whole lot better.