How kidney stones are diagnosed

To avoid the pain brought by the development of kidney stones and its risks to your health, it is a must that you undergo immediate diagnosis once you suspect that there’s something wrong. The following are some of the steps to help you get diagnosis for kidney stones:

1. Go to a specialist. If you think that you are suffering from it, the first thing that you need to know is to consult a kidney specialist. He or she should administer diagnosis for kidney stones. Usually, the doctor will make a diagnosis of kidney stones using an assessment of the person’s clinical history. Here, he or she will ask a couple of questions that involve the person’s lifestyle, diet, fluid intake, past experience with kidney stones, and if there is possible family history of kidney stones.

This is very effective in the initial assessment of kidney stones in a person because it provides the doctor with information on what caused the stone formation. From here, the specialist can make a hypothesis or and “educated guess” and will refer you to undergo the needed medical procedures.

2. Undergo a thorough physical examination exam. Another effective means of diagnosing kidney stones is a thorough physical examination. Here, the specialist will run a series of physical tests that can help him or her determines conditions, which can put an individual at higher risk for kidney stone formation. Through a thorough physical examination, the doctor can discovers risks such as specific diseases and medical conditions, certain injuries, recent immobilization, and abdominal scars that might be effects of any previous medical procedure or surgery.

3. Opt for a laboratory study of your blood and urine. This is also another effective means of diagnosing kidney stones. During a laboratory evaluation, the person’s blood and urine samples will undergo thorough observation and studies. Collecting a sample of urine to be analyzed is called “urinalysis”. Urinalysis is one of the simplest tests to detect the presence of blood and bacteria present in the urine.

This is also done by the specialist or the attending assistant to accurately measure the levels and amount calciumwhich is the primary component of common kidney stoneselectrolytes, and uric acid as well as the other components in the samples. Aside from the acidity of the person’s urine, other components in the blood is also paid attention to ensure that there will be not further complications.

Other significant laboratory tests include blood tests for “creatinine” which evaluates the proper function of the kidney, the “BUN” and “electrolytes” which is used to detect levels of dehydration, “calcium” which is done to detect hyperparathyroidism, and a complete “blood count” which is primarily done to detect any infection in the person’s system. During the laboratory evaluation, the kidney stone sample is also collected to analyze and determine what type of is it stone. Knowing the type of kidney stone is important so the physician can plot the appropriate treatment for it as soon as possible.

4. Follow up the diagnosis with X-ray. Kidney stones can also be diagnosed through a possible follow-up with an X-ray evaluation. Here, the specialist or the assistant will use x-rays to identify the location of the kidney stone. Through x-ray, the size of stones and its number can be seen.

It may also help the doctor to identify which type of kidney stones is present in the person’s kidney.

All about Spider Vein Treatment

Before, the chances of getting a spider vein treatment are much lower compared today. This is because women before are not really much into physical beauty as they are today. Not that there is something wrong with wanting to look beautiful, it’s just that nowmore than everphysical beauty can serve as a stepping stone to brighter and more opportunities for success.

Many women who have yet to undergo a spider vein treatment dont realize it but aside from the humiliation caused by these ugly veins on the skin, the condition can even bring them more depression in the long run because it can be painful and even life threatening when not treated immediately.

Experts say that spider veins are benign vascular lesions that result to unsightly veins. It ranges from telangiectasia, simple spider veins to a more painful and deeper vascular lesions. Spider veins have resulted from inflamed veins and can lead to pigmented wherein the scars that are left behind are purplish-brown marks once the pimple blemish goes away and ice pick scars which can leave small depressions on the skin after the lesions have dried up.

Treatment option for spider vein

Due to the advancement in modern technology today, many experts were able to come up with treatment options that will help women and also men who are suffering from spider veins. All they have to do first is to consult their dermatologistpeople who are experts on the skin and other skin related disordersor their physician to know what the extent of the skin problem is.

Knowing what exactly is the skin’s condition is very important so the doctor can identify which treatment option will be the best for you. Consultation is very important so the doctor can explain what the condition is all about, what are the treatment options she or he can recommend as well as the estimate of the cost you might have.

Today, the most common treatment options for spider veins is through the use of laser therapy. Here, an infrared light source or a broadband light also called the “Intense Pulsed Light” along with a filters are used to treat small visible vessels and broken capillaries, other vascular lesions and discoloration of the skin that can are causes and effects of spider vein.

Most skin experts use a combination of laser treatment and injections to be able to treat spider veins depending on its severity. The injectionsalso called “sclerotherapy”is considered as the highest standard among treatment options for spider veins. This treatment option for spider veins is proven to be effective by so many doctors as well as patients because the solution that is being used for sclerotherapy is known to damage the vessel walls that resulted from the damaged spider vein. Here, it reabsorbs the damaged vessel wall and turns it into a bruise, which can disappear eventually.

Since it can be a sensitive spider vein treatment option depending on the severity of the case, a patient is required to complete a minimum of three and a maximum of five sessions which are usually spaced one month apart.

This would not be a hassle especially to clients with busy schedule because each procedure will only take about 20 to 30 minutes that can be painless or with minimal discomfort depending on the sensitivity of the patient.

The 3 Best Selections for Spider Vein Treatment

As time goes by, people want to find cure for anything. They want to look young as ever. They are excited about the ideas of retaining the look of their youth through the continuous development of science and technology. One component of this measure is spider vein treatment. Such condition hits more women than men at an earlier stage because of hormonal changes. Most women develop spider veins during their menopausal period. But it can be earlier, depending on the genes of the person who has this condition.

The Various Processes Related to Spider Veins

If you are one person who is also in search, what have you found so far? Spider veins do not pose any harmful threat on ones health. But some people do find it ghastly to see some veins beginning to pop out on the parts of their bodies that they have become used seeing without any marks.

The spider veins are nearer on the skins surface. These can be found on the face and on the neck. These must not be mistaken as varicose veins. The latter looks bigger and more pronounced. They also cause more health hazards and pains than the spider veins.

But no one is stopping you from going through the available medical processes. If you feel like you really have to and that you have the capacity to move forward, here are your best bet when it comes to that.

1. Electrodessication. From the name itself, you will get the idea that this process uses the electricity in order to get rid of the veins. The electricity acts like a shocker to the veins. It aims for these veins to swell. After a while the veins will close and will eventually die. The procedure may appear well executed. But the after effects that this can do on your skin are not that pretty. This can leave scars due to the electricity that your skin was treated to.

2. Sclerotherapy. A solution or a compound of various elements that are intended for the process are mixed and then injected to your spider veins. Once this has been done, the veins will subside and eventually dissolve. The veins are moved closer to the skins surface to be sloughed off by your body. But the beauty of this treatment cannot be seen until a month or so of continuous procedure.

At first, you may see bruises and discoloration on the parts where injections have been done. But once everything is healed, the veins will be gone forever. You may be happy at the thought. But you must take note that there are new veins that come out of your skin as you age. This means that you may have to undergo the process over and over again.

3. Photorejuvenation. Such kind includes IPL or the intense pulsed light and BBL or the broadband light. These kinds of treatments use the process of selective photothermolysis. This aim for one thing. It removes those unwanted spider veins. The process goes like this. The light is applied on to your skin. It will penetrate through the veins. The veins absorb the energy coming from the light, making them hot until they could no longer stand it so that will cause their destruction. After that, the veins are moved to the skins surface and sloughed off by your body.

You must know that lasers are not that ideal in spider vein treatment. This is due to the fact that cosmetic lasers emit red spectrum that is not well-received by your veins.

Styling Secrets of Hair Transplant

If you are getting a hair transplant, you probably want to know all about styling methods. From the days before your surgery to the years afterwards, it is good to know all you can about how to care for your hair. If you did not want your hair to look good, you would not have had the hair transplant in the first place.

When you are having your consultation with the surgeon, explain the kind of hair style you would like to have. This gives him an idea of how best to create the design of the hair transplant receptor sites on your scalp. It might make a difference in the angle of the hair or the direction of the hair.

The doctor will show you before and after pictures of his past hair transplant patients. Do not be discouraged if they all seem to have the same plain haircut in the after pictures. This is often the case when the doctor is trying to be truthful.

He will have the patients pose with their hair sans hair styling products like mousse or gel. This is to prevent you from getting a false impression of what a hair transplant can do. Yet, if you use your imagination, you can see how the right style would make the hair transplant look great.

Before you go in for your hair transplant surgery, your surgeon will give you some facts about how to care for your hair before the surgery and after. He will emphasize that the hair on your crown should be at least 2cm long. This is so that the donor site scar will be adequately covered up until the sutures heal.

Also, the doctor will not tell you to get a haircut. In fact, when getting a hair transplant, the longer your hair is, the better it often works. It hides the sutures and eventually hides any scars you might have.

You will be told to use your normal shampoo before the hair transplant surgery. No special scalp treatment will be needed. Do not worry about any scraggly hair on top of your head. The doctor will blend it in with the grafts as he goes.

It may seem odd, but once the grafted hairs are set, they are just as strong as the rest of your hair. You can cut them, comb and brush them, and even dye them in time. New hairs start to grow within three months. You will find you need haircuts more often, as your hair will grow about one or two centimeters per month.

As for intense styling, your hairdresser can help you with that in about 20 days after your hair transplant surgery. Your grafted hairs are the same as old hairs but they are balding resistant. However, they need special care at first. Your hairdresser should know about hair transplants and understand just what you need to avoid.

After a few short weeks, you can treat your hair transplant grafts just like you did your old hair before you lost it. You can style it however you want. You can comb it and use hair care products on it. Do not forget: this is really your own hair.