The Hot Stone massage is a therapeutic massage technique in which a heated stone is held by the massage therapist who uses it to apply the customary and traditional Swedish massage strokes. Because they have the tendency to absorb heat and retain it for extended periods of time, the stones which are used are usual smooth, black volcanic basalt rocks of various sizes and shapes. For the most part, these rocks are heated in water at 120 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Native Americans are known to also have used hot stones for medicinal purposes but those were heated by direct fire. This technique of fire-heated stones was restored by Mary Nelson, a native of Tucson, Arizona and she trademarked it as LaStone Therapy.

Primarily due to the effects of the heat from the stones, the Hot Stone massage is profoundly calming and delightfully relaxing as it rapidly releases the tension out of every soft tissue, be it muscle, tendon or ligament, which is included in this treatment while gentle and comforting peace washes over the client almost immediately. The hot stones are used throughout the entire session to massage, to stroke, to press, to manipulate and to knead the clients soft tissues. On occasion, heated stones are laid out to rest at strategic spots along the spine as well as in the palms of the clients hands and between the toes. This maneuver promotes the optimal flow of energy throughout the entire body. As soon as the stones cool down, the massage therapist will replace them with newly heated ones but areas that are inflamed, injured or swollen, will often be treated with cold stones instead of the hot ones.

To derive the most out of the Hot Stone massage therapy, clients are encouraged to:

* Indicate any discomforts such as those which might be created by stones which are too hot, by the massage therapist applying pressure with too much force, by the background music which may be too loud, by the room temperature which could be too hot or too cold and so on.

* Refrain from consuming a heavy meal and to abstain from ingesting any amount of alcohol shortly before the session.

* Arrive in plenty of time to check in and to relax before the treatment.

* Take a sauna, a steam bath or a hot tub before the session as it will relax and soften the muscles for better end results from the entire treatment. If the hot tub was treated with chlorine, the clients are asked to take hot showers in order to rinse off the chemical.

* Remove all their clothing and be assured that they will remain completely covered with a towel. This will give the massage therapist better access and direct contact with the skin.

* Take slow, deep breaths throughout the session as it helps to relax the body and release more toxins.

* To banish irrelevant thoughts from racing through their heads by concentrating on the feel of the therapists movements over their bare skins.

* Get off the massage table after the session very slowly as dizziness may set in otherwise.

* Absorb the full results of the massage treatment by allowing some quiet time in a peaceful place.

* Drink extra water after the massage to flush out and wash away the toxins released during the treatment.

The Hot Stone massage is beneficial in many ways as it promotes deep muscle and soft tissue relaxation, eases stress, releases toxins, alleviates pain, improves circulation and calms the mind. Quite appropriately, therefore, there is an impressive list of ailments which are treated with Hot Stone massages and they are:

* Muscle aches and pains due to over use, injury or stress.
* Back pain caused by injury, poor posture or misuse.
* Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
* Arthritis.
* Fibromyalgia.
* Stress, anxiety, nervousness and depression.
* Insomnia.
* Any number of circulatory problems.

The Hot Stone massage requires specialized training, it involved more preparation time for disinfecting and heating the stones, the session are often somewhat longer than usual and more time is spent cleaning up. As a consequence, the Hot Stone massage tends to be more costly than any other conventional and basic Swedish massage. But it is worth it and you are worthy of it!


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Detox- Cleansing the Body Inside Out

Detoxification has been a lengthy discussion ever since. Whether to detox or not, is up to you.

Even though you are ‘healthy’ this does not mean that you don’t need to detox. Sure our body does this on a continual basis, our kidneys and livers are constantly working by cleaning out all the pollutants (smoke, caffeine, chemical-based products etc) in our body. Detox strengthen our organs back to optimal function.

Basically, this is done through fasting, therefore resting the organs and stimulating the liver by pushing away the toxins from the body. Nourishing the body with healthy nutrients is also done to maintain optimum health. It has been practiced for centuries around the world by different cultures.

Although a lot of people want whole body detoxification, some wants to have a detox on a particular organ only, such as the kidney, liver or colon. During kidney cleansing, herbal supplements and juices are used to dissolve and wash out kidney stones; particular foods are consumed in liver cleansing causing the gall bladder and liver to remove fatty deposits and toxins out of the body. Colon cleansing on the other hand, gently flushes the colon with water providing a pathway for the release of toxins.

There are also techniques used in whole body cleansing such as:

Fasting. Water or juice fasting is applied for a period of time to lessen toxic loads in the body causing the body to heal itself and nourish inside out.

Parasite cleaning. Right amount of pills or tinctures made out of bitter herbs are consumed to build an unreceptive environment for the parasites inside the body.

Contrast Shower. The contrast among hot and cold water enhances circulation, helps in detoxifying thus having a stronger immune system. This also helps by bringing oxygen, nutrients and immune cells towards damaged and stressed tissue and flushes metabolic waste and other toxins.

Sauna, yoga, exercise, raw food dieting and dry skin brushing also enhance the body’s natural cleansing process.

Other Detoxifying aids

There are a number of safe products that helps in the cleansing process such as cleansing supplement packages (with easy-to-follow instructions), detox foot patches, commercially prepared detox teas, Epsom salts, high-class multivitamins for daily intake and antioxidants like Q10 and E that can be found at health food stores.

Before and after side effects:

As the procedures differ, so do the benefits.

During the detox, you’ll most likely feel the side effects that take place during the first few days such as headaches, feeling weak, sore muscles, cranky moods and unable to sleep soundly.

There are also a number of positive side effects days after the cleansing process. You will feel energetic, mental clarity improved, skin is clearer, improved sleep, and have a positive attitude in life for a fresh start.

Detoxification is safe and beneficial for our health. It is suggested that each one should at least have a short detoxification program yearly. However, children, nursing mothers, and patients with cancer, chronic degenerative illness and tuberculosis should consult their physician first for approval and supervision or find someone who is familiar with detox.

If you decide to award your body with holiday, find a nutritional therapist who is familiar with detox.

Here’s how:

You can call your friends who are into health foods and alternative medicines, ask them for a person who they can refer. Another way is to search in the yellow pages under nutrition or by looking for ads in health publication in your locality. Get the name of someone you found whose name appears in more than one place and check for his profile, like from which school he/she attended the training and if it’s an accredited one. Also ask how long he’s been in practice.

Prevention Is Still Better Than Spider Vein Treatment

Prevention is still better than spider vein treatment because you save time and money. Here are some things you can do to prevent spider veins from every appearing on your legs.

First, elevate your legs whenever possible. You can surely do this when you get home from school or work. The ideal angle of your feet should be higher than heart level so blood will be able to flow throughout the body.

You should also exercise regularly because this reduces pooling or pressure in the veins. Examples of these include jogging, walking, running, climbing and swimming as such activities will help you maintain your body weight and reduce pressure on your legs. You should also watch what you eat since there is no point sweating it out when you are just going to gain the calories you lost.

Sometimes over exercising can cause a vein to rupture. If this happens, elevate your leg and put a compress in the affected area then contact your doctor or get emergency medical care immediately.

It is nice to relax in a hot tub or go to a sauna but this must not be done often. Doing so lets absorb excess heat which increases vein distention and lead to more pooling of blood.

If you have to sit for long periods of time, stretch those legs and flex those ankles so blood will flow in the lower part of your body.

Women should wear a compression hose because this provides external graduated counter-pressure to aid in venous blood flow to the heart. This also reduces pooling and pressure in the veins. Aside from that, it can reduce the risk of forming a deep vein blood clot which should be worn when you are on a long flight or car ride.

But despite these preventive measures, spider vein can still happen. When they do, you have to decide whether or not you want to undergo surgery to remove it or not. If you are worried about paying for it, ask your insurance provider if it is covered under the plan even if most of the time, they will not allow this because it is a cosmetic procedure.

However, the loop hole here is if your doctor signs for it and sees that this is necessary. You just have to get photographs and other results to show to the insurance provider so this can be approved. This enables you to have this procedure done without paying a single dime.

When this happens, you just have to follow the instructions given by the doctor like what you can and cannot do before and after surgery. You will have to go back to the doctor for follow up checks and another series of injections since your spider veins will not go away in just one session.

The best cure against any disease regardless if it is minor or major is prevention. If you dont, will most likely end up spending hundreds of dollars and in this case, for spider vein treatment. You have to remember that to get the best results, you have to undergo two or three sessions in the next few months.

So do that math and you will realize that you could have spent that money spending it on something else.