Is there a Full Detox Plan for Body, Mind, and

Is there a Full Detox Plan for Body, Mind, and Spirit?

Spirituality plays a vital role in your daily life. If you believe in God, you know that there are certain things that you should and should not do. Holistic living is gaining more popularity these days. It means that a person should live a healthy and spiritual life.

People with strong faith in God will likely say that a healthy life is worth nothing if your spirituality is at its lowest. These two aspects should always compliment each other to achieve full body detox.

Most people will say that you should live your life to the fullest, and so why not achieve a full body detox? Detox or detoxification is a process to eliminate all the harmful toxins that have accumulated inside the body. The body, mind and spirit go hand in hand, why? The body will not function (or even not exist) without the mind, and the spirit.

It is a sad fact that many people have very little time to ponder about their spiritual aspect of life. They are too busy looking for ways to stay healthy, paying the bills, making more money, and meet work deadlines. This may be so, because people have a choice. They can freely choose how to live their lives, as they see it fit.

If you want to begin holistic living, start by full body, mind, and spirit detox.

The body has its own natural way of detoxification, but if the toxins are too much, it needs some help. There are a lot of detox products available almost anywhere in the world.

Detox products aid the body in the detox process making you feel more revitalized and energized. There are also other benefits of body detox including healthier skin and normal bowel movements.

The mind should also undergo detoxification. You must free your mind from all negative thoughts. There is the so-called Psychoneurimmunology that has been in existence for many years now in the eastern culture; it believes that the mind and body are linked to each other.

Patients who undergo this treatment are taught how to focus the mind, and visualize the flowing healing-energy into the body’s organs which needs healing. If you are successful in doing this treatment, the healing process is said to move at a faster rate. Visualization is the key to unite the mind and body, and achieve results. You can only do this if you get help from the professionals who are into this kind of mind detox. Of course, there are also other types of mind detox that you can make use. Choose one that you think will work best for you.

Spirituality is also one aspect in a person’s life that should also be given equal attention. Prayer is the most familiar form of exhibiting spirituality. It is part of almost any religion found in any part of the world.

There is no established ‘right’ way to pray. In fact, you can pray anywhere you like, any position you like, just as long as it comes from the heart and you have deep faith to your creator. All you need to do is to find the right way of praying, one that will work best for you.

It is then possible to get full body, mind, and spirit detox and these are just simple ways. Getting a professional help can greatly help you in achieving real and tangible results.

The Damaging Nature Of Chronic Fatigue

At first glance, you would think that the term “chronic fatigue” says it all. In medicine, any disease, disorder or illness that has the word “chronic” attached to it means that they persist for more than 6 months, either recurring or not. However, chronic fatigue means more than that.

While it seems pretty straightforward, there is actually so much more to this disorder (or disorders) than what its name suggests. It could mean anywhere from persistent headaches, flu-like symptoms or fatigue that goes on for weeks and months. Some even have to suffer for over a few years. Some never really fully recovered.

Patients normally have to suffer from flu-like sickness that does not subside from medications or rest. Also, there is some degree of debilitating exhaustion that limits one from functioning well. Many patients describe this exhaustion as being worn out even before getting up in the morning. In fact, chronic fatigue is not resolved simply by taking a nap or a longer sleep.

The reverse is often true- the lesser activities a patient performs, the higher are the chances that the illness will get worse. With chronic fatigue, a person is also constantly plagued with foggy thoughts and unstable concentration. As if to make it much worse, the person also simultaneously feels joint and muscle pains, disturbed sleep, sore throat, and general sense of absurd health.

But that is not the end of it. For some, these symptoms develop psychological stress that in turn develops anxiety, depression and irritability. These conditions pose great risks of becoming full-blown disorders if appropriate interventions are not administered.

The sad fact is, people who are affected with chronic fatigue syndrome used to be very healthy, very active individuals. They used to lead very normal lives that were free from any of the aforementioned symptoms. This makes one wonder how a perfectly healthy person in fact one who probably had led a very active, if not exceptionally energetic life turn into someone who is perpetually sick? Good question, but one that is difficult to answer.

There are actually no clear answers as to why chronic fatigue syndrome develops in one person and not to another. Current studies and clinical evidence however suggests that chronic fatigue syndrome can develop after contracting a serious infection or after experiencing extreme levels of stress. Having said that, there are numerous medical cases that purport to these theories, so to speak.

There are, for example, valid estimates where 96% of people who develop chronic fatigue used to actively exercise prior to the onset of the disease. Majority of the patients were also at the prime of their lives when they developed the disease. It is not surprising therefore that this disorder is coined as the “yuppie disease”, because it occurs at the time when a person is supposedly healthy and full of life.

After the onset of the disease, the lives of these people are changed drastically. They get stuck in their beds and quit their jobs because it is very taxing to get up. They had to abandon their roles and obligations because they do not have even enough energy to take care of themselves. In fact, they had to live a very sedentary and weak life because they are exhausted all the time.

Indeed, life for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers is hard, oftentimes debilitating.

Is Fish Oil Harmful?

If you ask those fans of mackerel and salmon why they loved those fish so much and what is omega-3, they will probably give you a long lecture on how important or beneficial essential fatty acids are to your health. They will site a number of studies proving the positive effects of fatty acids on our bodies and how these can be used to treat a variety of conditions, ailments or diseases.

Some, and these are the really omega-3 fanatics, can go on and on and on. From the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids to the preparations and cooking of salmon. At the end you find yourself mumbling and probably cursing why you asked in the first place. However, despite the long lecture, you might notice your friend leaving behind an issue that is often disregarded but is equally important with the benefits of fish oils. And that can be addressed by answering the question: is fish oil harmful?

I am all for the various benefits of fish oils. I dont discount it, I dont question the studies nor do I criticize the testimonies from long time users. But personally, I dont believe that fish oils are purely good. We have this saying that too much of anything is bad for you. The same should apply to fish oils. After researching the internet, reading a number of articles, and a couple of cups of coffee, I found out that fish oils do have some side effects, some even quite harmful.

Among the more minor side effects are diarrhea and that fishy after taste. You will experience these side effects if you too much dosage of fish oils. Commonly doctors would prescribe or recommend a 2 gram intake of fish oil daily at the minimum.

Probably the major risk of overdosing on fish oil is the contamination, more specifically mercury contamination. It is a sad fact, but a lot of the worlds fishing grounds are contaminated or polluted. The fish you eat might have a good stock of omega-3 but you might not know it, the fish might only contain a considerable amount of heavy metal contaminants. When it comes to pill or capsule supplements, the process of creating those fish oil capsules might not be safe. The safest would be through a distillation process.

Another major risk is when combined with other blood thinners. Fish oil acts as a blood thinner or anti-coagulant, which basically helps stop platelets or heavy cells from forming blood clots reducing the risks of having a heart attack. However, if you combine fish oil with other medicines such as aspirins, the result might be very harmful to your body and even fatal. Too much blood thinners can cause you to bleed out. And bleeding does not mean just bleeding out externally, but there are cases where patients actually bled to their brains.

So going back to our question, is fish oil harmful? Well, the above scenario is quite a frightening one but things like that could possibly happen to people who are extremely careless. That is why before you take any supplements, fish oil in this case, you should consult your doctors and make sure you provide them with a complete, honest and proper medical history.