Offer Love and Conversation to the Alcoholic

If you live with an alcoholic, you want to offer love and conversation when they are not drinking. Trying this when they are drinking may be harder to do since you never know what their mood is or how they will react. You have to have an open line of communication even if the person is an alcoholic. You should not try talking about anything important when they are drinking, but engage is light conversation and leave the heavy discussions for when they are sober. Then you can have a friendly conversation. Just show them some love and hope that they like that better than what they get when they drink.

If the alcoholic is not a mean drunk, you can offer love. This of course depends on the mood of the alcoholic when he is drinking. Some alcoholics are mellow drunks, but even the mildest mannered alcoholic can switch moods just like that without warning. It can be like a roller coaster. One minute they can be sweet and loving and the next screaming at you because you said something that they did not like. This is a pattern with most alcoholics. You never know what you can say or do. It can change from day to day or even minute to minute.

When the alcoholic is not drinking, engage in conversation and try to touch on the drinking. This is the only time you have to discuss drinking. In most cases, they will tell you that they do not have a problem. They do not see it the same way that you do. You could point out a few things that they do when they drink and hope that they remember. You can tell them how it makes you feel when they have to drink all the time. It probably will not help them, but it can help you.

Explain that you want to care about them and do not want to see something bad happen. You can pour out your feelings and at least let them know how you feel, but chances are, they will only quick drinking for a few days and then start hiding it from you. This is common with alcoholics. If they know that you do not want them to drink, they will find ways to do it and hide it. It would not be uncommon to find empties in cupboards, down in the basement or out in the garage.

Talk about the future and things you would like to do. Make it clear that you want to enjoy a life with them, but you want them to be around for it. Make it clear that you are not really happy with the ways things are, but you would like to help make a change. Never tell them that they have to change, make it a change for both of you. You may not need to change, but telling them that is not going to mean a thing. You have to tell them that you will change with them.

Explain some of the health risks that you discovered. This may be one thing that could help. If they do not want to die at a young age, they may think about what you have to say. Of course, if they do not feel as if they have a problem, you could be talking to deaf ears. You can still try. Maybe if they see or feel some symptoms, they will think about what you said.

Try not to get upset or yell. Engage in a light conversation and if you feel yourself getting upset, take a moment to collect your thoughts. The last thing the alcoholic wants to do is listen to you yell at them. If you do not walk away and calm down, they might just leave and find somewhere to drink. This will defeat the purpose of your talk. You have to be on eggshells when you live with an alcoholic if you want to help them. You can be caring when you talk, but do not expect that in return from the alcoholic. That may come over time.


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7 Ways to Abetment Your Energy

In today’s world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.
7 Ways to Abetment Your Energy

Chitchat Count:

Everyone would identical to feel more energetic during the day. You naturally go through periods of higher activity which contrasts with times of relaxation. The problem occurs when more energy and concentration is required than we can subsidize. Or when we try to sleep and cant. Follow these invaluable tips to a new you!

Osteopathic medicine, osteopathy, health, down home health, D. O., option medicine, medicine, womens health, holistic medicine prevention, preventive medicine, nutrition, OMM, osteopathic manipulation, choice treatments

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Everyone would like to feel more energetic during the day. You naturally go through periods of higher activity which contrasts with times of relaxation. The problem occurs when more energy and concentration is required than we can give. Or when we go to sleep and cant. Follow these attractive tips to a new you!

1 ) Stay on a regular sleep schedule. You cant stay up late during the week – term again suddenly on Monday morning wake reinforcement refreshed. If you do enjoy later nights on Friday and Saturday vow to get to bed early on Sunday to wake up rested.

2 ) Avoid the sugar and caffeine roller coaster. Eat some protein and foods with a bit of fat in the morning. The brain needs protein and the body does not store it. You dont have to eat very much – a glass of low fat milk, a piece of cheese, or a handful of nuts will get you going instead of pure carbohydrates like a plain bagel.

3 ) Take a 5 – 10 minute power nap around lunch. Even if you just close your eyes and let your mind drift you will be refreshed for the afternoon. This is also effective anytime you feel yourself not concentrating, reading the same material over and over. Give in to the urge and completely relax for a few moments.

4 ) Drink besides imbue and liquids. I know, everyone says to board in addition fluids. But most Americans are in a constant state of dehydration from filling up on coffee, tea, and sodas with caffeine. This is very stressful to the kidneys and can produce irritation to the bladder. Stack a sports bottle filled with your favorite flavored water or just plain and keep it with you at all times. Set a destination – solitary by lunch, refill, reclusive again by the bit work is over. Carry plenty of water in the car too because you and your family.

5 ) Liveliness regularly. This is easier said than done with a busy schedule. A poor conditioning level causes you to be short – of – breath and your heart to race when just doing simple things like climbing a bound of steps or doing home chores. Park farther away when shopping and walk Dust crucify that exercise machine or get an exercise tape to play when weather is bad. Set an example for the rest of your family and conceivably they will join in too!

6 ) A joke a day keeps the doctor away. Seriously, laughter has many beneficial effects on the body. The brain chemicals for experiencing pleasure, happiness, and stillness merger with good, hearty laughs. Live alone? Get a funny movie or timepiece a light – hearted comedy on tv. Nothing satirical or put – down, however.

7 ) Avoid confrontations and situations with negative people. You know who they are. They are not going to change but they bequeath bear you and your vein forsaken. The complainers, gossipers, and generally unhappy souls we all have to deal with on a day – to – day basis drain our energy if we allow them. Be polite but avoid arguing or recipient hooked into listening to their constant problems.

8 ) Take regular, prevalent supplements of the highest level. Our food besides diets simply do not meet the amounts needed for maximum health. Professional is a separation between avoiding nutritional deficiencies and optimum performance.

This article’s coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.

Acupressure’s Sweet Spot – How To Get A Rush Without The Sugar

The following article presents the very latest information on alternative medicine. If you have a particular interest in alternative medicine, then this informative article is required reading.
Acupressure’s Sweet Spot – How To Get A Rush Without The Sugar

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Are you a sugar user? More and more people are resorting to high sugar drinks again snacks for a quick jolt of energy. But the discontent with using x for an energy boost, is that it sets up a roller – coaster effect that can soon become addictive and lead to health problems down the line. Recent research has revealed an acupressure point that boosts energy and alertness naturally and with no come down.

The Highs & Lows of using Sugar for Energy
Soon after a sugar fix you st…

sugar, cravings, stimulants, energy, acupuncture, acupressure, eft, emotional freedom techniques

Article Body:
Are you a sugar user? More and more people are resorting to high sugar drinks and snacks due to a quick jolt of energy. But the trouble with using sugar over an energy boost, is that it sets enlargement a roller – coaster effect that can soon become addictive and prompt to health problems down the line. Recent research has revealed an acupressure point that boosts reaction and ball game naturally and with no come solitary.

The Highs & Lows of using Muzzle for Energy
Soon after a sugar fix you start buzzing with energy, but it’s a short lived boost that soon swings sharply the other way with an energy slump. If you address that slump by eating or drinking something else high in sugar, you’ll strike that energy rush also, followed by farther slump.

Using sugar now energy gives sporadic results at best, but there are health dangers too. Diabetes II is an ever increasing stake in a world where we’re rushing to predispose more done and fighting daily battles with stress and fatigue. Sugar increases insulin levels and raises blood triglycerides which increases the risk of developing late onset Diabetes.

Acupressure Energy Boost
Acupuncture and Acupressure share a counsel of vital energy points situated along meridian channels throughout the body. For thousands of years these points have been used to influence qi ( chi ), the body’s subtle energy force, for a wide variety of physical and emotional benefits.

The University of Michigan recently finished an intensive study that set out to prove that acupressure can provide an effective natural energy boost. Lead researcher, Dr Richard Harris, explains ” it [acupressure] seems to stimulate the nerves that chivalrous attention and alertness “.

Tapping the Sweet Spot
Students in the trial experimented with massaging five acupressure points for three minutes each. The most effective and stimulating head was the Si Shen Chong point, known to acupuncturists as one of the extraordinary acupoints ( HN1 ), and found right in the centre of the top of the head.

Participants in the trial found the abundantly effective way to get a sugar – free energy boost, was to tap this point lightly with the fingertips for two or three observation.

The ultimate used in this trial is one of the extra energy points sometimes used in the EFT meridian points tapping sequence. The beauty of EFT ( Emotional Freedom Techniques ) is that it uses a series of compelling acupuncture and acupressure points that not only give the body a natural energy boost, but can also reproduce used to control addictive cravings for sugar and popular stimulants like caffeine.

EFT uses a set sequence of 12 acupuncture points known to lay upon relief from a wide range of emotional and physical symptoms. As found in the University of Michigan study, results are easily and reliably achieved by tapping lightly on the acupuncture points with the fingertips.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.