Killer Arthritis Relief Tips!

Killer Arthritis Relief Tips!
Mike Corrado

The most common type of arthritis is a condition affecting the joints called osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative disease in which the cartilage gradually becomes thinner. After time, the bony surfaces come into contact with each other and then they begin to become misshapen. This kind of arthritis most commonly occurs from a previous injury or wear and tear on the joint.

Most commonly, in arthritis patients, one of the large weight bearing joints are affected such as hips, knees and ankles. There can be a lot of pain and stiffness. Most people find that it is worse in damp or cold weather and a hot bath or a hot pad can help a lot.
It is important for arthritis sufferers to avoid weight-bearing exercises such as jogging, and instead to try things like swimming, yoga, Tai chi classes or cycling. Anything that stresses the joints is bad for OA sufferers.

In its more mild forms, arthritis is a condition that will respond to herbal medicines. Herbs to consider include Devil’s Claw, Ginger and Willow bark. Most people with arthritis are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to help with pain and any inflammation. Still, many people find that these drugs can upset their digestive systems. Anther herbal medicine that can help is meadowsweet herb, especially as a tea.

Rheumatoid arthritis is another kind of arthritis that also causes joint problems but the cause is very different. It is a chronic, inflammatory disease affecting the synovial membrane inside the joint. RA is characterised by periods of remission and exacerbation. In severe cases, most joints may be affected. Other body systems and organs may also be affected and flare-ups can be accompanied by general malaise. This problem is usually best treated by a qualified herbalist in conjunction with orthodox healthcare.

If you think you have either type of arthritis, you should consult a physician to determine the best treatment. Arthritis is a serious condition that will only worsen if you do not seek medical advice.

About the author:

Mike Corrado brings you smoking arthritis solutions at

Interesting Facts about Arthritis

Interesting Facts about Arthritis
J. Zorro

What exactly is arthritis?
The term arthritis literally means joint inflammation, but it also is used to refer to more than 100 rheumatic diseases. These diseases can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in joints and may also affect other parts of the body. Some common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, gout, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriatic arthritis.
How many Amercians suffer from chronic symptoms of arthritis?
40 million!
Are there several forms of arthritis?
Yes, there are more than one hundred forms of arthritis and the causes of many are unclear. The two most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis (commonly referred to as simply arthritis) and rheumatoid arthritis. Gout is a less common form of the disease.
When does arthritis appear?
Rheumatoid arthritis — one of the many forms of arthritis — typically begins at 20 to 50 years of age, although it can develop in childhood.
Does arthritis affect more women than men?
Rhemathoid arthritis is two to three times more common in women than men. Men, however, are at greater risk than women of developing gout.
What kind of cause can trigger arthritis?
While genes appear to be a contributing factor to arthritis, there are other causes. Researchers believe that environmental agents — a virus, or even stress, can trigger the disease in people who are genetically predisposed to it.
About the Author
J. Zorro owns

Inflammatory Arthritis, Alternative Treatments

Inflammatory Arthritis, Alternative Treatments
Daniel DeReuter

There are two main types of arthritis: inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis. Inflammatory arthritis can be treated naturally without drugs. Inflammatory arthritis’ symptoms (such as Rheumatoid Arthritis) are exactly what they sound like: inflammation, redness and swelling in the joints. Sometimes there will even be a temperature change in the area affected. Also, in the hand, you may notice that some fingers may look like they are turning away from the thumb (ulnar deviation).
This type of arthritis is primarily an auto-immune response. This means that the body believes it is under attack by an invader, such as an infection of some kind. However,this is not the case and the body ends up “attacking” the toxins that have built up in the joint capsules. Alternative treatment for this type of arthritis is fairly simple. Since the problem is caused by toxins in the joints, then the solution is to remove these toxins.
There are actually several ways to detoxify the body. One of these is fasting. Using juice fasts,fruit fasts or other types of fasts can be very effective. However, it takes a very disciplined individual to actually finish one of these programs. There are several good books to help you if you planon doing a fast, one of my personal favorites is “Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care””, by Bernard Jensen.
Another way to detox is cleansing the colon with a colonic irrigation or similar procedure. This procedure should be done by a professional since there are some minimum hygiene standards that should be followed. In this procedure, a tube is inserted into the rectum and filtered water is constantly irrigated into the colon-and fecal matter and other wastes flowing out at the same time.People that have this performed often report they see waste products from foods they have not eaten in years.
A third way to cleanse is by supplementing your diet with large quantities of fiber and herbal supplements. This method is probably best for most Americans. Not because it is more effective than the other two, but because of it’s ease of execution.
One good way to see if this type of treatment will help is to buy an inexpensive psyllium supplement and take it three times per day for two days. If you do notice an improvement in your symptoms,then go ahead and purchase a complete cleanse program of some kind.
If you are performing a cleanse you should modify your diet in several ways: increase the consumption of leafy green vegetables, decrease the consumption of dairy, red meat and other mucus-producing foods. And probably the most important-increase your intake of clean filtered water to at least a gallon per day.
One note of caution: when doing any type of cleanse, you may experience a healing crisis. On the third or fourth day or a cleanse regimen, you may experience symptoms such as sore throat, headache, lightheadedness, bad breath or pimples. Don’t panic! this is a normal response and indicates that the cleanse is working and the toxins are beginning to leave your body. Depending on your toxicity level, you may experience some relief by simply having a bowel movement.
If the healing crisis becomes too uncomfortable, then be sure to discontinue the program and consult a health care professional. The goal is to find the type of treatment that is correct for you and see it until the end. You will find that these treatments are more successful in helping arthritis than the traditional medical solution of pain killers and drugs.
© 2000 Daniel DeReuter, D.C.

About The Author

Daniel DeReuter is a chiropractor and author practicing in Georgia. He operates various websites including and He writes about natural methods for improving health.
[email protected]

Improving Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Improving Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
Hans Hasselfors

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease where white blood cells
suddenly attack healthy tissues, specifically joints and
cartilage. There are a few ways to help ease the symptoms,
depending on which stage of the disease you are in. If you are
in the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis there is a new
disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) which has done an
excellent job in controlling symptoms. It works best in the
initial stages, so if you suspect you may have rheumatoid
arthritis, see your doctor as soon as possible.

There are other options if you are in later stages of rheumatoid
arthritis. These are also helpful if you are still in early
stages. One is to use anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin,
ibuprofen, and naproxen. This does a great job reducing pain and
inflammation. However, these have side effects including heart
problems and gastrointestinal bleeding. You can also use
acetaminophen for your rheumatoid arthritis, which does not have
these side effects.

When symptoms are mild, moderate exercising including
stretching, weight lifting, and aerobics ease rheumatoid
arthritis symptoms. Be sure to rest when your joints flare up as
this would just add strain to your aching joints. Stretching is
important because it increases flexibility and is easy enough to
do at any age. When stretching, stop when you feel mild
discomfort and hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Then repeat 3 to 5
times. Weight lifting also improves flexibility as well as
strength and balance. Barbells are easy, convenient, and
inexpensive. Remember to stretch before lifting any weights.
Start with 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions. If you would like you
can start with no weights at all (such as going leg lifts for
rheumatoid arthritis in the knees), then add weights when you
can. Lift the weights slowly and evenly to not damage the

Some other popular forms of exercise for rheumatoid arthritis
are aqua therapy and Tai Chi. Be sure to find an actual
therapist as they have specific exercises they do for arthritis
patients. Aerobics instructors may push to far and do further
damage. Tai Chi has no long term studies proving its
effectiveness, but due to testimonials from patients who have
taken Tai Chi, the Arthritis Foundation began offering the
class. Remember to always check with your doctor before starting
an exercise program.

Some other ways to relieve rheumatoid arthritis pain are to lose
weight to take additional pressure off joints, eating a healthy
diet, getting enough sleep, using heat or ice, and possibly
using devices such as a cane, brace, or splint. There are many
resources for additional information on rheumatoid arthritis
including websites, flyers, periodicals, books, etc. Your doctor
should be able to provide you with some reference on where to
look for additional help.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical
practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes
only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always
seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care
provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical
condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay
in seeking it because of something you have read. Since natural
and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be
accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that
the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product
is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any

About the author:
About the Author: Hans Hasselfors is the founder of http://www.SubmitYourN You may find varied
arthritis articles in our article directory.