Proven Green Tea Benefits Health and Weight Loss

Green tea is quickly becoming one of the most popular beverages across the world, because not only does it offer a delicious taste and versatility, but green tea benefits your health and well being as well. The Chinese have long been using green tea for the health benefits that it offers for thousands of years. Green tea is not a snake oil, but rather is backed by scientific research that is showing that the green tea benefits are real, legitimate and measurable.

Green tea contains catechin polyphenols like epigallocatechin gallate, which is why green tea benefits the body in so many ways. You may better know epigallocatechin gallate as EGCG, a very powerful antioxidant that can help to curb the growth of cancer cells within the body, also possibly killing off already existent cancer cells without attacking the body’s healthy tissues and cells. EGCG is also capable of preventing blood clots, which will curb the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.

Green tea has also been shown to relieve pain that is associated with rheumatoid arthritis in addition to fighting infections, repairing the immune system, and even preventing cardiovascular disease. Green tea benefits are not limited to just one or two facets of the human body, but rather it positively impacts your overall healthy and well being.

Another of the green tea benefits that are worth considering is that green tea has been linked to helping people lose weight, according to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the University of Geneva. The conclusion of the study was that when men were given green tea as a staple in their diet, they lost more weight and burned more calories than those who did not incorporate green tea into their diet. Additionally, green tea has been linked to fighting tooth decay and promoting a healthy smile. Green tea is capable of destroying bacteria, killing off the bacteria that cause plaque and abscesses in your mouth.

The ECGC in green tea can also help to boost your metabolism, ridding your body of the free radicals that cause cancer and other harm to your body. Free radicals can damage your cells, leading to premature aging, the development of cancers and other damage to your body. The antioxidants found in green tea can contribute to feeling younger and healthier and can give you an overall improved sense of well being.

Green tea benefits the body in numerous ways and is inexpensive and tastes great. Green tea is often organically produced, meaning that it is completely natural and cannot harm your body. Green tea has a taste that is naturally sweet, but balances well by an almost pleasant bitterness. It has a complex taste with a lot of depth, allowing it to appeal to the general public. Because anyone can afford green tea, and because it can be made fresh so easily, it is easy to implement green tea into your daily life in order to get all of the green tea benefits that your body needs.

Whats New About Green Tea Health Benefits

Understanding green tea health benefits can help you to begin and maintain a healthier lifestyle. If youre the type of person who finds it challenging to maintain healthy eating and living, a great way to start is by making green tea a part of your daily diet. In todays hurry up age, it is very possible to spend much of our days rushing to and fro, only taking time to grab a bite to eat on the run. We dont blame you for being on the go, but at some point you have to stop and take care of your health and body to make sure they both last you for the long run.

There are many green tea health benefits that have been discovered by scientists and researchers over the years. While not all of the claims to health benefits have been verified, there are those which have. It has been reported that some of the major health benefits of drinking green tea include resistance or reduction of cancer, impaired immune function, infection, high cholesterol levels, cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Deciding to incorporate green tea health benefits into your diet doesnt have to be an ordeal but careful planning and consideration should be given to selecting the type green tea product you want to use. There are many different forms of green tea on the market, many of which are not the genuine article. Dont fall for imposters that claim to be green tea but actually only have a small percentage of green tea extract listed as a fourth or fifth ingredient on the list.

Some green tea health products can be purchased over the Internet. This is a great way to not only research the various green tea products that are available, but it eliminates the need to travel to the store to buy them. As a rule, however, you should avoid trying products just because they offer a free sample. The something for nothing concept is usually an auto ship program that subtlely invites you to pay regular charges for automatic refills of a product that may or may not work for you.

When you do find a green tea product that youre interested in taking, it is the best practice to check with your physician, particularly if you are taking any other medications that may react to the addition of green tea to your diet. Once youre cleared by your doctor, youre ready to begin experiencing some of the great green tea health benefits that are said to have helped make green tea the rage that currently is in many countries around the world.

Remember, not all green tea products are created equal. When the truth is told, there are many lookalike products and even some pseudo green tea items that make the claim but substantiate nothing. So whether you are searching for green tea health benefits for the short or long term, make sure you are selecting authentic green tea items.

Safe And Simple Green Tea Health

Understanding green tea health benefits can help you to begin and maintain a healthier lifestyle. If youre the type of person who finds it challenging to maintain healthy eating and living, a great way to start is by making green tea a part of your daily diet. In todays hurry up age, it is very possible to spend much of our days rushing to and fro, only taking time to grab a bite to eat on the run. We dont blame you for being on the go, but at some point you have to stop and take care of your health and body to make sure they both last you for the long run.

There are many green tea health rewards that have been discovered by scientists and researchers over the years. While not all of these claims to healthier living have been verified, there are many which have. Of those substantiated, it has been reported that some major health incentives include reduction or resistance of impaired immune function, high cholesterol levels, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease and infection.

Deciding to establish a diet regimen based on the rewards of green tea health doesnt have to be an ordeal but careful planning and consideration should be given to selecting the type green tea product you want to use. There are many different forms of green tea on the market, many of which are not the genuine article. Dont fall for impostors that claim to be green tea but actually only have a small percentage of green tea extract listed as a fourth or fifth ingredient on the list.

Some green tea health products can be purchased over the Internet. This is a great way to not only research the various green tea products that are available, but it eliminates the need to travel to the store to buy them. As a rule, however, you should avoid trying products just because they offer a free sample. The something for nothing concept is usually an auto ship program that subtlety invites you to pay regular charges for automatic refills of a product that may or may not work for you.

When you do find a green tea health product that youre interested in taking, it is the best practice to check with your physician, particularly if you are taking any other medications that may react to the addition of green tea to your diet. Once youre cleared by your doctor, youre ready to begin experiencing some of the great green tea health benefits that are said to have helped make green tea the rage that currently is in many countries around the world.

Remember, not all green tea products are created equal. When the truth is told, there are many lookalike products and even some pseudo green tea items that make the claim but substantiate nothing. So whether you are searching for green tea health items for the short or long term, make sure you are selecting authentic green tea items.

Foods That Can Help Arthritis Sufferers

Do you suffer from arthritis? If so, over-the-counter pain medication may become a common fixture in your life. Unfortunately, some individuals are susceptible to addiction and there are health complications due to over-consumption. So, what should you do? Consider more natural ways to seek relief. In fact, start in your kitchen. Although there are no guarantees, many arthritis patients see success by incorporating certain foods into their diets.

What type of foods may help those, like you, suffering from arthritis?

Pineapple. Pineapple is recommended for arthritis because it contains a chemical called Bromelain. Many claims this helps to prevent inflammation. In fact, some athletic trainers recommend its consumption to keep joints pain free and flexible. As with any other health foods, it is best to consume fresh instead of canned or frozen.

Oily fish. Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis are often encouraged to avoid meats. Meat has fat that is known to produce inflammation agents in the body. The only exception to this is with fish. Oily fish, such as mackerel and salmon, are rich in omeg-3 fatty acids. These acids have many health benefits. They inhibit the release of joint destroying chemicals and compounds. Supplements are found in most retail stores, but it is best to get these oils directly from the source.

Celery. The celery plant contains many different anti-inflammatory agents. These can lessen the suffering of arthritis pain and discomfort. It is best to eat the celery seeds. Most recommend placing up to one teaspoon of celery seeds into a cup with warm, but not boiling water. Let stand for a few minutes and drink. This can provide almost instant relief during an attack. The celery plant as a whole contains anti-inflammatory agents; so eating fresh celery regularly has benefits too.

Red chili pepper. Red pepper, also known as cayenne pepper, can help relieve the joint pain associated with most types of arthritis. As for how, you may be amazed. Many claim it causes the release of natural endorphins. Essentially, your body itself stops the pain. Not only should patients consume red chili pepper, but a topical mixture works too. Many recommend mixing up to one quart of rubbing alcohol with once ounce of cayenne pepper. It is important to note, this mixture is to be applied to the skin during bouts of pain. Under no circumstances should you drink the mixture due to the rubbing alcohol.

Sesame seeds. The Chinese have long believed and used sesame seeds to combat the inflammation caused by arthritis. As with oil, sesame seeds contain healthy fatty acids. For the best results, eat sesame seeds straight. If you dislike taste or texture, opt for incorporating them into your meals. Eat sesame seed rolls and use them when preparing dinner at home. They can be added to most foods.

Ginger. Ginger is well-known and widely used to fight inflammation. Most commonly used as a cooking spice, it has many health benefits. In addition to reducing inflammation, it assists in treating diarrhea and nausea. Available in a spice format, it can and should be sprinkled atop cooked vegetables and other foods. As with omeg-3 fatty oils, it is best to go directly to the source. Fresh ginger is easy to peel and cook. Wrapped in a towel, bag, and freeze for months. It is also found in the non-carbonated ginger ale drink.

Raw cabbage. Although not as well-known and as popular as the above mentioned foods, many also claim raw cabbage assists with arthritis relief. Some recommend the regular consumption of raw cabbage or cabbage juice. They claim this relieves both joint paint and swelling.

The above mentioned foods may assist those suffering from arthritis. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees. Our bodies each process food in different ways. For example, celery can work to reduce joint pain for one individual, but it may actually trigger additional pain with another. In fact, some forms of rheumatoid arthritis are trigged by certain foods. For that reason, be prepared to experiment. Trial and error can help you determine which foods are the best at relieving your own, unique pain.


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