How to Avoid Needing a Chiropractor

Chiropractic care has many benefits. It relives pain for either a longtime or permanently. Although you do not need a reason to seek chiropractic care, because this natural form of medicine is safe, most turn to a chiropractor when in pain. If you are uninsured or have coverage that does not extend to chiropractic care, you want to limit your visits. How can you reduce the need for a chiropractor?

With good posture. Poor posture is the leading cause of back and neck pain. It is important to sit up straight, but vital when sitting at a desk or computer eight hours a day. If you have slouched for years, still visit a chiropractor. They can see if any damage has been done and fix it. Then, work on correcting your posture. Each time you find yourself slouching, sit up straight.

With good exercise habits. Those who want to lose weight, rely heavily on exercise to achieve their goal. Unfortunately, many make costly mistakes. These mistakes include overdoing it and poor exercise habits. Lifting weights is good for building muscle strength, but it is easy to damage the back, spine, and other joints. Hold all weight right and choose a low weight. Never overdo it. Stop exercising when tired.

With ideal weight. Not only should you exercise, but eat healthy too. When combined these should result in weight loss or the maintaining of a healthy body weight. Those who are overweight or obese are at an increased risk of back pain, neck pain, and knee pain. The body can carry around excess weight, but it isnt healthy. Lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, and you eliminate the need for chiropractic care.

With good stretching habits. Everyone should stretch. It is important to stretch before any strenuous activity, but some can benefit from regular stretching. Those with rheumatoid arthritis can seek relief pain relief and reduce the risk of stiffness and deformities. Stretching can promote healthy joints and muscles, which should reduce the need for a chiropractor.

With good sleeping habits. A lot of focus is placed on our activities during the day, but how you sleep can also bring on pain and the need for a chiropractor. For starters, always sleep on a bed. It is easy to fall asleep on a couch or in a recliner when watching television, but prolonged sleep in this position can lead to pain. A good mattress is also important. Even if on a budget, a good, quality mattress is a wise investment.

With good lifting habits. We all lift things. Whether it be boxes when moving, grocery bags from shopping, or when shoveling snow, we all do it. Most people do not lift properly. Yes, it is easier to lift with your arms and elbows, but this places a strain on all joints. The spice, back, and neck are susceptible to pain. Instead, lift with your entire body. Bend your knees and keep your back straight. Never carry loads that are too heavy.

As you can see, there are many ways to reduce or eliminate the need for a chiropractor. What are you waiting for? Get started now. But, if you are getting a late start in life, see a chiropractor first. Ensure all joints and the spine are in tact and properly. Then, get started.


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An Overview Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is the name given to a debilitating disorder characterized by conditions of extreme and lasting fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also commonly referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME. The name chronic fatigue can be somewhat confusing since chronic or persistent fatigue is also a symptom of several conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion that results from exertion, lack of sleep and illnesses. However, ordinary fatigue is not extreme or persistent, and the patient generally gets better after getting some rest.

What is Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue happens when this sensation of extreme exhaustion and lack of energy persists for over six months. The exact cause of chronic fatigue is not known but it is believed that several factors play a role in its symptoms, such as stress, hormone levels and infection. Lack of sleep, insomnia and other sleep disturbances can also result to chronic fatigue. Other factors that contribute to the development of chronic fatigue are poor diet, lack of exercise and certain medications.

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases or NIAMS for a patient to be diagnosed as suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, he must be having severe chronic fatigue for six months or longer. At the same time, the patient should also have four or more of the following symptoms:

Impaired short-term memory and concentration

Prolonged general malaise after physical exertion of any kind

Muscle pain

Pain, swelling and redness in multiple joints

Severe headache

Tender lymph nodes

Recurring sore throat

Un-refreshing sleep

Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue

Diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome can be quite tricky since there are no physical signs that identify it. There are also no diagnostic laboratory tests that confirm chronic fatigue syndrome. A diagnosis of CFS is given if the symptoms recur for six consecutive months or more and there are no apparent explanations for the fatigue such as disease. However, it should be noted that there are other conditions that overlap and sometimes coexist with CFS and have similar symptoms.

A study of patients suffering from CFS revealed that only 38% of the patients were diagnosed solely with the syndrome. The rest had a diagnosis of a number of diseases such as fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivity or both. Doctors are still unsure whether these conditions are direct causes or have common causes with CFS; or whether that have no relationship whatsoever with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Treatment and Medication

There is still no known cure for CFS so treatments are aimed at relieving the symptoms and improving the body’s functions. To achieve this, doctors usually recommend a combination of medications and non-drug therapies. Lifestyle changes, dietary restrictions, nutritional supplements are also recommended as an addition to drug therapy. Patients who suffer from CFS are also urged to have regular exercise to help reduce the symptoms of chronic fatigue.
However, the doctor should carefully supervise physical activity as this can exacerbate the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

It is important that the patient discuss his/her symptoms with the doctor. It is also important that doctors know what other medications the patient is taking since some medications can exaggerate the symptoms of CFS. Recovery rates from chronic fatigue syndrome are varied.

In a 2005 review of published studies on CFS, it was revealed that improvement rates varied from 8% to 63% with 40% of the patients improving during follow-up.

Get Into The Tofu Habit For A Naturally Healthy You

Get Into The Tofu Habit For A Naturally Healthy You

When most people think of natural health, what comes to mind is usually basic information that’s not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there’s a lot more to natural health than just the basics.

Tofu is a popular to most vegetarians. It is packed with nutrition and can easily substitute for meats. It is made of soybeans and is low in cholesterol, fat and calories. Tofu is bona fide popular among vegetarians owing to it is a great source of protein. Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, it is a very healthy idea to include tofu in your diet because it provides your body with the nutrients you need.

Here are some benefits you can get from eating tofu.

Good for the emotions
Tofu is low in calories, cholesterol and fats. We all know that too immeasurably cholesterol and fats will increase your risk of getting cardiovascular diseases. Tofu lowers the amount of Woebegone Density Lipoprotein ( LDL ) and maintains a good amount of High Density Lipoprotein ( HDL ) in your body. LDLs are proclaimed as the bad cholesterol. Excess assessment of LDL will eventually result to serious heart illnesses. It also contains Omega 3. A nutrient that is important to keep your heart healthy.

Makes your Bones strong and healthy
Tofu is rich in calcium that is very much needed in keeping your bones hardy. As you get older, you’ll need new calcium in your body to prevent your bones from getting brittle and weak. Eating tofu also prevents you from developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Rich in protein and Vitamin B
This is most popular reason vegetarians eat tofu. Since they don’t eat meat, they lack protein in their entree. Tofu is packed hush up protein and vitamin B. Tofu has a high amount of protein. Eating Tofu gives vegetarians the amount of protein they need without having to resort to eating take out.

Contains Isoflavones
Isoflavones help lower the amount of LDL in your body. They are known as cholesterol fighters. Isoflavones also work like estrogen. Combined squirrel protein, tofu is very emphatic in sharpness eradicate certain diseases and types of cancer. Women on the pre – menopausal and menopausal stage can greatly blessing from tofu. The estrogen in tofu helps clinch hormone levels. During menopause, women experience hormonal imbalances due to the reduction of estrogen in their system. Without this hormone, women become prone to health conditions like osteoporosis and breast cancer. In men, isoflavones help reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer.

Powerful Antioxidant
Some people like to eat tofu in that it is very rich in antioxidants that fight butcher radicals and other harmful microorganisms in the body. Having an adequate amount of antioxidant rule your body is also known to prevent certain cancers.

Maintains Weight
Tofu can help you lose weight kiss goodbye losing important nutrients imprint your body. You get enough amount of protein that you get from meat without the fat. A study had shown that people who eat tofu have lower hunger cravings and stay full longer than those who don’t eat tofu.

Tofu has many benefits. It is not an exclusive food for vegetarians. Eating tofu is one way of improving your natural health. To make eating tofu more delightful, try learning different tofu recipes.
That’s how things stand right now. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time, so be sure you keep up with the latest news.

Overcoming The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Fatigue is a condition of exhaustion and lack of energy caused by several factors such as viral infection, overexertion and lack of sleep. As fatigue is a normal condition, most people have experienced fatigue at least once in their lifetimes. The feeling of exhaustion is usually relieved after the person gets some rest. But if a person suffers from fatigue for extended periods of time, usually more than 6 months, he/she may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition of extreme and persistent fatigue that lasts for six months and more. It usually comes with several other symptoms such as muscle pain, aches in the joints, sore throat, and lack of energy. Most people with chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS usually suffer from a more serious disorder like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome. The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is hard to determine, but it is widely believed that there are three factors that trigger this debilitating disorder.

The Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Viral or bacterial infection Exposure to viruses and bacteria can cause chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms of fatigue usually disappear when the infection is successfully treated.

Overexertion Rigorous physical activities that go beyond what the body can take results to extreme exhaustion. Athletes who are prone to over training are susceptible to this.

Depression Some doctors believe there is a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and stress or anxiety. People who suffer from depression are also usually afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dehydration Depriving the body of its daily water requirements has long-term side effects such as chronic fatigue.

Eating disorders Inadequate supply of vitamins and minerals in the body causes chronic fatigue since the body lacks the proper nutrition it needs to perform properly.

Now that you know what triggers chronic fatigue syndrome, the following remedies should help you overcome the symptoms of CFS.

Have a balanced, healthy diet Increase your intake of healthy food such as fruits and vegetables. These provide your body with vitamins and minerals to keep your immune system strong. Also increase your consumption of garlic and onion, which are known to boost the immune system. Eating more quality protein that is rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 (such as fish, chicken, soy products) also helps maintain the body healthy.

Avoid food high in fat and sugar content, as they will make you prone to feeling lethargic and sluggish. Never skip breakfast and instead of having three full meals per day, go for more frequent meals but with smaller portions to keep your body’s metabolism going.

Get up and active People afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome don’t have to rest and sleep all the time. Regular exercise is advised to help combat the lethargy and lack of energy. Fifteen to thirty minutes of mild exercise combined with 30 minutes of rigorous physical activity such as swimming, aerobics and tennis can work wonders in improving your heart’s performance and for proper circulation.

De-stress Doctors have found out that there is a strong connection between stress/anxiety and the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. To avoid having chronic fatigue, it is advised to manage stress and bring stress levels down. Learning to deal with stress will not only help you combat chronic fatigue, it will also help you improve your relationships, boost your health and enhance your general outlook on life.