Prevent and Treat Heartburn or Acid Reflux

The most common digestive system disorder people experience is heartburn, which is highly associated to acid reflux. Often, many people will encounter heartburn or acid reflux during night time. When this happens, a burning sensation in the chest will be felt. This particular pain is similar to heart attack symptoms. However, heartburn acid reflux is also a very serious disease that can affect many individuals including infants and young children as well as adults. Infants usually grow out from this condition after time while most young children will likely experience acid reflux in their lifetime. Meanwhile, many adults are likely to experience possible occurrences of this condition due to lifestyle factors and eating habits.

Understanding how heartburn occurs is essential to those diagnosed with acid reflux. Eating habits or lifestyle factors should be changed to prevent heartburn associated to acid reflux. As such, unhealthy eating or eating excessively in one time can cause improper movement of the gastric juices in the lower portion of the esophagus causing possible heartburn to occur that can result to acid reflux eventually.

These juices in the gastric area are highly acidic. When the gastric juice touches the lining of the esophagus, irritation and inflammation of the esophagus occur, causing heartburn. The abnormal gastric juice flow is due to either Lower Esophageal Sphincter, LES in short, caused by the relaxation of the muscle between the esophagus and the abdomen or other related factors such as structural defects or disorders like hiatial hernia or lifestyle factors.

Heartburn or acid reflux needs treatment especially when a night time attack happens. Night time attacks have similar daytime attack symptoms except that night time attacks include snoring, restlessness, fatigue and even abnormalities in breathing are all night time symptoms. Attacks during the night are more severe than attacks during daytime.

Many people with heartburn or acid reflux understand the cause of their condition. However, there are still many people lacking essential knowledge of how heartburn acid reflux can be triggered. The simplest answer is food. Many people experience acid reflux after having a large meal due to improper breakdown of foods causing acid reflux to occur. Foods such as spicy foods, chocolates, fried and fatty foods can trigger this condition. In fact, even citrus fruits have a tendency to flare up heartburn.

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, you should try preventive medication and treatments to help aid in its cure. One way that can help lessen the occurrences is by changing your lifestyle. A change in lifestyle can really help rid of acid reflux from recurring. Also, you should avoid eating aa heavy large meal at one time. Instead, eat small meals at intervals. Eating large meals can increase pressure in the esophageal sphincter and at the same time, expand your stomach. Other preventive measures include maintaining your weight, avoiding alcoholic beverages, and not wearing tightly fitted clothes around the waist because all these factors can cause acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a common condition that can lead to severe problems if left untreated. If you are diagnosed with this condition, always take necessary precautions when experiencing it to avoid further serious problems that could affect even the respiratory system. Because acid reflux is a serious problem, people with heartburn acid reflux should seek advice on how to prevent and treat this particular condition.

Links Between Chronic Back Pain and Clinical Depression

Chronic back pain is defined as pain that lasts for up to 12 weeks or more and is often associated with traumatic or degenerative conditions of the spinal bones. Like with ordinary back pain, the causes that arise in chronic back pain are often undetermined since the anatomical causes are quite hard to distinguish, even with the use of x-rays.

Chronic back pain is difficult to deal with in itself. Unfortunately, majority of chronic attacks give room for the development of clinical depression. It is by far the most widespread emotional resultant. Clinical depression goes beyond the normal sadness felt by everyone and it persists for longer than a few weeks.

To help us acknowledge the truth behind clinical depression, here are some symptoms that generally occurs on clinically depressed individuals:

A prevalent mood that is sad, depressed, blue, low, hopeless, and irritable, trhat often include periods of crying spells.

Significant weight loss and poor appetite or the reverse

Sleep problems such as hyosomnia and hypersomnia

Restlessness and unnecessary fatigue

Loss of interest on previously pleasurable activities.

Feeling of guilt or worthlessness

Problems with memory and concentration

Thoughts of death and suicide

Decreased interest on generally everything

Clinical depression is often observed on suffers of chronic back pain rather than those experiencing only acute pain for which the condition is felt only for shorter periods. The issue on how clinical depression is developed through chronic back pain may be traced via the following conditions that arise during chronic pain attacks. These include:

The sufferer usually experience irritability and fatigue due to lack of sufficient sleep that is often hampered by the pain felt at night.

Lack of productive activities and isolation during the day since the pain impedes the person from doing things the normal ways. He always has to move slower and more carefully to avoid more severe pain attacks.

Financial difficulties may arise due to inability to work profitably.

Beyond the pain, gastrointestinal distresses may arise as side effects to anti-inflammatory drugs. Mental dullness may also be felt since some pain medications and relievers may induce the brain to function inefficiently.

The person may be distracted with the frequent concentration difficulties and memory lapses.

As it may be understood, these symptoms logically lead to frustration and despair that are normally the starting point for most major depression.

Antidepressant Withdrawal Suicide Risk

Antidepressants are commonly prescribed to treat depression and anxiety. They are usually prescribed for long periods of time, months and sometimes years. It is possible to stop taking them; however weaning yourself off can be difficult. It is essential that you have your doctors permission and know what the withdrawal effects are.

The weaning process must be done slowly. If you suddenly stop taking them, then the withdrawal effects can be severe. You can experiences effects like restlessness, dizziness, irritability, tiredness, nausea, muscle spasms, and crying spells.

These are all known as Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome. This is found more often when antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft are discontinued, but it is possible with all antidepressant medications.

You have to be cautious when weaning yourself off these medications. It is easy to relapse into the very depression or anxiety the doctor was trying to help you with. If depression becomes a withdrawal symptom, it can be worse than the original case. The only way to fix this is to go back on the medication. This creates a vicious circle. The best way to avoid antidepressant withdrawal symptoms is to gradually taper the doses until you are off them completely. This process can take a couple of months but is more likely to work. This should always be done under doctors supervision.

Since the effects of antidepressant medications are not fully understood, there is always a chance that the medications can increases the effects of the persons depression. Increased effects of depression can lead to thoughts of suicide. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration enforce the regulation that all antidepressant medication containers include a warning label of the possible risk of suicide. It is increasingly possible in children and young adults. The first couple of months hold the greatest potential for this effect.

It has been proven that the withdrawal symptoms from antidepressants such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, and Celexa are more likely to result in thoughts of suicide than the other such medications in children and young adults. Young adults are more susceptible to suicidal, violent, and invincibility thoughts due to their age. The above mentioned medications can elevate the risks of these types of thoughts. The reason for this is these antidepressants, also called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, have an almost addictive quality. Their withdrawal symptoms are far more severe than other antidepressant medications. Thus making young adults more likely to revert back into a depression and possibly even sink deeper into it.

It is important that individuals taking antidepressants be closely monitored for possible thoughts and behaviors relating to suicide. This is important if the person on the antidepressants has had their dosage changed recently or it is their first time on the medication. The risk of suicide is elevated for these individuals.

Symptoms to recognize if the person becomes suicidal include aggression, anger, acting dangerously, irritability, suicidal thoughts, and difficulty sleeping. IF you know someone or you yourself are experiencing any of these symptoms, you must contact your therapist or doctor immediately.

Understanding Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety is a normal, healthy feeling that is experienced by everyone. It is the body’s way of reacting to stimulus that pushes us to either “fight” or “flight” over a situation. However, when anxiety attacks are chronic, severe, and irrational, and begin to affect the health of a person (physically, psychologically and emotionally), it already becomes a problem that must be addressed immediately. There is a thick line between healthy and unhealthy anxiety attacks. Unfortunately, the demarcation line is almost ignored that normal anxiety crosses into the territory of anxiety disorders.

Types of Anxiety Disorder

There are six different types of anxiety disorder, each has its own characteristics: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic worry or fear over almost everything without even knowing why. They feel anxious from day to day activities and are troubled that bad things will happen. People with GAD show symptoms such as stomach upset, fatigue, restlessness, and insomnia.

Panic disorder is repeated, unexpected panic attacks, and fears that panic episodes will likely to happen. People with panic disorder are likely to have agoraphobia, or fear of being in places where help or escape will be difficult in case of another panic attack. People with agoraphobia are also afraid of being trapped in confined places such as an airplane or crowded areas such as a shopping mall.

Phobia is excessive, irrational, and exaggerated fear over simple things that generally present little or no danger. Common phobias are heights, snakes, spiders, dark, and flying. People with phobias tend to avoid the things they are afraid of in order to escape anxiety attacks. However, avoidance only strengthens the phobia.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that happens after a life-threatening or a traumatic event. People with PTSD show symptoms such as hyper-vigilance, avoiding situations or places that remind them about the event, nightmares and flashbacks about the things that happened, startling easily, and isolation.

Social anxiety disorder or social phobia is fear of being seen negatively by others or fear of getting humiliated in public by other people. Social anxiety is often mistaken as an ordinary extreme shyness. People with this kind of disorder usually isolate themselves from others or event and places where crowd usually gathers. Stage fright is the most common type of social anxiety.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD is a condition where a person has unwanted behavior or thoughts which appear to be impossible to control. People with OCD can have certain obsession such as worries that they might hurt someone or that they have forgotten to turn the lights off. They can also have uncontrollable compulsion. The most common is washing of hands repeatedly.

Do you experience anxiety attacks?

Are you always worried, tense, and on the edge?

Do you feel like you are in danger whenever you are in confined places?

Are you afraid of mingling with strangers, meeting new friends or even meeting relatives?

Do you feel that something bad or catastrophic will happen if certain things are not done according to plan?

Do you experience worry, fear and anxiousness that affect your relationship, work, healthy, and other responsibilities?

Do you feel irrational fear but couldn’t shake it?

Does your anxiety force you to avoid everyday situations and activities?