If you are anything like me, you probably prefer staying away from providers of conventional Western medicine as much as possible and I cannot say that I blame you. Although I have full medical coverage for that you never know when you might need it time of my life, I have not seen any of my Blue Cross doctors in well over ten years, and I hope to continue not seeing them for the rest of my life. Please do not miss understand me and think that I am some sort of superhuman creature who never gets ill. I do have my weak moments of pain and sniffles just like everyone else, or at least everyone else who takes good care of him or herself. So, when my body seems to need a boost, I visit one of my two favorite practitioners of alternative medicine; my massage therapist or my chiropractor.

I know that it all sounds very simple and straight forward but it is, in fact, somewhat challenging at times, because I do not always know which one of these wonderful professional to seek out. So, I often first opt to visit my chiropractor for a good therapeutic session of adjusting and aligning my skeletal structure and then, as an extra bonus to me and my one and only body, I also make an appointment with my massage therapist for some hefty digging and rubbing. Between the two of them, I come out feeling like a million bucks although my finances are sadly depleted. I figure that we, my body and I, are worth it.

Now, you might ask and rightfully so, What is the difference between a massage therapy and chiropractic therapy? Well, I will be happy to tell you:

* Chiropractic Therapy.
– For the most part, chiropractic therapy focuses on the hard tissues such as the spine and other joints for adjusting and realignment. Chiropractors have some training in massage techniques but that is never their first and foremost priority.
– Chiropractors are authorized to make medical diagnosis, order x-rays or blood works.
– Chiropractors cannot prescribe conventional medications but they can sell supplements or homeopathic remedies.
– Chiropractors do not need medical referrals to perform their work.

* Massage Therapy.
– Massage therapists perform wonderful work on the soft body tissues such as the muscles, tendons and ligaments but they have not been trained nor are they licensed to adjust the spine or any other joints.
– Massage therapists may not legally make medical diagnosis, order x-rays or any blood work.
– Massage therapists are not permitted to dispense medications of Western medicine but they can and do provide or recommend alternative herbal remedies.
– Massage Therapists do not required referrals from anyone to conduct their massage sessions.

A highly acclaimed national non-profit magazine recently conducted a study in which more than 34,000 participants in the United States were asked to rate which alternative treatments worked best for their two biggest health problems for the past two years and the overwhelming majority voted just as I would have; for deep tissue massage therapy and chiropractic therapy in equal measures for such conditions as back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, respiratory problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, insomnia and prostate problems.

Of course, as far as alternative medicine is concerned, one should not discount acupuncture and reflexology for they too are beneficial in their own very special ways.


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The Use of Essential Oils for Pets

When people have success using essential oils for healing and rejuvenation, they automatically assume they can use them on their pets as well. Sometimes this is indeed true. However, it takes special knowledge of animals to know when and how to use essential oils for pets. With many pets, you should avoid the use of essential oils altogether. Birds especially are susceptible to severe reactions to essential oils. You should not even diffuse these oils in the air near birds. They can have respiratory problems that can be deadly.

Cats are another subject. There is much controversy over whether you can use essential oils with cats. Many purveyors of these oils recommend frankincense for ear mites and peppermint for respiratory troubles. These are just a couple of the remedies suggested for the ailments of cats. Veterinarians, though, explain that essential oils do more harm than good to cats. Oils like peppermint are too “hot” for cats. Their sensitive skin will burn. Also, any essential oils that a cat takes in, whether it be through the air or through the skin, must be eliminated. This is done through the cat’s liver.

The problem is that a cat’s liver is more delicate than a human’s or that of other animals, as well. It takes some forty eight hours for the cat’s liver to process and expel the essential oils. This can lead to a build-up and finally to liver damage.

Dogs are more suited to the use of essential oils, but you should still never use them without diluting them. If you use a reasonable amount of caution, you can use essential oils to help dogs with many common problems. You can massage the essential oils mixed with carrier oils into the dog’s skin. Use an area of the skin that is the least hairy. You can also use a diffuser in a room twice a day and let your dog breathe the air from it. Since a dog’s liver is hardier, this will not damage it. You can use a mister to spray around the areas where the dog stays, too.

Many dogs will develop arthritis as they get older. Sometimes owners will even euthanize their dogs just so they won’t have to suffer with this ailment. However, there are essential oils that can help your dog live a more comfortable life. Some are juniper, pine, rosemary, and birch oils. When your dog becomes ill, it can mean damage to your flooring and furnishings. Besides that, you don’t like to see your dog suffering. For vomiting, you can use essential oils of lavender, tarragon, or peppermint. You can use a cinnamon oil massage for diarrhea.

Dogs often get what are known as “hot spots.” These are raw areas of skin where the fur has either been chewed or worn off. They can be very difficult to treat, and vets have several antidotes for them. If you want to try essential oils, try Melrose and lavender. They both clean the wound and reduce inflammation.

Care should be taken when using essential oils on or around animals. Some pets just can’t take it. Yet, for those pets that are able to tolerate them, they can be a great help.

Dangers of Chlorine in Showers, Pools and Cleaning Products

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with chlorine? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about chlorine.

Who would want to take a bath first thing in the morning if they knew that their showers are filled with toxins? And not only that; if you bathe in your pool or when youre using cleaning products, are you aware that they contain toxins too? Well, that is already a proven fact and you should know because it concerns you and your familys health. Some of the dangers of chlorine in showers, pools, and cleaning products include increasing the risk of skin allergies, cancer, sinuses, and at can also cause maul to your lungs.

It is the toxins that can damage an individuals health. Chlorine is just one of those toxins. Most of the suppliers of water use chlorine for disinfection purposes. However, what these water suppliers dont know is that the chlorine can harden arteries, irritate skin, destroy body proteins, aggravate asthma and sinus conditions, allergies, and most specially, respiratory problems.

There have been many studies showing that people who drink chlorinated water were more susceptible to rectal and bladder cancer. Skin absorbs chlorine. So when you take a shower or you bathe in the pool, your body is absorbing a circle of chlorine. Some tests even showed that the absorption of chlorine is far higher when an individual is taking a bath rather than smartly drinking the water. When youre cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, you usually use cleaning products. The same thing happens; its just like taking a bath because you wet your hands ( this is where chlorine is absorbed ) and you contract inhale the toxins.

You might think that its impossible but it is definitely exact. You see, when youre taking a shower, your pores are opened and when this happens, the whole body will work similar to that of a sponge. Chlorine vapors are inhaled and absorbed by the skin. It goes directly to the bloodstream. This is much faster than drinking the water because chlorine will still pass to other organs of the physique.

The risks can be divided regard short term and long term. In the light term of exposure to chlorine, you can suffer from sinus, skin, and eye irritations. Over the long term, people can suffer from hardened arteries, oxidation ( wherein cells and tissues develop fast ), and susceptibility to cancer. Individuals suffering from asthma, allergies, skin rashes, and emphysema should lessen the exposure to chlorinated water because their conditions can become worse.

Because of these alarming facts, crackerjack are now counteractive measures that people contract turn to. Since shower and pools, make sure that you use a proper water filter. There are shower filters available in the market but just make sure that you buy one with the KDF medium. Pool filters are also widely available. In the case of cleaning products, you should look into the ingredients before you make a pull. If you want, you can turn to the basics and use baking soda or vinegar to easy the house.

As a responsible homeowner, you should be aware of the dangers of chlorine in showers, pool, and cleaning products. This is the only way to live a much safer sentience. Who could radically think that danger is lurking in the comforts of your home? Stay safe and take the necessary measures in regularity to address the chlorine problems.
Now you can be a confident expert on chlorine. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on chlorine.