The Miracle of Essential Oils

Often described as nature’s gift to us, essential oils provide natural remedies for minor ailments, the beautifying of our bodies, and helps to aid in promoting positive emotions. These oils are normally derived from plants using their flowers, stems, barks, roots and even sap. Various parts of the plant are then distilled to extract the precious essence that is seemingly life giving.

What makes essential oils so special? Maybe it’s the fact that they can be found anywhere as they are naturally grown sometimes in farms or even in wild conditions. Maybe it’s the fact that essential oils can provide a multitude of physiological benefits as well as have the power to calm our soul. Maybe it’s the fact that the use of essential oils dates back to almost a thousand years and is already embedded in our history although no one exactly prove that they work much less how they work. Whatever the case may be, there is no doubt that they provide a natural method of healing that can’t always be found in synthetic compounds.

Take for example, the unique history of frankincense. The use of frankincense dates back to more than 5000 years with one use directly being cited in the bible. (Frankincense was one of the gifts presented to baby Jesus by the three wise men.) At one time, the value of frankincense equaled that of gold! It was noted for abundant healing properties including rejuvenating skin, treating acne, bacterial and fungal infections, and wounds and scars. Frankincense was also used as a treatment for arthritis and joint pain. In addition to all of that, frankincense was used as a cosmetic as well as for repelling mosquitoes, wheat moths, and sand flies. Most notably, however, is the use of frankincense in spiritual practices. Frankincense promotes the body’s ability to quiet one’s mind; slow breathing rates, and enhances meditation. To think that all of this was found in a single plant!

The miracle of essential oils is this: that we have already been provided with all of what we need for our physical and emotional healing. Many of the ailments we suffer are the results of destructive emotions such as stress, fatigue, anger, loneliness and the like. These emotions take a toll on our physical being and results in worsened conditions which we seemingly are unsure of how to cure.

The miracle of essential oils is that no matter what your physical condition may be, you can still receive positive benefits even though it may be something as small as reducing the amount of pain you experience. Aromatherapy can help to eliminate negative emotions and reach a place of emotional balance to help you deal with any situation coming your way. All it takes is a positive outlook on life – your life. The effects may seem small to non-existent at first, but with time, may snowball into reversing some of the effects of the ailments you experience. What if you received a report that your blood pressure lowered on your next trip to the doctor?

Before starting any aromatherapy regimen, consult with your doctor or aromatherapy practitioner. Aromatherapy should also not be used as a substitute for any medical treatment.