
Overcome The Symptoms In The First Trimester Of Your Pregnancy

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Surprised with the outcome, you abruptly told your husband about this news soon after having a home pregnancy test in one early morning. Afterward, both of you were so contented that you hugged each other for minutes while tears were dropping on your cheek.

All the emotions of joy, fear, amazement and acceptance, assembled within you. There was no exact word to describe the feeling.

Now you should prepare yourself for the next huge things. The upcoming nine months wil…


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Surprised with the outcome, you abruptly told your husband about this news soon after having a home pregnancy test in one early morning. Afterward, both of you were so contented that you hugged each other for minutes while tears were dropping on your cheek.

All the emotions of joy, fear, amazement and acceptance, assembled within you. There was no exact word to describe the feeling.

Now you should prepare yourself for the next huge things. The upcoming nine months will be more thrilling than before. You’ll experience unexpected, remarkable changes in your body.

In general, pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each one has its own nature.

Take a look at the general symptoms you may have in the first trimester of your pregnancy – a crucial time when you should be careful with your fetus. Also, the tips given will hopefully help you go through this wonderful journey. Enjoy.

1. Morning sickness – Nausea and vomiting are two common symptoms of early pregnancy. Hot drinks, crackers, and fresh fruits are great choices for relieving them.

2. Frequent urination – The growing of uterus causes some pressure on your bladder. You’ll be going to the restroom more often.

3. Tender breasts – The increasing hormone lets your breasts become more sensitive, fuller and heavier than usual. This time you may replace your bra with a more comfortable one.

4. Uncommon Exhaustion – Don’t push yourself by working too hard. Try to get some rests whenever you feel fatigue.

5. Increased craving – Acquire nutritious and balanced food intake. Make sure you and your baby are well nourished.

6. Bad moods – The change of hormones in your body causes your moods to switch as well. Mild exercises can help your moods. Moreover, just think that it’s a preliminary change and challenge you’ll have before and after your baby arrives.

Some of you may not recognize that you’re pregnant until it reaches five to six weeks from your last period. But soon when you find it out, it’s best to think which health care provider you’ll go to for a routine check-up.

Ask your pregnancy condition to your obgyn. Some of the congenital abnormalities may be observed at the end of the third month of pregnancy by a USG examination. Consult with him when unexpected things occur.

Read also lots of information about pregnancy. Knowing what happens in your uterus – and your pregnancy in general – will make you feel safe and comfy.

Most of all, enjoy your bigger size. It’s an amazing experience you’ll never forget in your life.