A Quick Look At Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating disorder that is characterized by a condition of extreme exhaustion and fatigue that lasts for extended periods of time usually six months or more. Doctors have yet to uncover what exactly causes this disorder but it is widely believed that a number of factors trigger its onset. These factors include stress, viral infections, hormone levels and lack of adequate sleep.

Poor diet and lack of exercise are also considered as factors that strongly contribute to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. Because there is no known exact cause of CFS, doctors find it difficult to diagnose if a patient is indeed suffering from CFS or if the symptoms are actually of another ailment.

The NIAMS (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases) says that in order for a patient to be diagnosed with CFS, he must be suffering from severe chronic fatigue for six months or beyond and at the same time, should have four or more of the following symptoms: impaired short term memory, prolonged feeling of extreme exhaustion, muscle pains, swelling and tenderness of multiple joints and the lymph nodes, recurring sore throat, severe headache and un-refreshing sleep.

Since the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is yet to be determined, there is no known cure for it at present. Treatments for CFS are meant to relieve the symptoms and improve the patient’s bodily functions. Doctors recommend a combination of medications and non-drug therapies. Dietary restrictions and nutritional supplements are also used to help suppress the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition to therapy, lifestyle changes are also highly recommended.

Although it might seem contradictory, regular exercise is also a good way to help treat chronic fatigue syndrome. However, doctors should carefully supervise any physical activity that the patient does to avoid aggravating the symptoms. Mild exercise for 10-15 minutes followed by 30 minutes of rigorous physical activities such as tennis, swimming, brisk walking and others. Such activities help make the heart stronger and healthier to promote better circulation.

Aside from these, individuals afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome can also do stretching and other relaxation exercises to help manage stress. A doctor should approve any exercise routine to avoid injury or worsening of the CFS symptoms.

Many doctors also recommend herbal remedies because they are natural and effective. There are a number of herbal medicines that CFS victims can take. Echinacea root is known for its ability to boost the immune system. Since viral infection is one of the factors that trigger chronic fatigue syndrome, using Echinacea strengthens the immune system to fight of viruses and eliminate their harmful effects.

Ginseng root, long used in the orient as a herb to restore vitality and energy, can be taken in capsule or tablet form to help keep the body active and strong. Licorice is primarily known for its ability to purge toxins from the body and can help keep the immune system resistant to attacks by viruses.

Aside from herbal medications, just living a healthy life and having a balanced, healthy diet can help the individual overcome the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with the important vitamins and minerals to keep the immune system strong.

An Overview Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is the name given to a debilitating disorder characterized by conditions of extreme and lasting fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also commonly referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME. The name chronic fatigue can be somewhat confusing since chronic or persistent fatigue is also a symptom of several conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion that results from exertion, lack of sleep and illnesses. However, ordinary fatigue is not extreme or persistent, and the patient generally gets better after getting some rest.

What is Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue happens when this sensation of extreme exhaustion and lack of energy persists for over six months. The exact cause of chronic fatigue is not known but it is believed that several factors play a role in its symptoms, such as stress, hormone levels and infection. Lack of sleep, insomnia and other sleep disturbances can also result to chronic fatigue. Other factors that contribute to the development of chronic fatigue are poor diet, lack of exercise and certain medications.

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases or NIAMS for a patient to be diagnosed as suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, he must be having severe chronic fatigue for six months or longer. At the same time, the patient should also have four or more of the following symptoms:

Impaired short-term memory and concentration

Prolonged general malaise after physical exertion of any kind

Muscle pain

Pain, swelling and redness in multiple joints

Severe headache

Tender lymph nodes

Recurring sore throat

Un-refreshing sleep

Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue

Diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome can be quite tricky since there are no physical signs that identify it. There are also no diagnostic laboratory tests that confirm chronic fatigue syndrome. A diagnosis of CFS is given if the symptoms recur for six consecutive months or more and there are no apparent explanations for the fatigue such as disease. However, it should be noted that there are other conditions that overlap and sometimes coexist with CFS and have similar symptoms.

A study of patients suffering from CFS revealed that only 38% of the patients were diagnosed solely with the syndrome. The rest had a diagnosis of a number of diseases such as fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivity or both. Doctors are still unsure whether these conditions are direct causes or have common causes with CFS; or whether that have no relationship whatsoever with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Treatment and Medication

There is still no known cure for CFS so treatments are aimed at relieving the symptoms and improving the body’s functions. To achieve this, doctors usually recommend a combination of medications and non-drug therapies. Lifestyle changes, dietary restrictions, nutritional supplements are also recommended as an addition to drug therapy. Patients who suffer from CFS are also urged to have regular exercise to help reduce the symptoms of chronic fatigue.
However, the doctor should carefully supervise physical activity as this can exacerbate the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

It is important that the patient discuss his/her symptoms with the doctor. It is also important that doctors know what other medications the patient is taking since some medications can exaggerate the symptoms of CFS. Recovery rates from chronic fatigue syndrome are varied.

In a 2005 review of published studies on CFS, it was revealed that improvement rates varied from 8% to 63% with 40% of the patients improving during follow-up.

Herbal Regimen For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients

Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the more enigmatic disorders today. Characterized by conditions of extreme exhaustion lasting for a prolonged period of time, chronic fatigue syndrome also comes with several other symptoms such as muscle and joint pains, tenderness of the lymph nodes, recurring sore throat, impaired short memory, and severe headache. The underlying causes of this debilitating disease are not yet known.

Researchers have theorized that CFS might be caused by viral infections. This is supported by the fact that CFS and symptoms of flu are quite similar. However, rest and medication can relieve flu. Unfortunately, there is no known cure yet for chronic fatigue syndrome. Treatments and medications for CFS are mostly aimed at relieving the various symptoms that accompany a CFS attack. Doctors use a combination of non-drug therapies and medications to treat the symptoms of CFS.

Many doctors advocate the use of natural and herbal remedies to treat CFS. Herbal medicines have been used for centuries to treat various diseases. An herbal regimen for chronic fatigue syndrome may include tonics to help boost the immune system, increase the body’s energy level, improve digestive efficiency and restore strength to the muscles. Foods that help the body increase its absorption of minerals are also recommended. There are also deep immune tonics that strengthen the body’s supply of bone marrow and replenish the immune reserves.

Adrenal tonics and adaptogens also help boost the adrenal glands to enhance the body’s energy level and fight off stress. Antiviral herbs can be used to combat opportunistic viral infections, especially when combined with immune and adrenal strengthening herbs. Herbs can also be used to relax the nervous system and improve sleep. Some herbs have been used for ages to soothe frazzled nerves and combat stress. Here are some herbs that can be used to treat symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome:

Dang Gui This herb is a small, aromatic, fern-leafed plant native to China and related to the parsley family is best known for its blood strengthening properties. It revitalizes the blood and is also known to boost the health of the uterus and other female generative organs. Dan Gui is used to treat anemia, irregular menstruation, and for treating the symptoms of PMS and menopause. Dang Gui can be taken in various forms: tincture, capsule, tablet, powder and bulk herb.

Gentian This is a bitter tonic that acts as a digestive stimulant. It is usually taken15-30 minutes before meals and is typically combined with other herbs. Studies have reveled that gentian has immune-strengthening properties. It is usually given to patients to help in the absorption and assimilation of nutrients, enhancement of energy levels and improvement of immune function.

Ligustrum This herb can be used as a deep immune tonic to strengthen the immune system and fight off the harmful effects of overwork and stress. It is also used to nourish the liver and the adrenal glands and as a treatment for nausea, low back pain and palpitations. Ligustrum is even used in cancer treatments because of its potency.

Siberian Ginseng This herb has immune-regulating and adaptogenic properties. This makes Siberian ginseng a good treatment for fatigue, exhaustion, immune deficiency and other stress-related disorders. As an adaptogen, Siberian ginseng helps patients adapt to stress. This herb is also helpful in treating chronic inflammatory conditions. Taking Siberian ginseng also helps increase energy levels.

Fighting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome With Nutrition

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating condition where the patient suffers from extreme exhaustion that lasts for a prolonged period of time usually more than 6 months and comes with several other symptoms. Aside from suffering from unexplained fatigue even with minimal physical activity, chronic fatigue syndrome patient also exhibits the following symptoms: muscle pains, tenderness and swelling in the joints, recurring sore throat, impaired concentration and short term memory, severe headaches and un-refreshing sleep.

The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is yet to be discovered. This makes CFS very difficult to manage, as there are no known cures for it yet. Some patients are able to relieve the symptoms of CFS by using prescription drugs as well as some over the counter medications. However, these medications have varying degrees of success. Sometimes, they have little positive effect at all. Still, there are several holistic and alternative treatments that provide CFS patients with options to combat this debilitating disorder.

Since symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are also classic symptoms of many viral infections, doctors and specialists recommend treatments that strengthen the immune system. Receiving proper nutrition is an excellent way to boost the immune system, improve the body’s functions and increase the patient’s energy levels to overcome the malaise that comes with a CFS attack.

Here are the vitamins and minerals that help boost the immune system:

B Vitamins Vitamin B-12 is one of the most important vitamins. It helps in the production of red blood cells as well as DNA and the myelin sheath that surround nerve cells. Receiving the proper amounts of Vitamin B-12 helps in maintaining the body’s energy level as well as keeping the central nervous, gastrointestinal, immune and cardiovascular systems healthy. People with vitamin B-12 deficiency suffer from reduced energy levels, impaired memory and concentration, as well as several gastrointestinal problems. These are also symptoms that appear during an attack of chronic fatigue syndrome. The B Vitamins folic acid and pantothenic acid are known to help treat fatigue. Increasing the intake of these vitamins can have beneficial effects for chronic fatigue syndrome patients.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids These fatty acids are very essential to health. Unfortunately, the human body does not produce it naturally. Taking Omega-3 Fatty Acids can help reduce blood pressure, decrease triglyceride levels, reduce the occurrence of arrhythmias, and stem the growth of plaque in the walls of the arteries. Again, the symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency are closely related to symptoms of CFS: fatigue, poor memory, depression, heart problems and poor circulation.

Sodium This mineral is necessary to keep the body’s fluid balances. People suffering from CFS may actually have very low levels of sodium in their bodies. Having the right amount of sodium can have beneficial effects for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. However, patients must consult their doctors first to have their sodium levels tested.

Other Minerals There are several minerals that are beneficial for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Chromium helps patients manage their blood sugar. Magnesium and potassium aspartates are known to help decrease fatigue in various clinical studies. Magnesium deficiency interferes with the Krebs cycle, which is responsible for transforming nutrients to energy. So ensuring the proper supply of magnesium in the body is a good way to combat the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.