Chiropractic Care and Children

We all experience pain and discomfort at one time or another. This pain and discomfort can be caused by many factors, including injury, arthritis, and poor joint use. Pain is not a walk in the park. When children suffer the pain, it can be unbearable, for both them and parents. If your child complains of pain or difficulty moving, your first thought may be to take them to their primary care physician. Yes, you can, but why not opt for natural relief? You can get it with chiropractic care.

If you didnt already know, chiropractic care is a natural form of medicine. Patients can opt to take over-the-counter pain relievers, but they are rarely needed when proper treatment is sought. Chiropractic care involves manual therapy, also known as hand therapy. A child suffering from neck pain may need neck realignment or regular therapeutic massages. A child suffering from constant and severe headaches may need a vertebrae alignment. These treatments sound complicated, but they are all done with precision force and with the hands.

One of the first questions parents ask is about safety. Many wonder if chiropractic care is safe for children. Yes. In fact, it is safer than most forms of traditional medicine. Your childs primary care physician may prescribe pain reliever. Both prescribed and over-the-counter pain relievers are risky for children. There are many risks and typically some side effects. Chiropractors cannot prescribe medication. Most wouldnt want to anyways. Instead, natural treatment is sought and through the hands. The treatment will depend on the diagnosis made, but remember it is usually a joint adjustment or a therapeutic massage. These are 100% all natural and not risky.

Another important point parents, like yourself, are urged to consider is long-term relief. Many mistakenly believe that chiropractic care is long-term. It can be, but not always. Parents and chiropractors develop long-term treatment plans together. If your childs lower back problems were caused by improper posture, therapeutic massages or readjustment may be necessary, but continued treatment is usually rare. Your childs chiropractor will however discuss the importance of proper posture with you and your child and share helpful tips.

If your child needs long-term care, cost may be a concern. Although some classify chiropractic care as alternative medicine, many insurance companies extend coverage. Talk to your insurance provider and find a chiropractor that accepts it. If uninsured, inquire about payment plans.

As previously stated, a primary care physician may prescribe over-the-counter pain pills for the pain and offer a brace for support. These are only temporarily solutions to the problem. Many physicians only treat the symptoms, not the problem at hand. As previously stated, a child suffering from neck pain may need an adjustment or realignment. With chiropractic care, this is done with precise hand manipulation. A primary care physician is likely to write a prescription for pain pills, slap a brace on your child, and send them on their way.

As shown above, chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages, including children. Still, there are many ways that you can eliminate the need for chiropractic care. In fact, it might be a lot easier than you think. For starters, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) claims that poor quality backpacks and improper use can lead to lower back pain in children. So, if you are the parent of a school aged child, make sure your childs bag is less than 10% of their weight, do not let it hang too far below the waistline, keep pointy objects away from your childs back, and choose a backpack with wide and adjustable straps.

Another easy way to reduce pain and discomfort in children is encourage proper posture as a parent. This is particularly important today, as children spend many hours watching television, playing video games, and using a computer. Encourage your child to sit up straight. This simple step can later reduce the likelihood of back and neck pain.


Word Count 657

When to Visit a Chiropractor

You may have heard that chiropractic care has many benefits. These benefits include natural relief of pain, discomfort, and difficulty walking. You receive pain relief, but it isnt like with over-the-counter medications. Relief is a combination of instant and long-lasting.

When should you visit a chiropractor?

After a car accident. Many car accident victims suffer from whiplash. This is painful, but usually corrects on its own. Therapeutic massages from a chiropractor can provide temporary relief. As the natural correction occurs, a chiropractor will monitor the progression. They will make the decision to perform an adjustment or realignment if and when the time is right. Even if you arent diagnosed has having whiplash, there are still benefits to seeking chiropractic care after an automobile accident.

If participating in sports. All athletes, both old and young, can benefit from continued chiropractic care. After a sports injury, massage and adjustments are important for pain relief and to prevent later complications. All athletes should seek chiropractic care after an injury, but you dont have to wait. Contact sports place a lot of pressure on the spine and other joints.

If pregnant. Many pregnant women mistakenly believe that chiropractic care is dangerous. It isnt. In fact, there are many benefits to incorporating it into prenatal care. Lower back pain is common in the later stages of pregnancy. A chiropractor can eliminate these pains. Also, the hormonal changes a woman experiences during pregnancy can bring back the pain from prior injuries.

If you just gave birth. After labor, a womans body goes through many changes. Severe labor pains and difficult labors can lead to join or spinal pain. These are specialties treated by chiropractors. Not only should you seek chiropractic care after birth, but bring your newborn into. Chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages. Birth is not only difficult on the mother, but the child too.

Headaches. As previously stated, individuals should see a chiropractor when experiencing pain and discomfort. This is common with a headache. Daily stress can cause headaches, but there can be a more serious underlying cause. For example, muscle contractions can cause spinal pressure. A neck adjustment or realignment can alleviate the pressure and pain.

Arthritis. Many arthritis patients mistakenly believe that they will suffer for the rest of their lives. It does not have to be that way. It is possible to seek relief from chiropractic care. Over-the-counter pain relief pills and surgery arent your only option. A chiropractor can adjust joints to promote free movement. Therapeutic massages can treat ongoing chronic pain.

If your child has a medical condition that causes them pain and discomfort. When considering this, also think outside of the box. A chiropractor can help your child with lower back pains and frequent headaches, but that is not all. Chiropractic care, spinal and joint manipulation can all reduce the discomfort associated with frequent earaches, allergies, sleep disorders, and scoliosis.

When stress consumes your life. With the troubling economy, growing number of layoffs, and increasing number of foreclosures, all Americans have stress. There is a difference between stressing over losing your home and stressing over the little things, such as having a clean house. Those who suffer from stress severe enough to have a panic attack cannot only benefit from relaxing therapeutic massages, but adjustments too. Occasionally, an aggravated nerve route sends confusing messages to the brain.

If you just want to improve your health. Overtime, it is easy to develop spine and joint problems. These problems may be mild and may not even result in pain, but that may change later in life. Chiropractic care also prevents free and healthy movement. It does so with no medications or invasive procedures. If you want your body to stay healthy, active, and natural, chiropractic care is the way to go.

In short, most patients want a reason to seek chiropractic care. In fact, their insurance providers would like a reason too. Truthfully, you can seek care for any reason or none at all.


Word Count 667

Chiropractic Care: Your Second Visit

You made the first step of seeking long-lasting pain relief from a chiropractor. You made an appointment and went. So, what comes next? Most chiropractors encourage a second appointment. If yours makes the suggestion, what can you expect?

The review of findings. Typically, your first chiropractic appointment will be used to gather your medical history and diagnosis the problem. This may have involved an MRI or x-ray. Some chiropractors can diagnose a problem immediately, but others may review your tests and physical exam in between your first and second appointment. At your second appointment, they will review the findings with you. For example, if you suffer from ongoing headaches, the problem may be poor posture, stress, or muscle contractions that resulted in spinal distortion.

Treatment plan outline. After reviewing their findings with you, your chiropractor will discuss treatment options. Together, you will decide on a short or long-term course of treatment. For example, headaches caused by daily stress may require regular therapeutic massages. Headaches caused by muscle contractions and spinal distortion may require a neck adjustment.

Questions. After hearing the report of findings and hearing your chiropractors preferred choice of treatment, you will likely have many questions. This is the time to ask. In fact, your chiropractor should ask you if you questions. What should you ask? Anything. If you are worried about pain, ask if you will feel it. Are you curious if you need one treatment or continued care? If so, ask. Your chiropractor should explain your treatment option, such as an adjustment, realignment, or therapeutic massage. If you didnt get a detailed explanation, ask for more information.

Treatment may start. As previously stated, some chiropractors can diagnose and start treatment in the first appointment. This all depends on the length of your appointment, your doctors preferences, and the severity of the problem. If treatment did not already start, it will now. For example, if your doctor recommends neck adjustment to treat ongoing headaches, they will properly position you and use precision force of the hands to force the joints back into place. When properly done, this should reduce or eliminate pain.

Expectations. After treatment, your chiropractor will highlight expectations. Even if ongoing care is not needed, you still need to take care of your body. You cannot help a car accident or arthritis, but you can stop pain due to poor posture and stress. If ongoing care is not required, your chiropractor will still stress the importance of returning if the pain does. You will be shown natural ways to avoid pain. For example, if poor posture caused your back pain, your chiropractor should show you the proper way to sit. Listen and take their advice.

Financial issues. Some chiropractors prefer to discuss financial issues at the first appointment, but others wait. If onetime treatment is enough, financial issues may not be a problem. They can be with continued care. For example, those with rheumatoid arthritis can benefit from regular therapeutic massages and may need yearly adjustments. Those without insurance can have difficulty making payments. Some chiropractors will agree to affordable monthly payments.

End of session. At the end of your session, your chiropractor should once again ask you if you have any questions or concerns. If you do, now is the time to ask. If continued care is required, you will need to schedule a third appointment. Do this before leaving the office. If continued care is not required, still take the business card handed to you. Chiropractic care fixes the problem at the source, so pain should subside, but there are no guarantees it will not return.


Word Count 602

Chiropractic Care: What to Expect

Do you suffer from constant pain and discomfort? For most, this is due to an injury. For others, there is no explanation. Pain can easily be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers, but relief is short lived. Since pain relievers do have risks, especially with prolonged use, it is important to seek proper medical care. One of your options is chiropractic care.

If you werent already aware, chiropractic care is a form of medicine. Some classify it as alternative medicine, as the treatment options are very different. Most notice a difference between the care provided by a chiropractor and a primary care physician. Chiropractors believe in manual therapy. This is therapy with the use of the hands. Common methods of solving pain problems include therapeutic massages and manipulation. For example, neck pain may be treated with a neck realignment.

If you like the sound of chiropractic care, the first step is to schedule an appointment. Chiropractors can be found online with a standard internet search or an online business directory. Most are also listed in the yellow pages of local phone books, under the heading of physicians or chiropractic care. If you have a number of local options, look for the best care with the most affordable price. Some insurance providers do cover chiropractic care. If covered by insurance, speak to a representative to see if your care qualifies for coverage and to familiarize yourself with in-network providers.

Not long after making your appointment, you will arrive for it. The wait can be as short as two days, but as long as two months. The more chiropractors you have in your area, the shorter the wait should be. As for your first visit, it will be similar to a consultation appointment. Your chiropractor will take your medical history. They may take your blood pressure, measure your height and weight. Your source of pain will be examined, like your neck, hands, knees, or feet.

Some chiropractors can diagnose a problem by simply looking at or feeling your source of pain. However, additional tests may be needed. These may include an MRI or x-ray. Some chiropractors will begin treatment immediately, but you may need to return for an additional appointment. It will depend on the length of your appointment, the type of care needed, and how soon a course of treatment was decided on.

As for the second appointment, this depends. As previously stated, treatment may have started right away. If not, it will start here at the second appointment. Once again, treatment depends on the diagnosis made. If your chiropractor wants to treat your neck pain with realignment, they will start the manipulation. If ongoing therapeutic massages were recommended, your treatment will start.

After the initial treatment has been performed, it is important to communicate with your chiropractor. For example, if regular therapeutic massages are needed, you automatically know that continued care is needed. On the other hand, if your neck was realigned, you may mistakenly believe you are done. Despite the common misconception, chiropractic care does not always translate into continued care, but there are benefits. After a neck realignment, therapy may be needed. Patients regain mobility they never had before; it takes time and practice to readjust to it.

In addition to wondering about chiropractic care visits, many patients are also curious about payment. Not all insurance providers cover chiropractic care. And, not all chiropractors choose to work with insurance providers. If you are uninsured and paying out-of-pocket, this will not be a concern for you. Instead, examine your available payment options. They do vary. Some care centers accept credit cards, debit cards, and checks, while others only take cash.

Returning back to insurance coverage, do not make any assumptions. Always speak to an insurance provider first. If chiropractic care is covered, determine by how much. Do you need to pay for a percentage of treatment costs or just a co-pay? Can you seek care from any chiropractor or must you work with an in-network provider? These are all questions you need answers to before scheduling an appointment.


Word Count 678