Duties of a Nursing Assistant

Most of us are familiar with Nursing Assistants, but we dont really know all that is required for them to complete their work efficiently and of the best quality. Time restraints can often make it difficult to decide to do a job better or to get more done. Thus, having an outstanding work ethic is of the utmost importance.

Nursing Assistants must also have excellent communication skills. They are required to have interactions with patients, family members, Nurses, and a variety of other medical professionals. It is imperative that they are able to effectively reply and communication that needs to take place with these various types of individuals.

It is widely known that Nursing Assistants provide basic are for patients including feeding, bathing, and dressing. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg when you take a look at all the various duties involved in being an effective Nurse Assistant. While the specific duties will vary according to the medical facility you work for, there are some that are found in most every one.

Bathing is generally either a shower or a bed bath depending on the level of care the patient requires. Personal hygiene including combing hair, brushing teeth, applying makeup, cleaning dentures all needs to be done for each individual patient. Shaving is also to be taken into consideration, and completed as needed.

Taking patients vital signs are a daily requirement of Nursing Assistants. Taking vital signs includes temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. This information that is recorded on the patients chart, and reviewed by the Nursing staff and other medical professionals.

For patients requiring assistance with eating, the routine can take 20-60 minutes depending on the abilities of the patient and how much food they consume. The Nursing Assistant needs to document the type of food and drink consumed and the quantities of each on the patients chart. Some patients will need to take vitamins and other nutritional supplements, also the duty of the Nursing Assistant to administer.

It is also the duty of the Nursing Assistant in many medical facilities to be responsible for getting those who can feed themselves ready to be taken to the dining area. This may just be having their grooming done or helping to lift them into a wheelchair and take them to the dining area.

Nursing assistants will need to change any bedding or other soiled materials if found on the patient. This is a case by case basis and will vary each day. While interacting with the patient, you will need to document their behaviors. It is important that you notify the Nurse on duty if you see any changes that are unexpected or not generally seen. You will be trained in what to look for.

Keeping a sharp eye for details will assist any Nursing Assistant with successfully performing all duties. Caring for people changes because their needs change as well as those you are caring for changes. How quickly you are caring for new patients depends on the type of medical facility you work for.

In addition to performing all of these essential duties, Nursing Assistants are responsible for providing emotional support to patients and their families. This can be helping patients feel comfortable with their surroundings, hanging a photo on the wall for them, or helping them compose a letter. Family members may want you to certain things for a patient such as braid their hair daily or keep their fingernails short.

Reading is Great Exercise for the Mind

When is the last time you took some time for yourself and spent it reading? If it has been too long then you need to treat yourself to some quality time with the reading materials of your choice. When you read you are going to give your mind plenty of exercise. This is a great way to keep it sharp and to reduce the risk of various mental health concerns. Even spending 15 minutes a day reading materials can help you.

It is important for parents to realize that reading is great exercise for the minds of young children as well. Even though they may not be able to read yet, when you read to them they are going to grow mentally. As they learn to read, make sure you share with them the joys of different types of books. You want them to become passionate about reading from a very early age.

Try to select a variety of great reading material as well. This way you can challenge your mind as you go along. Read things that you find to be of interest so that you will stay with it. When you have a passion about a subject you will find it is hard to put that reading material aside for a while. You may be interested in magazines, books about history, romance novels, mysteries, or one of many other categories.

You can join a local book club as well to socialize and to exercise your mind. This involves the entire book club reading the same book. Then you will gather to talk about it and to get an understanding of how other people see the same materials. This is the fun part of any reading group. It exposes your mind to the idea that there could be a whole other meaning to something you just read. It is important to realize that each of us process information differently. Therefore it is only reasonable to expect that to lead to different conclusions.

As you are reading materials, try to exposure yourself to new writing styles. If you come across words that you dont know how to say or understand the meaning, take the time to find out. This way your vocabulary and your knowledge can continue to grow. Sometimes you can figure all of that through the context in which is used but if not that is fine too.

When you are reading, your mind is creating wonderful images in your mind. A well written story can place you at the scene. You can see the characters based upon the details that were given about them. The entire book comes to life as the scenes are played out in your mind. What is fascinating is to read a book and then to watch the movie of it if one exists. Did you come close in your mental description of the characters compared to those used in the movie? If your mind is very well developed then you will likely be very close!

Keep yourself informed of current events too when you read. This way you can exercise your mind by evaluating what your own personal opinion is on a given topic. Make sure you do your research to get both sides of the story though. You want your opinions to be based on all the factual information out there. Great resources including newspapers and an online news site.

Being able to discuss these current issues with other people is also going to help your mind get some exercise. When you bring up such topics there is sure to be plenty of debate about them as well. Dont get into an argument with people over them but instead listen carefully to their decisions. As you open up your ears to their point of view, you will also be opening up your mind to other aspects that you didnt consider before. This type of personal growth is hard to describe but it will take your breath away.


Word Count 673

Health: Weight Loss: How and Why You Shouldnt Have

Health: Weight Loss: How and Why You Shouldnt Have to Go Though It Alone

Are you a woman who is looking to lose weight? Whether you are interested in losing weight to improve your physical appearance, your health, or both, you may be feeling a little bit hopeless. While many women are able to lose weight when they want to do so, others have a little bit harder time. If you are finding it difficult to lose weight, it may be because you are trying to go about losing weight all on your own.

When it comes to weight loss, there are many women who find it easier, as well as less embarrassing, to doing their own weight loss program from home. While it is more than possible to exercise and workout by yourself, do you know that you dont have to? In fact, many women who have a workout partner or a workout buddy find it easier to lose weight than going at it along. Two popular reasons as to why those who have a workout partner or a workout buddy see success is because of support and motivation.

As nice as it is to hear that you should think about getting a workout buddy or a workout partner, to help you exercise and to help you lose weight, you may be wondering where that person may come from. Unfortunately, many women do not realize that they dont actually have to look very far. If you are married or if you have a romantic partner, you may want to think about asking them to join you. Even if your partner isnt a fan of exercising and working out, you can place a quality time, spin on it. In fact, if your partner is a little bit overweight or out of shape themselves, they may even want to join you in your weight loss adventures. This is the ultimate show of support.

In addition to a romantic partner, you may want to think about asking any of your friends or family members if they would like to be your workout buddy or workout partner. When approaching your friends or family members, it is important to not focus on their weight or their physical appearance. Unfortunately, many women make the mistake of assuming that those that they know who are already in perfect shape wouldnt have any reason to exercise, but you may be surprised. For that reason, you are advised to ask any friends or family members that you know to join you when you workout.

If you have asked those that you know to join you as a workout buddy or a workout partner and you have still come up empty handed, you may want to consider joining a weight loss program. Locally operated weight loss programs are ideal, as you often get membership perks, like access to proven exercises, as well as healthy meals. Another benefit to joining a locally operated weight loss program is the support from other members. There is a good chance that one or more of your other weight loss program members would love to join you when you exercise.

If and when you get a workout buddy, it may be a good idea to spice up, your exercises a bit. For instance, you may want to let your workout buddy or partner choose your exercises or activities for one day and then you choose for the next. This may help to keep your exercises fun and exciting.


Word Count 570