Who better deserves and needs a good massage therapy than a mother to be? I cannot think of anyone, can you? Pregnancy is a very stressful time in a womans life; on the physical level as well as on the emotional. By increasing the blood and lymph circulation, by lowering the heart rate, by relaxing the body and by easing the mind; massage therapy can be very beneficial on both of these levels as it relieves common symptoms of this delicate feminine condition: muscle cramps, spasms and myofascial pain of the lower back, neck, shoulders, hips and legs; the excess stress on weight-bearing joints; the swelling of the extremities (arms, hands, legs and feet); sleep difficulties and the psychological turmoil (stress, anxiety, fear and restlessness). Many independent studies have conclusively shown that the positively beneficial effects of massage therapy during pregnancy also benefit the growing child in the mothers womb as well as resulting in an easier labor and in a less painful delivery.

What is the difference between Pregnancy Massage and any other massage? Well, there are a number of very important differences which should not be overlooked. And due to those differences, therapists who perform massage therapy on pregnant women must be specially trained and certified accordingly, and they must always take those extra few precautionary measures:

* Pregnancy Massage should not be performed until the first trimester of the pregnancy has been concluded because the increased blood circulation may lead to dizziness and a worsening of the existing morning sickness symptoms.

* Positioning of the pregnant woman is detrimental to her safety and the safety of the child she is carrying. If using a massage table for the Pregnancy Massage session, it must be a semi-reclining table. In the event that such an appropriate table is not available, the pregnant woman should lie on her side and switch sides in midsession to make both her hips available for the massage treatment. A wide variety of pillows (body pillows, wedge pillows and extra padding pillows) set in a few strategic places under the pregnant womans body can greatly add to her comfort.

Important safety measures: The pregnant woman must never lie directly on her belly and
the flat, horizontal table with the hole for the belly must never be used as it inflicts too much stress on her lower back.

* There are certain parts of the pregnant womans body that must never be massaged or pressed; both sides of the ankles as well as the webbing between the thumbs and the index fingers are pressure points that can induce early labor when exposed to sustained pressure.

For the great majority of the time, Pregnancy Massages are perfectly safe and much advised. However under certain very specific conditions Pregnancy Massages should not be attempted without consulting a medical specialist and those conditions may be: women who are at risk of preterm labor and women with blood clots or related blood clotting disorders.

How are Pregnancy Massages and any other massages similar to one another? Every human being, (pregnant or not, female or male, young or old, rich or poor) enjoys the touch of anther human being as it conveys comfort, love, awareness, caring, security and too many other wonderful sensations to name in this single short oration. Pregnancy Massage as well as any other kind of massage provides all that and more.


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Food to avoid with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Having IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be a pain in the ass. People who are left to deal with this ass killer can be left with more broken dreams and wasted time than they have ever had in one whole year. IBS can really be a letdown for this people because they spend too much time looking for a cure to what they are feeling. It is a known fact that a lot of psychological turmoil can cause an involuntary shifting of the sands in our intestinal tract. Peristalsis, the movement that lets our food travel from the mouth to the anus, is a very complex motion that when disturbed it can cause tons of problem. LBM, Constipation and IBS are top three problems that can be experienced by a person with an un-coordinated tract movement. These problems can and are aggravated by chowing down the wrong kinds of food. And for IBS the list of trigger foods are as long as the great wall of China.

Here are just some of the foods to avoid when you are experiencing IBS. Take note that these are trigger foods. Foods that can cause a person to go to the throne once it gets into contact with the gastric juices in the stomach.

Alcohol: Though it would be a pain to see people having a toast with wines and spirits and your glass is filled with water, avoiding alcohol would be the good for you. There is a substance in alcohol that is a GI irritant which can trigger your IBS.

Coffee: Some people couldnt live the day without having a sip of coffee but the bad news for IBS sufferers; coffee contains enzymes that can trigger you IBS. So better be a cold turkey than have you IBS come into full swing.

Artificial sweeteners and fat: For IBS sufferers these can cause a lot of pain. These two have Sorbitol (artificial sweetener) and Olestra (artificial fat) that can cause cramping, diarrhea and bloating.

Red meat and Dairy: There are some people that have their IBS triggered by red meat. Avoiding a thick steak can be hard but if it will do you IBS good then why not right? Diary products can also cause you IBS to come a full circle not just because of the lactose but because of the high fat content in it. Also whey and casein can form the equation needed to have you IBS turn ballistic.