What is Center for Anxiety and Stress Disorder?

Stress is a physical or psychological pressure that is caused by emotional, physical, or chemical reasons. On the other hand, anxiety is a condition of powerful fear, uncertainty, uneasiness, or panic brought about by expectancy of a hostile condition or event.

These things are considered one of the most common psychological problems in the society today. In the U.S., about 40 million people will undergo impairment due to stress and anxiety for this year.

For this reason, it is important that people go to center for anxiety and stress disorders to obtain proper treatment and medication regarding the disorder.

Center for anxiety and stress disorders is usually a nationally acknowledged medical research facility that focuses on providing solutions to relieve people from stress and anxiety problems.

Normally, the center for anxiety and stress disorders is comprised of anxiety and stress disorder treatment centers. It aims to perform thorough investigation on the assessment, classification, etiology, and therapy of more than a few frequent anxiety and stress-related disorders.

In center for anxiety and stress disorders, people who have undergone events such as divorce, death of a spouse, or any drastic change in work or place can be subjective for consultation and treatment.

In most cases, people who have been diagnosed for stress-related and anxiety disorders have been subject of countless research as well. This is because experts could not possibly come up with a specific cause for such disorders.

Hence, most of the medical activities happening in the center for anxiety and stress disorders take place in the research environment.

There are also some counseling center for anxiety and stress. These centers were created to provide people with reliable counseling that will enable them to realize the factors influencing stress and anxiety disorders. Counseling makes them realize the most important stimulus that will instigate stress and anxiety development.

Furthermore, since stress and anxiety treatment requires medications, it is important for people to have a common ground where they can get access to various prescriptions daily.

In fact, statistics show that more than 64% of North Americans are actually taking prescription medications every day, with more than 42% taking mood altering prescriptions on a regular basis.

Sad to say, out of the 4 million people who are suffering from anxiety and stress disorders, only 400,000 will be able to receive appropriate medication. This is because the nation still lacks suitable centers for anxiety and stress management and cure.

Nevertheless, center for stress and anxiety can definitely make a great impact on a patients life. Here are the other benefits of going to a center for stress and anxiety disorder.

1. Bridge the gap between their selves and their faith in God

With the center for stress and anxiety disorders, people will not just be able to cure their problems but they can also reconnect their trust in God and bridge the gap in between. The center will help them create a nearer connection with God.

2. Recuperate

The center for stress and anxiety disorder helps people recuperate from their stressors and problems instigating the disorders. With the available programs and medications in the center, patients are ensured with reliable strategies that will help them recuperate and get back on track.

Indeed, treating stress and anxiety disorder is not that easy. One can never tell which program will work for him if it is not from a reputable center for the said psychological disorders. Hence, it is important that you know the best center to provide you with the things that you need.

Chronic Fatigue Diagnosis

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, more commonly known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disorder or groups of disorders that is characterized by the onset of fatigue that persists for more than 6 months. It is characterized by a host of symptoms that range from muscle and joint pains to decreased ability to perform even the least demanding activities.

This syndrome is diagnosed by examining the symptoms of an individual against two groups of symptoms which are commonly demonstrated by CFS patients.

The first sign that healthcare professionals look for is the persisting chronic fatigue that is not related to any other condition that results to exhaustion. Tolerance to fatigue among CFS patients is very low, thus they get severely exhausted after performing even the simplest and least demanding of tasks. In fact, it is not uncommon for CFS patients to move from one place to another without feeling drained.

Most of them also get sick for several days to several weeks after performing minor activities. Most of them also exhibit flu-like symptoms after performing low intensity tasks.

The second criteria for establishing the presence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is the onset of four of any of the following symptoms: myalgia or muscle pains, arthralgia or joint pains in multiple locations, head aches of more serious severity, persistent soar throat which recurs, tenderness of the cervical and axillary lymph nodes, impaired short-term memory and concentration, malaise which is experienced after physical exertion, and sleep disturbance.

Other symptoms that healthcare professionals look for are abdominal pain, bloating, dizziness, nausea, chronic cough, chest pains, shortness of breath, dryness of the mouth and eyes, weight loss, onset of minor and major psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, irritability and panic attacks, diarrhea, alcohol intolerance and skin and tingling sensations.

Diagnosis is facilitated only after all conditions that are known to produce the aforementioned symptoms are ruled out. In general, healthcare professionals encounter difficulty in diagnosing chronic fatigue syndromes due to the similarities and generality of symptoms it presents. Apart from the fact that fatigue is a common result of many diseases, it is also a very common sign of most chronic conditions. CFS also presents no symptoms that are visible and obvious enough for easy identification.

On top of these, there are also no diagnostic and laboratory tests that can help in establishing the presence of the disorder. Patients of CFS also display varying symptoms and level of severity which makes most patient experience differences in symptoms and severity. However through exclusion of the following factors, most doctors can arrive at a diagnosis:

1. The presentation of identifiable conditions that result to fatigue and decreased level of activities. Most doctors look for symptoms of hypothyroidism, a condition wherein the thyroid produces lower levels of thyroid hormones. Other notable conditions that may exhibit symptoms similar with CFS are lupus, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, bipolar disorder, mononucleosis or kissing disease, depression and diabetes.

2. The usage of medications that result to fatigue. Obviously, there are a number of medications, drugs and substances that can cause physical exhaustion.

3. Recurrence of previous diseases, disorders and illness that can produce extreme exhaustion such as cancer.

4. Substance abuse, more specifically excessive alcohol consumption.

5. Obesity which is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) or more than 45.