Spray Tanning On The Rise Not Just Celebrities

Probably thanks in no small part to celebrities, the appeal of spray tanning seems to be on the rise. As with most things, there can be pros and cons to getting this type of tan.

In this article I will give you both the pros and cons to spray tanning as well as a general overview of how it’s done and some things you can do to prepare your skin so the results are more effective and attractive.

Tanning this way means that you are literally being sprayed all over your body, with a compound that is comprised of an element that darkens your skin, DHA. DHA has been declared safe by the FDA for this type of use, which is one of the biggest “pros” to this type of tan.

Even so, you do need to be very careful around the eyes.

Since this is basically just a temporary stain you are adding to your skin, it does not have the same long lasting, harmful effects that UV rays have. Whether you get those rays in a tanning bed or at the beach, UV rays can lead to pre mature aging of the skin and possibly even skin cancer.

Even a little exposure to UV rays can cause problems. There really is no “safe” amount of rays though it is generally accepted that moderate amounts over a lifetime, particularly if you don’t ever get sun burnt, is probably not too big of a cause for alarm for most people.

Of course, there are those people who have a pre disposition to cancers of all types, not just skin cancer, and for those individuals even more caution is needed.

Anyway, back to spray tanning. You can do it at home or at local tanning salon. If you do it at home you will probably want to enlist the help of a friend since it can be tough to target all parts of your body on your own.

To increase the effectiveness here are some tips:

1. First of all pick the proper shade for your skin tone. If you are very fair skinned and you try to go ultra dark you may find it looks weird. Instead, try to take your skin up a few steps in color only.

2. Shaving before you get your tan may be a good idea since it is recommended that you don’t shave for at least 24 hours after the tan is applied.

If you get rashy after you shave, you may want to shave at least 24 hours prior to your tanning session to make sure that the rash settles down first.

2. Use an exfoliating wash prior to your tan. Getting rid of as much dried skin as possible and moisturizing afterward can make your skin smoother and less susceptible to looking “blotchy”.

Pay particular attention to those parts of your body that are rough such as elbows and feet. Making these as smooth as possible will also help ensure that they look good after the the tan is applied.

3. Be prepared to repeat the process every week or so. The tan does wash off and will fade over time. That is one of the biggest “cons”; tanning this way can end up being time consuming and costly to keep your tan looking good all season long.

Spray tanning is not without it’s issues, but for anyone who likes that “sun kissed” look it may be a better way to get that look then spending countless hours damaging your skin in the sun.

Dry Shampoo-Shortcuts To Everyday Tasks

I guess that it’s no surprise that our lives are busier today and we need to find shortcuts to our everyday tasks as much as possible. One of those everyday tasks is washing our hair. Sometimes it becomes necessary to take shortcuts and when that time comes you can turn to dry shampoo to help save the day.

The concept is simple, you apply a little of this powder to your hair, allow it to reach your scalp where it can soak up any excess oils, then you brush it out. Quick and simple.

There are many scenarios in life where having, and using, dry shampoo can be worthwhile. In this article I will give you some ideas of the convenience of this product as well as some pros and cons in regards to using these types of products.

1. For many of us, our days our very long. It simply isn’t practical to run home after work, but before the gym, and then again before we meet our friends out for dinner and drinks. But that doesn’t mean your look may not need to be freshened up a bit.

That is where the non water method for hair cleaning can come in so handy. The products themselves are light weight and very transportable so you can keep some in a purse, briefcase or gym bag.

Since you don’t need water, all you need to do to make the most out of this product is to duck into the nearest rest room and spend a few minutes and suddenly, your look is fresh and clean.

2. One of the biggest pros, is what has been listed in the point above: convenience. You don’t have to invest time to washing your hair. Of course, most of us (women at least) know it’s not the washing that takes the time it’s the drying and styling afterwards that is so time consuming.

So, being able to get the “just washed hair” look without the investment of time is a really nice time saver during the day. That is the biggest pro about this product.

3. The biggest con is the fact that this is only a short term fix. It just isn’t the same as actually washing your hair. It is a great stop gap until you have more time, but it won’t replace your daily or twice daily shampoo’s.

There can also be the argument that your hair isn’t really clean after a dry shampoo even though it may look and smell clean.

Some people may have a problem with this. They may prefer to invest the time and know that their hair is actually clean as opposed to just “freshened”.

One other point in the “con” column is the fact that you need to be careful about allergies to a certain product that may result in a rash or sensitive area on the scalp.

Also, this product is a case of more may not be better. If you apply too much you may just look worse. It may leave a dusty residue on your hair or scalp that may make your hair look even dirtier than it did before you started!

Using dry shampoo can be a helpful time saver between shampoos but I would recommend that you try a few brands first to see which ones you like and make sure they don’t irritate your scalp. Also, knowing how much to use is important so you may want to give it a dry run at home where you can rinse it out if you need to.

Pros and Cons of Over-the-Counter Arthritis Pain Relief

When it comes to arthritis pain and discomfort, many patients want relief and they want it now. Many are willing to try just about any over-the-counter product, try any natural remedy under the sun, and so forth. For many, the pain in unbearable. As previously stated, there are a number of over-the-counter products that result in pain relief, but are they your best option?

The Pros of Over-the-Counter Products

You have many options. Arthritis pain relief comes in many different formats. Most turn to pain relieving pills. These pills may include Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Bayer, or store brands. There are also arthritis creams available for sale. These creams usually contain the active ingredient capsaicin. Finally, there are heating pads. Heat has long been known to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis. For at-home care, a microwavable or electric heating pad is best. For on the go in the car, onetime use heating patches are best.

When it comes to over-the-counter arthritis relief, you have many options. You may wish to try them all. Experiment and find the best source of relief.

They are easy to buy. Over-the-counter products are those that can be bought without a prescription. Anyone can buy them and just about anywhere. Heating pads, arthritis creams, and pain pills are available for sale both online and locally. In terms of local shopping, your options include health stores, department stores, drug stores, and supermarkets.

When buying over-the-counter products, dont change your shopping habits. There is no need to make a special trip.

Most over-the-counter products provide quick relief. With the exception of Tylenol Arthritis, which is designed to provide both fast and long-lasting pain relief, it can take up to fifteen minutes for the medicine to kick in. When in pain, this may seem like a lifetime, but it is actually very quick. For the quickest relief, opt for arthritis creams. Many report pain relief as soon as the cream touches their skin!

The Cons of Over-the-Counter Products

Their costs can add up overtime. The more you use a product, the more you need to buy. In terms of pain reliever, look for large packages, as they tend to cost less. If possible, buy in bulk. As for the heating patches and pouches, the patches are ideal for on the go travel, but do not use them at home. Instead, opt for a heating pad that you can continue to reuse. In the end, you get a better value for your money.

What is nice about prescribed medications is that insurance covers the cost. The average co-pay, which is typically around $5, is less than most over-the-counter products. You can lower the cost of over-the-counter products by shopping at discount retailers, as they are known for their everyday low prices. Coupons and sales can also lessen the costs.

Relief is short. As previously stated, many over-the-counter products provide fast acting arthritis pain relief. This is nice, but remember that relief will not be long-lived. As soon as your medication wears off or when your heating pad loses heat, your pain will start to return.

For the ultimate long-term relief of arthritis pain, swelling, and stiffness, do more than just rely on over-the-counter products. Prescribed medications, when taken overtime, as well as many natural and home remedies, provide long-lasting relief. If these prove successful for your body, you may not need over-the-counter products daily; just when pain flares up.


Word Count 572

Pros and Cons of Natural Arthritis Relief

When it comes to treating the pain, stiffness, and discomfort associated with arthritis, most medical professionals recommend pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. These do work, but you may be concerned with what you are putting in your body. You may want to turn to natural remedies or relief options, but are they right for you? In most cases yes, but know they do have their pros and cons.

The Pros of Natural Arthritis Relief

Your options. The phrase natural arthritis relief encompasses many different items. It all depends on your take. For example, natural supplements have all natural ingredients. But, since they are bought and sold at stores, you may not consider them a natural way to seek relief. Certain actions are also natural ways to relieve arthritis pain and discomfort. For example, there is exercise. Those with rheumatoid arthritis have trigger factors that bring on pain. Some experience pain with strenuous joint use, others do so with certain foods. So, eating or avoid certain foods is another way to seek natural arthritis relief. Virtually, your options are endless.

Most are safe. Since these remedies are natural, if anything needs to be ingested or applied to the skin, it is all natural. This means it was found in the environment. Since there are no guarantees, caution is still advised. For example, cayenne pepper is known for the presence of capsaicin. This is also found in many over-the-counter arthritis creams. Although natural, it can interact with certain medications.

Many are cheap and some are even free! For example, exercise can be free. Exercise is important because it strengths the muscles surrounding the joints. It provides extra support and protection, which should result in less pain. You can pay for a gym membership. Instead, walk around your neighborhood or stretch at home. In terms of all-natural supplements and foods, look for sales, use coupons, and shop at stores known for their everyday low prices.

The Cons of Natural Arthritis Relief

There are no guarantees. Always remember that the human body is similar, but very different. This is most commonly seen with allergies. Our bodies process food differently. Some arthritis patients claim eating raw cabbage or drinking cabbage juice reduces arthritis pain and inflammation. On the other hand, it does nothing for others. In fact, some cannot stomach the taste and others are allergic! Your best option is to familiarize yourself with popular natural remedies and then experiment to find the best form of relief for your own body.

Some natural remedies require prolonged use. Research apple cider vinegar and arthritis online. You will find a ton of remedies and information on how it does work. With that said, you will also see that prolonged use is required. Some patients stop drinking apple cider vinegar mixtures or stop soaking their body due to the reduction in pain and swelling. Many are disappointed to later see the pain and inflammation return.

Some natural remedies can get costly, especially overtime. You just heard that continued use is best for maximum and long-term relief of pain and swelling. Unfortunately, this means you need to buy more. Remember, exercise can be free. As for heat, opt for a warm bath. If you need to use a heating pad, save the one-time patches for on-the-go use. At home, use a reusable heating pad.

In short, natural remedies for arthritis relief do have their pros and cons, but what do you have to lose? In most cases not much, so give exercise, heat, food, and supplements a try. You just may get the relief you were hoping for.


Word Count 599