Child Anxiety Attacks

Just like adults, children experience fear, anxiety and apprehension. These are but normal emotional experiences that a person feels regardless of age. However, if anxiety becomes irrational, recurring and severe, and anxiety attacks happen without any apparent reason, and the reaction is disproportionate to the problem at hand, it can be a cause of concern. This is why on the first signs of problem, have your child get proper diagnosis by a health professional to be able to rule out any possible causes and determine the right treatment to be applied.

Since anxiety attack is a type of anxiety disorder, it is important to know what happens to a child who is suffering from such disorder. To be able to identify it, here are the following symptoms:

Frequent feeling of fear and panic
Bed wetting
Tantrums and excessive crying
Fear of making mistakes
Fear of getting embarrassed
Avoidance of certain activities such as school event and summer camps
Nightmares and night terrors
Compulsive behaviors
Resistance to any change
Low self-esteem, lack of confidence
Overly shy and difficulty making friends
Chronic physical symptoms such as stomach aches or headaches without any apparent reason

A child is under an anxiety attack if he shows the following symptoms:

Gush of overwhelming panic
Hot flashes or chills
Trouble breathing or choking sensation
Feeling of loosing control or going crazy
Feeling and fear of dying
Feeling unreal or detach
Nausea or stomach cramps
Shaking or trembling
Feeling like passing out
Chest pain or heart palpitation

Different children of different ages or even of the same age may manifest different symptoms. Moreover, some of the symptoms given may be considered as a normal behavior of a child. Thus it is a bit tricky to determine if he or she is really having an attack or not. What should be done is to recognize these symptoms and consider them as a reason of concern, then help your child deal with these symptoms through the following:

Seek help from health professional Effectively stopping anxiety attacks begins with recognition and followed by a compete diagnosis from your medical doctor. A full medical examination should be administered in order to rule out any other physical causes unrelated to anxiety.

Doctors usually give prescription medications to help relieve anxiety. If applicable, SSRI antidepressants may be needed for a long term solution. For a more severe case, doctors may refer the child to a psychologist.

Self-help techniques Parents may seek the help of books available for treating child anxiety. This is also very effective in teaching parents strategies for responsible parenting, which improve parent-child relationship and help build child self-confidence and self-esteem.

Play therapy is the child version of exposure therapy. As an effective child anxiety treatment, play therapy uses the power of play to simulate each fearful situation in a controlled environment, which then helps the child face the problem and come up with a solution.

Herbal medicines is proven and effective means of treating anxiety attacks and other types of anxiety disorder. Some of the commonly recommended remedies include passionflower, valerian, scuttelaria laterifolia (scullcap), California poppy, Melissa officinalis, hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort), hops and lavender.

What You should Do if You Had a Panic Attack

What You should Do if You Had a Panic Attack

Experiencing a panic attack for the first time can be distressing not only because of the actual experience during the attack but also because you tend to develop fear of future attacks. Also known as anticipatory anxiety, fear of future attacks causes continuous fear and tension disabling you to relax. Often when the condition is not addressed, it will lead to phobic avoidance wherein you avoid places, situations, gatherings, and events where emergency help is not readily available or where having an attack can be embarrassing.

Take into extreme, this condition may lead to agoraphobia where you begin to avoid much of the activities you usually do. To avoid this, consider the following advices:

1. Consult your medical doctor. Symptoms attributed to panic attacks such racing heart, chest pain, heavy breathing, profuse sweating, agitation, etc., are also common to other physiological and psychological conditions. Seeking for proper diagnosis from your doctor, therefore, will rule out any cause unrelated to anxiety. Tell him your symptoms, when did the attack happen, and how intense the attack was. Your doctor will ask about your past medical history and may run some tests (e.g. urine test, blood test, drug screens, etc.).

2. See a therapist who is properly trained to handle such psychological condition. No, you are not crazy (people who go to a therapist are not crazy). The reason why you have to see a therapist is to process your emotion and prevent future attacks. Do not wait too long to seek help. Left untreated, a panic attack can lead to more severe conditions. Your therapist may subject you to cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy to process your thoughts.

3. Find the cause of the attack. Some cases of panic attacks may show a “pattern” certain activity, thoughts, time or person you are with at the time of the attack. These give you important clues to eliminate later symptoms.

4. Learn some relaxation techniques you can practice at home or while out. Music, meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques are not only helpful in reducing the symptoms during the actual attack but also in strengthening your body’s relaxation response.

5. Do not add more fear. Absorbing all the fears and other negative thoughts that come with anxiety attack only adds to more fear which worsen the negative impact even further. Instead, recognize that you are afraid and make it work to your advantage.

6. Practice healthy lifestyle (regular exercise, balanced diet, and enough sleep). Studies prove that at little as 30 minutes of physical activity 3 to 5 times a week is a great stress buster, helpful in preventing future attacks. Balanced diet keeps the supply of nutrients and maintains the balance of chemical in the body. Sleeping at least 8 hours each day recharges the body, refreshes the mind, and calms the muscles.

7. Remove all unnecessary stress. Since, panic attacks are closely linked to stress, avoiding things, people, and situations that stress you out help reduce the chance of future attacks.

8. Educate yourself about panic attacks. There are many resources where you can learn more about the condition. Reading books, health magazines and internet articles about panic attack will definitely equip you with the right information on how to combat any negative effects it brings.

Chiropractic Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Do you suffer from joint pain? Do you find it difficult to move or function from day-to-day? If so, you can benefit from chiropractic care. But wait! What is it? What are the benefits? What types of procedures are offered? If these are some of the questions you have, continue reading on for the answers.

Question: What is chiropractic care?

Answer: It is medical care that is deemed natural. Chiropractors will rely on the x-rays and MRIs to make proper diagnosis, but that is usually it in terms of medical tools and technology. They operate with a hands on approach. This approach is known as manual therapy. Often times, most physicians only treat the problem causing symptoms of pain and discomfort. Chiropractors want to treat these symptoms too, but they go directly to the source and fix it.

Questions: What type of problems can chiropractic care treat?

Answer: Just about anything. If you suffer from pain and discomfort, a chiropractor should be able to provide you with relief. This relief may not be immediate, as diagnosis and proper treatment plan must first happen. Chiropractic care typically involves therapeutic massages or realignment. It has been used to treat the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, whiplash, and sports injuries.

Question: Who can undergo chiropractic care?

Answer: Just about anyone. You will rarely find any restrictions or age requirements. If they do exist, they are the doctors own personal preferences. Chiropractic care, when properly performed, is safe for individuals of all ages, including children and the elderly. In fact, pregnant woman can benefit from it. For most, it makes birth easier and less painful.

Question: What type of schooling and experience must chiropractors have?

Answer: Requirements vary depending on state. What you want to look for, as a patient, is a doctor with a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree. There are various tests that one has to undergo and pass. Once again, these vary by state. To receive a state license, more testing is required. As for schooling, it is usually an ongoing practice. New techniques are developed each year and tips are regularly shared between professionals. Many chiropractors continue their schooling and attend yearly chiropractic conferences. This is not usually required, but done to better their skills and treatment.

Question: Does chiropractic care work?

Answer. Yes. Many individuals and some medical professionals write off chiropractic care as a questionable form of alternative medicine. This is not the truth. In fact, chiropractic care is very successful. Millions of men, women, and children have used the services of a chiropractor worldwide. Many opt for continued treatment and care. They wouldnt if they didnt notice an improvement in mobility and a reduction in pain.

Question: Can I do my own chiropractic care at home?

Answer: No, you shouldnt. Many mistakenly believe that since chiropractic care involves using the hands, it can be done at home. Yes, manual therapy does involve the use of the hands, but it is much more than that. Precision is required. Chiropractic adjustments are used to decrease pain and improve mobility in locked up joints. Yes, the hands apply force, but if you are not accurate more damage and pain is likely.

Question: Is chiropractic care long-term?

Answer: It depends. It all depends on the severity of your pain, the frequency, and your chiropractors choice of treatment. For example, if headaches are caused by spinal distortion, vertebrae realignment is performed. A chiropractor may suggest a few follow-up appointments, but treatment is usually short. On the other hand, those suffering from osteoarthritis deal with pain and daily. Therapeutic massages will reduce the pain, but continued treatment is best for long-lasting pain relief.

Question: What makes chiropractic care better than traditional forms of medicine?

Answer: A lot. For starters, it is important to note that chiropractors do not discourage seeing a primary care physician. Chiropractors specialize in alleviating pain and improving mobility, not curing cancer or treating the flu. As for the benefits, there are no drugs. Chiropractors are unable to perform surgery and write prescriptions. Your treatment is 100% natural. This is less intimidating and the recovery time is short. In fact, there rarely is a recovery period. Continued physical therapy or therapeutic massages may be suggested, but there is never any hospitalization.


Word Count 712

Chiropractic Care and Headaches

Do you suffer from constant or severe headaches? If so, you may do what most Americans do. That is simply just reach for the medicine cabinet. Yes, most over-the-counter products can relieve headache pains, but that relief is short-lived. Instead of masking the pain with over-the-counter products, seek a proper diagnosis and long-term relief. You can do so with chiropractic care.

What is chiropractic care? It is a field of medicine. Some classify it as alternative medicine. It all depends on who you ask and their openness towards the subject. Traditional physicians rely on their knowledge, medical tools, and medication to treat pain. Chiropractors focus on manual therapy. The hands and usually the hands alone provide it. Common treatments offered by chiropractors include therapeutic massages and manipulative realignments.

Doesnt a chiropractor only specialize in back pains? This is a common misconception. Chiropractors tend to focus on the spine, but you may be surprised how many ways the spine and its condition impacts our body. Many chiropractors have years of experience helping patients diagnose, treat, and manage all types of pain, including headache pain.

Why should you see a chiropractor if you suffer from severe or constant headaches? Headaches have many causes. Daily stress cause most, but there may be a more serious underlying problem. For example, those who have chronic muscle contractions may experience a spinal distortion, a cause of headaches. Car accident victims commonly suffer from whiplash. If improperly treated, this can also lead to headaches. Without treatment, the pain will continue and it may get worse overtime.

How does chiropractic care help headaches? It all depends on their cause. If everyday stress is to blame, a chiropractor may suggest relaxing exercises at home or regular in-office therapeutic massages. If headaches are caused by spinal distortion, a vertebrae alignment may be performed. This alleviates the pressure from nerves, which should reduce headache pain and frequency.

Will the headaches stop after seeking chiropractic care? Yes and no. First, it is important to remember that headaches are caused by many factors. If your cause is due to spinal distortion, vertebrae realignment will help. This will reduce the frequency of headaches caused by this specific problem. But, you may get another headache from just having a bad day at work. You and your chiropractor will work together to achieve long-term pain relief. In addition to therapeutic massages, trigger factors will be discussed. You will later need to avoid these triggers.

What should you ask your chiropractor after treatment? Many patients mistakenly believe they are treated and no longer need to seek treatment. Chiropractic care does not mean long-term care. Before parting ways, however, pick your chiropractors brain for suggestions to later prevent headache pain or lessens the severity. As previously stated, trigger factors need to be eliminated. Not only that, proper posture is important. This is a chiropractors specialty. Ask them about natural ways to prevent pain, including relaxation and proper posture.

In short, headaches have many causes. Daily stress is not the only cause. Dont mask the pain. See what you can do to get long-term and long-lasting relief. So, the next time you get a severe, long-lasting, or recurring headache, dont head to the medicine cabinet. Instead, head to your local phone book. Find the contact information for a local chiropractic care specialist and see what they can do for you.


Word Count 561